# == Class: barbican::retry_scheduler # # Class to configure the retry scheduler service # # === Parameters # # [*initial_delay_seconds*] # (optional) Seconds (float) to wait before starting retry scheduler # Defaults to $::os_service_default # # [*periodic_interval_max_seconds*] # (optional) Seconds (float) to wait between starting retry scheduler # Defaults to $::os_service_default # class barbican::retry_scheduler ( $initial_delay_seconds = $::os_service_default, $periodic_interval_max_seconds = $::os_service_default, ){ include barbican::params barbican_config { 'retry_scheduler/initial_delay_seconds': value => $initial_delay_seconds; 'retry_scheduler/periodic_interval_max_seconds': value => $periodic_interval_max_seconds; } # TODO(tkajinam): Currently NO DISTRO provides the package to install # the retry daemon service. Once that is fixed, install # a separate package and enable the service. }