This provider has already been disabled in these config files by setting max-servers to 0 and diskimages to []. There are errors in the nodepool logs about not being able to contact this provider now since it appears disabled/gone, so time to remove the entries. Change-Id: I2adbb575592eefe6958157d8fb007d0b50998e82
30 lines
886 B
Executable File
30 lines
886 B
Executable File
# Creates graphs for nodepool regions from a given provider
# Note we are somewhat particular about keeping these separate to
# avoid the idea that we are providing some sort of cross-provider
# benchmark.
function create {
local provider="$1"
local stat_list="$2"
local output_file="$3"
sed -e "s/%PROVIDER%/${provider}/; " \
-e "s/%STAT_LIST%/${stat_list}/" \
-e "s/%OUTPUT_FILE%/${output_file}/" \
nodepool.template > ${output_file}
create Rackspace 'rax-*' nodepool-rax.yaml
create Inap 'inap-*' nodepool-inap.yaml
create Limestone 'limestone-*' nodepool-limestone.yaml
create Linaro 'linaro-*' nodepool-linaro.yaml
create OVH 'ovh-*' nodepool-ovh.yaml
create Vexxhost 'vexxhost-*' nodepool-vexxhost.yaml
create Citycloud 'citycloud-*' nodepool-citycloud.yaml
create FortNebula 'fortnebula-*' nodepool-fortnebula.yaml