Switch to openstacklib to configure apache httpd
1) The patch aims to switch to openstacklib to configure apache httpd. 2) Update releated to spec test. Change-Id: I018791006da307ec908bc8f2530e95c718d26fdf
This commit is contained in:
@ -69,32 +69,6 @@
# (optional) The number of threads for the vhost.
# Defaults to $::os_workers
# [*wsgi_script_ensure*]
# (optional) File ensure parameter for wsgi scripts.
# Defaults to 'file'.
# [*wsgi_script_source*]
# (optional) Wsgi script source.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*wsgi_application_group*]
# (optional) The application group of the WSGI script.
# Defaults to '%{GLOBAL}'
# [*wsgi_pass_authorization*]
# (optional) Whether HTTP authorisation headers are passed through to a WSGI
# script when the equivalent HTTP request headers are present.
# Defaults to 'On'
# [*access_log_format*]
# The log format for the virtualhost.
# Optional. Defaults to false.
# [*vhost_custom_fragment*]
# (optional) Passes a string of custom configuration
# directives to be placed at the end of the vhost configuration.
# Defaults to undef.
# == Dependencies
# requires Class['apache'] & Class['barbican']
@ -114,28 +88,21 @@
# Copyright 2015 Red Hat Inc. <licensing@redhat.com>
class barbican::wsgi::apache (
$servername = $::fqdn,
$public_port = 9311,
$bind_host = undef,
$public_path = '/',
$ssl = true,
$workers = 1,
$ssl_cert = undef,
$ssl_key = undef,
$ssl_chain = undef,
$ssl_ca = undef,
$ssl_crl_path = undef,
$ssl_crl = undef,
$ssl_certs_dir = undef,
$threads = $::os_workers,
$priority = '10',
$wsgi_script_ensure = 'file',
$wsgi_script_source = undef,
$wsgi_application_group = '%{GLOBAL}',
$wsgi_pass_authorization = 'On',
$access_log_format = false,
$vhost_custom_fragment = undef,
$servername = $::fqdn,
$public_port = 9311,
$bind_host = undef,
$public_path = '/',
$ssl = true,
$workers = 1,
$ssl_cert = undef,
$ssl_key = undef,
$ssl_chain = undef,
$ssl_ca = undef,
$ssl_crl_path = undef,
$ssl_crl = undef,
$ssl_certs_dir = undef,
$threads = $::os_workers,
$priority = '10',
) {
include ::barbican::params
@ -152,58 +119,6 @@ class barbican::wsgi::apache (
Service['httpd'] -> Keystone_user <| |>
Service['httpd'] -> Keystone_user_role <| |>
## Sanitize parameters
# Ensure there's no trailing '/' except if this is also the only character
$public_path_real = regsubst($public_path, '(^/.*)/$', '\1')
file { $::barbican::params::barbican_wsgi_script_path:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'barbican',
group => 'barbican',
require => Package['httpd'],
Package<| tag == 'barbican-api' |> -> File[$::barbican::params::barbican_wsgi_script_path]
$wsgi_files = {
'barbican_wsgi_main' => {
'path' => "${::barbican::params::barbican_wsgi_script_path}/main",
$wsgi_file_defaults = {
'ensure' => $wsgi_script_ensure,
'owner' => 'barbican',
'group' => 'barbican',
'mode' => '0644',
'require' => [File[$::barbican::params::barbican_wsgi_script_path], Package['barbican-api']],
$wsgi_script_source_real = $wsgi_script_source ? {
default => $wsgi_script_source,
undef => $::barbican::params::barbican_wsgi_script_source,
case $wsgi_script_ensure {
'link': { $wsgi_file_source = { 'target' => $wsgi_script_source_real } }
default: { $wsgi_file_source = { 'source' => $wsgi_script_source_real } }
create_resources('file', $wsgi_files, merge($wsgi_file_defaults, $wsgi_file_source))
$wsgi_daemon_process_options_main = {
user => 'barbican',
group => 'barbican',
processes => $workers,
threads => $threads,
display-name => 'barbican-api',
$wsgi_script_aliases_main = hash([$public_path_real,"${::barbican::params::barbican_wsgi_script_path}/main"])
$wsgi_script_aliases_main_real = $wsgi_script_aliases_main
file { $::barbican::params::httpd_config_file:
ensure => present,
content => "#
@ -217,32 +132,28 @@ class barbican::wsgi::apache (
Package<| tag == 'barbican-api' |> -> File[$::barbican::params::httpd_config_file]
File[$::barbican::params::httpd_config_file] ~> Service['httpd']
::apache::vhost { 'barbican_wsgi_main':
ensure => 'present',
servername => $servername,
ip => $bind_host,
port => $public_port,
docroot => $::barbican::params::barbican_wsgi_script_path,
docroot_owner => 'barbican',
docroot_group => 'barbican',
priority => $priority,
ssl => $ssl,
ssl_cert => $ssl_cert,
ssl_key => $ssl_key,
ssl_chain => $ssl_chain,
ssl_ca => $ssl_ca,
ssl_crl_path => $ssl_crl_path,
ssl_crl => $ssl_crl,
ssl_certs_dir => $ssl_certs_dir,
wsgi_daemon_process => 'barbican-api',
wsgi_daemon_process_options => $wsgi_daemon_process_options_main,
wsgi_process_group => 'barbican-api',
wsgi_script_aliases => $wsgi_script_aliases_main_real,
wsgi_application_group => $wsgi_application_group,
wsgi_pass_authorization => $wsgi_pass_authorization,
custom_fragment => $vhost_custom_fragment,
require => File['barbican_wsgi_main'],
access_log_format => $access_log_format,
log_level => 'debug',
::openstacklib::wsgi::apache { 'barbican_wsgi_main':
bind_host => $bind_host,
bind_port => $public_port,
group => 'barbican',
path => $public_path,
priority => $priority,
servername => $servername,
ssl => $ssl,
ssl_ca => $ssl_ca,
ssl_cert => $ssl_cert,
ssl_certs_dir => $ssl_certs_dir,
ssl_chain => $ssl_chain,
ssl_crl => $ssl_crl,
ssl_crl_path => $ssl_crl_path,
ssl_key => $ssl_key,
threads => $threads,
user => 'barbican',
workers => $workers,
wsgi_daemon_process => 'barbican-api',
wsgi_process_group => 'barbican-api',
wsgi_script_dir => $::barbican::params::barbican_wsgi_script_path,
wsgi_script_file => 'main',
wsgi_script_source => $::barbican::params::barbican_wsgi_script_source,
@ -37,73 +37,61 @@ describe 'barbican::wsgi::apache' do
it { is_expected.to contain_file('barbican_wsgi_main').with(
'ensure' => 'file',
'path' => "#{platform_parameters[:wsgi_script_path]}/main",
'owner' => 'barbican',
'group' => 'barbican',
'mode' => '0644',
'require' => [ "File[#{platform_parameters[:wsgi_script_path]}]", "Package[barbican-api]" ],
'ensure' => 'file',
'path' => "#{platform_parameters[:wsgi_script_path]}/main",
'source' => platform_parameters[:wsgi_script_source],
'owner' => 'barbican',
'group' => 'barbican',
'mode' => '0644',
it { is_expected.to contain_file('barbican_wsgi_main').that_requires("File[#{platform_parameters[:wsgi_script_path]}]") }
it { is_expected.to contain_apache__vhost('barbican_wsgi_main').with(
'servername' => 'some.host.tld',
'ip' => nil,
'port' => '9311',
'docroot' => "#{platform_parameters[:wsgi_script_path]}",
'docroot_owner' => 'barbican',
'docroot_group' => 'barbican',
'ssl' => 'true',
'wsgi_daemon_process' => 'barbican-api',
'wsgi_daemon_process_options' => {
'user' => 'barbican',
'group' => 'barbican',
'processes' => '1',
'threads' => '8',
'display-name' => 'barbican-api',
'wsgi_process_group' => 'barbican-api',
'wsgi_script_aliases' => { '/' => "#{platform_parameters[:wsgi_script_path]}/main" },
'wsgi_application_group' => '%{GLOBAL}',
'wsgi_pass_authorization' => 'On',
'headers' => nil,
'require' => 'File[barbican_wsgi_main]',
'access_log_format' => false,
'servername' => 'some.host.tld',
'ip' => nil,
'port' => '9311',
'docroot' => "#{platform_parameters[:wsgi_script_path]}",
'docroot_owner' => 'barbican',
'docroot_group' => 'barbican',
'ssl' => 'true',
'wsgi_daemon_process' => 'barbican-api',
'wsgi_process_group' => 'barbican-api',
'wsgi_script_aliases' => { '/' => "#{platform_parameters[:wsgi_script_path]}/main" },
'require' => 'File[barbican_wsgi_main]',
it { is_expected.to contain_concat("#{platform_parameters[:httpd_ports_file]}") }
it { is_expected.to contain_file(platform_parameters[:httpd_config_file]) }
describe 'when overriding default apache logging' do
describe 'when overriding parameters using different ports' do
let :params do
:servername => 'dummy.host',
:access_log_format => 'foo',
:servername => 'dummy.host',
:bind_host => '',
:public_port => 12345,
:ssl => false,
:workers => 37,
it { is_expected.to contain_apache__vhost('barbican_wsgi_main').with(
'servername' => 'dummy.host',
'access_log_format' => 'foo',
describe 'when overriding parameters using symlink and custom file source' do
let :params do
:wsgi_script_ensure => 'link',
:wsgi_script_source => '/opt/barbican/httpd/barbican.py',
it { is_expected.to contain_file('barbican_wsgi_main').with(
'ensure' => 'link',
'path' => "#{platform_parameters[:wsgi_script_path]}/main",
'target' => '/opt/barbican/httpd/barbican.py',
'owner' => 'barbican',
'group' => 'barbican',
'mode' => '0644',
'require' => [ "File[#{platform_parameters[:wsgi_script_path]}]", "Package[barbican-api]" ],
'servername' => 'dummy.host',
'ip' => '',
'port' => '12345',
'docroot' => "#{platform_parameters[:wsgi_script_path]}",
'docroot_owner' => 'barbican',
'docroot_group' => 'barbican',
'ssl' => 'false',
'wsgi_daemon_process' => 'barbican-api',
'wsgi_process_group' => 'barbican-api',
'wsgi_script_aliases' => { '/' => "#{platform_parameters[:wsgi_script_path]}/main" },
'require' => 'File[barbican_wsgi_main]',
it { is_expected.to contain_concat("#{platform_parameters[:httpd_ports_file]}") }
it { is_expected.to contain_file(platform_parameters[:httpd_config_file]) }
@ -123,6 +111,7 @@ describe 'barbican::wsgi::apache' do
:httpd_service_name => 'apache2',
:httpd_ports_file => '/etc/apache2/ports.conf',
:wsgi_script_path => '/usr/lib/cgi-bin/barbican',
:wsgi_script_source => '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/barbican/api/app.wsgi',
:httpd_config_file => '/etc/apache2/conf-available/barbican-api.conf',
when 'RedHat'
@ -130,6 +119,7 @@ describe 'barbican::wsgi::apache' do
:httpd_service_name => 'httpd',
:httpd_ports_file => '/etc/httpd/conf/ports.conf',
:wsgi_script_path => '/var/www/cgi-bin/barbican',
:wsgi_script_source => '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/barbican/api/app.wsgi',
:httpd_config_file => '/etc/httpd/conf.d/barbican-api.conf',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user