# Copyright (c) 2017, Thierry Carrez # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import calendar import copy import datetime import json import os import random class PTGDataBase(): BASE = {'tracks': [], 'slots': {}, 'now': {}, 'next': {}, 'colors': {}, 'location': {}, 'schedule': {}, 'voice': 0} def __init__(self, config): self.filename = config['db_filename'] self.slots = config['slots'] self.schedule = config['schedule'] if os.path.isfile(self.filename): with open(self.filename, 'r') as fp: self.data = json.load(fp) else: self.data = copy.deepcopy(self.BASE) self.load_data_from_config() self.save() def load_data_from_config(self): # Copy slots definition and scheduled rooms from configuration self.data['slots'] = self.slots self.data['schedule'] = self.schedule # Add tracks mentioned in configuration that are not in track list for room, bookings in self.schedule.items(): for time, track in bookings.items(): if track not in self.data['tracks']: self.data['tracks'].append(track) self.colorize() def add_now(self, track, session): self.data['now'][track] = session # Update location if none manually provided yet room = self.get_track_room(track) if room and track not in self.data['location']: self.add_location(track, room) if track in self.data['next']: del self.data['next'][track] self.save() def add_color(self, track, color): self.data['colors'][track] = color self.save() def colorize(self): for track in self.data['tracks']: if track not in self.data['colors']: self.add_color(track, random.choice([ '#596468', '#9ea8ad', '#b57506', '#f8ac29', '#5b731a', '#9dc62d', '#156489', '#27a3dd', '#2a6d3c', '#3fa45b', '#930a0a', '#dc0d0e', ])) def get_track_room(self, track): # This simplified version returns the first room the track is # scheduled in for the day. If the event does not run on this # day, pick the first day. today = calendar.day_name[datetime.date.today().weekday()] if today not in self.data['slots']: today = next(iter(self.data['slots'])) for room, bookings in self.data['schedule'].items(): for btime, btrack in bookings.items(): for slot in self.data['slots'].get(today, []): if btrack == track and btime == slot['name']: return room return None def add_location(self, track, location): self.data['location'][track] = location self.save() def add_next(self, track, session): if track not in self.data['next']: self.data['next'][track] = [] self.data['next'][track].append(session) self.save() def is_track_valid(self, track): return track in self.data['tracks'] def list_tracks(self): return sorted(self.data['tracks']) def add_tracks(self, tracks): for track in tracks: if track not in self.data['tracks']: self.data['tracks'].append(track) self.colorize() self.save() def del_tracks(self, tracks): for track in tracks: if track in self.data['tracks']: self.data['tracks'].remove(track) self.save() def clean_tracks(self, tracks): for track in tracks: if track in self.data['now']: del self.data['now'][track] if track in self.data['next']: del self.data['next'][track] self.save() def is_slot_valid_and_empty(self, room, timeslot): try: return not self.data['schedule'][room][timeslot] except KeyError: return False def book(self, track, room, timeslot): self.data['schedule'][room][timeslot] = track self.save() def unbook(self, room, timeslot): if room in self.data['schedule'].keys(): if timeslot in self.data['schedule'][room].keys(): self.data['schedule'][room][timeslot] = "" self.save() def is_voice_required(self): return self.data['voice'] == 1 def require_voice(self): self.data['voice'] = 1 self.save() def allow_everyone(self): self.data['voice'] = 0 self.save() def new_day_cleanup(self): self.data['now'] = {} self.data['next'] = {} self.data['location'] = {} self.save() def reload(self): self.data = copy.deepcopy(self.BASE) self.load_data_from_config() self.save() def save(self): timestamp = datetime.datetime.now() self.data['timestamp'] = '{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(timestamp) self.data['tracks'] = sorted(self.data['tracks']) with open(self.filename, 'w') as fp: json.dump(self.data, fp)