Add parameter to apache_wsgi to allow overwrite and/or add additional wsgi process options. This possibility was added to openstacklib with Change-Id: I41914ce3361988d5db1695f09d21209772fdf548 lease enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting Change-Id: I42a3ae79439466890bf2efdd850c28d11a909fbc
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# Class to serve barbican with apache mod_wsgi in place of barbican service
# Serving barbican from apache is the recommended way to go for production
# systems as the current barbican implementation is not multi-processor aware,
# thus limiting the performance for concurrent accesses.
# When using this class you should disable your barbican service.
# == Parameters
# [*servername*]
# The servername for the virtualhost.
# Optional. Defaults to $::fqdn
# [*public_port*]
# The public port.
# Optional. Defaults to 9311
# [*bind_host*]
# The host/ip address Apache will listen on.
# Optional. Defaults to undef (listen on all ip addresses).
# [*public_path*]
# The prefix for the public endpoint.
# Optional. Defaults to '/'
# [*ssl*]
# Use ssl ? (boolean)
# Optional. Defaults to true
# [*workers*]
# Number of WSGI workers to spawn.
# Optional. Defaults to $::os_workers
# [*ssl_cert*]
# (optional) Path to SSL certificate
# Default to apache::vhost 'ssl_*' defaults.
# [*ssl_key*]
# (optional) Path to SSL key
# Default to apache::vhost 'ssl_*' defaults.
# [*ssl_chain*]
# (optional) SSL chain
# Default to apache::vhost 'ssl_*' defaults.
# [*ssl_ca*]
# (optional) Path to SSL certificate authority
# Default to apache::vhost 'ssl_*' defaults.
# [*ssl_crl_path*]
# (optional) Path to SSL certificate revocation list
# Default to apache::vhost 'ssl_*' defaults.
# [*ssl_crl*]
# (optional) SSL certificate revocation list name
# Default to apache::vhost 'ssl_*' defaults.
# [*ssl_certs_dir*]
# apache::vhost ssl parameters.
# Optional. Default to apache::vhost 'ssl_*' defaults.
# [*priority*]
# (optional) The priority for the vhost.
# Defaults to '10'
# [*threads*]
# (optional) The number of threads for the vhost.
# Defaults to 1
# [*wsgi_process_display_name*]
# (optional) Name of the WSGI process display-name.
# Defaults to undef
# [*access_log_file*]
# The log file name for the virtualhost.
# Optional. Defaults to false.
# [*access_log_format*]
# The log format for the virtualhost.
# Optional. Defaults to false.
# [*error_log_file*]
# The error log file name for the virtualhost.
# Optional. Defaults to undef.
# [*custom_wsgi_process_options*]
# (optional) gives you the oportunity to add custom process options or to
# overwrite the default options for the WSGI main process.
# eg. to use a virtual python environment for the WSGI process
# you could set it to:
# { python-path => '/my/python/virtualenv' }
# Defaults to {}
# == Dependencies
# requires Class['apache'] & Class['barbican']
# == Examples
# include apache
# class { 'barbican::wsgi::apache': }
# == Authors
# Ade Lee <alee@redhat.com>
# == Copyright
# Copyright 2015 Red Hat Inc. <licensing@redhat.com>
class barbican::wsgi::apache (
$servername = $::fqdn,
$public_port = 9311,
$bind_host = undef,
$public_path = '/',
$ssl = true,
$workers = $::os_workers,
$ssl_cert = undef,
$ssl_key = undef,
$ssl_chain = undef,
$ssl_ca = undef,
$ssl_crl_path = undef,
$ssl_crl = undef,
$ssl_certs_dir = undef,
$wsgi_process_display_name = undef,
$threads = 1,
$priority = '10',
$access_log_file = false,
$access_log_format = false,
$error_log_file = undef,
$custom_wsgi_process_options = {},
) {
include ::barbican::deps
include ::barbican::params
include ::apache
include ::apache::mod::wsgi
if $ssl {
include ::apache::mod::ssl
Service['httpd'] -> Keystone_endpoint <| |>
Service['httpd'] -> Keystone_role <| |>
Service['httpd'] -> Keystone_service <| |>
Service['httpd'] -> Keystone_tenant <| |>
Service['httpd'] -> Keystone_user <| |>
Service['httpd'] -> Keystone_user_role <| |>
file { $::barbican::params::httpd_config_file:
ensure => present,
content => "#
# This file has been cleaned by Puppet.
# OpenStack Horizon configuration has been moved to:
# - ${priority}-barbican_wsgi_main.conf
Package<| tag == 'barbican-api' |> -> File[$::barbican::params::httpd_config_file]
File[$::barbican::params::httpd_config_file] ~> Service['httpd']
::openstacklib::wsgi::apache { 'barbican_wsgi_main':
bind_host => $bind_host,
bind_port => $public_port,
group => 'barbican',
path => $public_path,
priority => $priority,
servername => $servername,
ssl => $ssl,
ssl_ca => $ssl_ca,
ssl_cert => $ssl_cert,
ssl_certs_dir => $ssl_certs_dir,
ssl_chain => $ssl_chain,
ssl_crl => $ssl_crl,
ssl_crl_path => $ssl_crl_path,
ssl_key => $ssl_key,
threads => $threads,
user => 'barbican',
workers => $workers,
wsgi_daemon_process => 'barbican-api',
wsgi_process_display_name => $wsgi_process_display_name,
wsgi_process_group => 'barbican-api',
wsgi_script_dir => $::barbican::params::barbican_wsgi_script_path,
wsgi_script_file => 'main',
wsgi_script_source => $::barbican::params::barbican_wsgi_script_source,
access_log_file => $access_log_file,
access_log_format => $access_log_format,
error_log_file => $error_log_file,
custom_wsgi_process_options => $custom_wsgi_process_options,