We have python scripts in the tools/ dir the vast majority of which we run regularly with python3 via our python3 default basepython in tox. However, most of these use a `python` shebang line which can be confusing as to whether or not these scripts run under python3 or not. To make this more clear set them to python3. I've confirmed the scripts running under tox are happy with these changes. For the ones that don't run under tox I've done a quick review and they look happy too. Change-Id: I983d23c33f7780e5708aa728c829c3262fc99ea0
320 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
320 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Check that gerrit/projects.yaml contains valid entries.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import argparse
import contextlib
import git
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import yaml
def tempdir():
reqroot = tempfile.mkdtemp()
yield reqroot
shutil.rmtree(reqroot, ignore_errors=True)
def check_repo(repo_path):
found_errors = 0
print("Checking git repo '%s':" % repo_path)
with tempdir() as repopath:
repo = git.Repo.clone_from(repo_path, repopath)
remotes = repo.git.branch('--remote')
branches = [r.strip() for r in remotes.splitlines() if r.strip()]
print(" Remote branches:")
for r in branches:
print(" %s" % r)
if 'origin/master' in branches:
print(" Master branch exists.")
found_errors += 1
print(" ERROR: No master branch exists")
if 'origin/stable' in branches:
found_errors += 1
print(" ERROR: A branch named 'stable' exists, this will"
" break future\n"
" creation of stable/RELEASEbranches.\n"
" Delete the branch on your upstream project.")
if 'origin/feature' in branches:
found_errors += 1
print(" ERROR: A branch named 'feature' exists, this will break "
" creation of feature/NAME branches.\n"
" Delete the branch on your upstream project.")
if repo.tags:
print(" Found the following tags:")
for tag in repo.tags:
print(" %s" % tag)
print(" Found no tags.")
# Check that no zuul files are in here
for branch in branches:
print("Testing branch %s" % branch)
if 'origin/HEAD' in branch:
head = repo.head.commit.tree
for z in ['zuul.yaml', '.zuul.yaml', 'zuul.d', '.zuul.d']:
if z in head:
found_errors += 1
print(" ERROR: Found %s on branch %s" % (z, branch))
print(" Remove any zuul config files before import.")
# Just an empty line for nicer formatting
return found_errors
# Check that name exists in set project_names
def check_project_exists(name, project_names):
if name not in project_names:
print(" Error: project %s does not exist in gerrit" % name)
return 1
return 0
def check_zuul_main(zuul_main, projects):
found_errors = 0
main_content = yaml.safe_load(open(zuul_main, 'r'))
print("Checking %s" % zuul_main)
project_names = set()
for p in projects:
name = p.get('project')
# Check that for each gerrit source, we have a project defined in gerrit.
for tenant in main_content:
t = tenant.get('tenant')
sources = t.get('source')
if sources and sources.get('gerrit'):
for project_types in sources['gerrit']:
for entry in sources['gerrit'][project_types]:
if isinstance(entry, dict):
if 'projects' in entry:
for x in entry['projects']:
found_errors += check_project_exists(
x, project_names)
for x in entry.keys():
found_errors += check_project_exists(
x, project_names)
found_errors += check_project_exists(
entry, project_names)
# Just an empty line for nicer formatting
return found_errors
def main():
found_errors = 0
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',
help='Path to gerrit/projects.yaml',
help='Path to gerrit/acl',
help='Path to zuul/main.yaml',
args = parser.parse_args()
projects = yaml.safe_load(open(args.infile, 'r'))
VALID_LABELS = ["acl-config", "description", "docimpact-group",
"groups", "homepage", "options", "project",
"upstream", "upstream-prefix", "use-storyboard",
VALID_SCHEMES = ['https://', 'http://', 'git://']
DESCRIPTION_REQUIRED = ['openstack', 'openstack-infra', 'openstack-dev',
VALID_OPTIONS = ['delay-release', 'track-upstream', 'translate']
CGIT_ALIAS_SITES = ['zuul-ci.org']
for p in projects:
name = p.get('project')
repo_group, repo_name = name.split('/')
if not name:
# not a project
found_errors += 1
print("ERROR: Entry is not a project %s" % p)
if args.verbose:
print('Checking %s' % name)
description = p.get('description')
# *very* simple check for common description mistakes
badwords = (
# (words), what_words_should_be
(('openstack', 'Openstack', 'Open Stack'), 'OpenStack'),
(('Devstack', 'devstack'), 'DevStack'),
(('astor', 'Astor', 'astra', 'Astra', 'astara'), 'Astara')
if description:
# newlines here mess up cgit "repo.desc
if '\n' in description:
found_errors += 1
print("ERROR: Descriptions should not contain newlines:")
print(' "%s"' % description)
for words, should_be in badwords:
for word in words:
# look for the bad word hanging out on it's own. Only
# trick is "\b" doesn't consider "-" or '.' as a
# word-boundary, so ignore it if it looks like some
# sort of job-description (e.g. "foo-devstack-bar") or
# a url ("foo.openstack.org")
if re.search(r'(?<![-.])\b%s\b' % word, description):
print("ERROR: project %s, description '%s': "
"contains wrong word '%s', it should be '%s'" %
(name, description, word, should_be))
found_errors += 1
if not description and repo_group in DESCRIPTION_REQUIRED:
found_errors += 1
print("ERROR: Project %s has no description" % name)
# Check upstream URL
# Allow git:// and https:// URLs for importing upstream repositories,
# but not git@
upstream = p.get('upstream')
if upstream and 'track-upstream' not in p.get('options', []):
openstack_repo = 'https://opendev.org/%s' % name
# Check to see if we have already imported the project into
# OpenStack, if so skip checking upstream.
except git.exc.GitCommandError:
# We haven't imported the repo yet, make sure upstream is
# valid.
found_errors += check_repo(upstream)
if upstream:
for prefix in VALID_SCHEMES:
if upstream.startswith(prefix):
found_errors += 1
print('ERROR: Upstream URLs should use a scheme in %s, '
'found %s in %s' %
(VALID_SCHEMES, p['upstream'], name))
# Check for any wrong entries
for entry in p:
for label in VALID_LABELS:
if entry == label:
found_errors += 1
print("ERROR: Unknown keyword '%s' in project %s" %
(entry, name))
# Check for valid cgit aliases
cgit_alias = p.get('cgit_alias')
if cgit_alias:
if not isinstance(cgit_alias, dict):
found_errors += 1
print("ERROR: cgit alias in project %s must be a dict" %
if 'site' not in cgit_alias or 'path' not in cgit_alias:
found_errors += 1
print("ERROR: cgit alias in project %s must have "
"a site and path" % (name,))
site = cgit_alias['site']
path = cgit_alias['path']
if path.startswith('/'):
found_errors += 1
print("ERROR: cgit alias path in project %s must "
"not begin with /" % (name,))
if site not in CGIT_ALIAS_SITES:
found_errors += 1
print("ERROR: cgit alias site in project %s is "
"not valid" % (name,))
# Check for valid options
for option in p.get('options', []):
if option not in VALID_OPTIONS:
found_errors += 1
print("ERROR: Unknown option '%s' in project %s" %
(option, name))
# Check redundant acl-config
acl_config = p.get('acl-config')
if acl_config:
if acl_config.endswith(name + '.config'):
found_errors += 1
print("ERROR: Project %s has redundant acl_config line, "
"remove it." % name)
if not acl_config.startswith('/home/gerrit2/acls/'):
found_errors += 1
print("ERROR: Project %s has wrong acl_config line, "
"fix the path." % name)
acl_file = os.path.join(args.acldir,
if not os.path.isfile(acl_file):
found_errors += 1
print("ERROR: Project %s has non existing acl_config line" %
# Check that default file exists
acl_file = os.path.join(args.acldir, name + ".config")
if not os.path.isfile(acl_file):
found_errors += 1
print("ERROR: Project %s has no default acl-config file" %
# Check redundant groups entry:
# By default the groups entry is repo_name, no need to add this.
groups = p.get('groups')
storyboard = p.get('use-storyboard', False)
if (groups and len(groups) == 1 and groups[0] == repo_name
and not storyboard):
found_errors += 1
print("ERROR: Non-StoryBoard project %s has default groups entry, "
"remove it" % name)
# Check that groups is a list
groups = p.get('groups')
if (groups and not isinstance(groups, list)):
found_errors += 1
print("Error: groups entry for project %s is not a list." % name)
found_errors += check_zuul_main(args.zuul_main_file, projects)
if found_errors:
print("Found %d error(s) in %s" % (found_errors, args.infile))
if __name__ == '__main__':