Borrowing from common_translation_update.sh, the config file proposal should behave the same way. if there is already an approved job, then we can wait to propose a new revision once it has been merged. Moved the original code that perfoms the check into common.sh and named it check_already_approved. Change-Id: I48180f8580a54749248a25505edbc1303457e2e4
91 lines
3.8 KiB
91 lines
3.8 KiB
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Setup git so that git review works
function setup_git {
git config user.name "OpenStack Proposal Bot"
git config user.email "openstack-infra@lists.openstack.org"
git config gitreview.username "proposal-bot"
# Initial state of repository is detached, create a branch to work
# from. Otherwise git review will complain.
git checkout -B proposals
# See if there is already open change. If so, get the change id for
# the existing change for use in the commit msg.
# Sets variable CHANGE_ID if there is a previous change.
# Sets variable COMMIT_MSG to include change id and INITIAL_COMMIT_MSG.
function setup_commit_message {
local PROJECT=$1
local USERNAME=$2
local BRANCH=$3
local TOPIC=$4
# See if there is an open change, if so, get the change id for the
# existing change for use in the commit message.
local change_info=$(ssh -p 29418 $USERNAME@review.openstack.org \
gerrit query --current-patch-set status:open project:$PROJECT \
owner:$USERNAME branch:$BRANCH topic:$TOPIC)
local previous=$(echo "$change_info" | grep "^ number:" | awk '{print $2}')
if [ -n "$previous" ]; then
CHANGE_ID=$(echo "$change_info" | grep "^change" | awk '{print $2}')
# read returns a non zero value when it reaches EOF. Because we use a
# heredoc here it will always reach EOF and return a nonzero value.
# Disable -e temporarily to get around the read.
# The reason we use read is to allow for multiline variable content
# and variable interpolation. Simply double quoting a string across
# multiple lines removes the newlines.
set +e
read -d '' COMMIT_MSG <<EOF
Change-Id: $CHANGE_ID
set -e
# Check to see if $CHANGE_ID is already approved, if it is, don't bother
# proposing another.
function check_already_approved {
local CHANGE_ID=$1
# If the open change an already approved, let's not queue a new
# patch but let's merge the other patch first.
# This solves the problem that when the gate pipeline backup
# reaches roughly a day, no matter how quickly you approve the new
# update it will always get sniped out of the gate by another.
# It also helps, when you approve close to the time this job is
# run.
if [ -n "$CHANGE_ID" ]; then
# Use the JSON format since it is very compact and easy to grep
change_info=$(ssh -p 29418 proposal-bot@review.openstack.org gerrit query --current-patch-set --format=JSON $CHANGE_ID)
# Check for:
# 1) Workflow approval (+1)
# 2) no -1/-2 by Jenkins
# 3) no -2 by reviewers
# 4) no Workflow -1 (WIP)
if echo $change_info|grep -q '{"type":"Workflow","description":"Workflow","value":"1"' \
&& ! echo $change_info|grep -q '{"type":"Verified","description":"Verified","value":"-[12]","grantedOn":[0-9]*,"by":{"name":"Jenkins","username":"jenkins"}}' \
&& ! echo $change_info|grep -q '{"type":"Code-Review","description":"Code-Review","value":"-2"' \
&& ! echo $change_info|grep -q '{"type":"Workflow","description":"Workflow","value":"-1"' ; then
echo "Job already approved, exiting"
exit 0