require 'spec_helper' describe 'ceilometer::agent::polling' do let :pre_condition do "include nova include nova::compute class { 'ceilometer': telemetry_secret => 's3cr3t' }" end let :params do {} end shared_examples 'ceilometer::agent::polling' do context 'with default params' do it { should contain_class('ceilometer::deps') } it { should contain_class('ceilometer::params') } it { if platform_params[:libvirt_group] should contain_user('ceilometer').with_groups(['nova', "#{platform_params[:libvirt_group]}"]) else should contain_user('ceilometer').with_groups(['nova']) end } it { should contain_user('ceilometer').with( :ensure => 'present', :name => 'ceilometer', :gid => 'ceilometer', :groups => platform_params[:ceilometer_groups], :require => 'Anchor[ceilometer::install::end]', ) } it { should contain_package('nova-common').with( :before => /User\[ceilometer\]/ )} it { should contain_ceilometer_config('compute/instance_discovery_method').with_value('') should contain_ceilometer_config('compute/resource_update_interval').with_value('') should contain_ceilometer_config('compute/resource_cache_expiry').with_value('') } it { should contain_package('ceilometer-polling').with( :ensure => 'present', :name => platform_params[:agent_package_name], :tag => ['openstack', 'ceilometer-package'], )} it { should contain_ceilometer_config('DEFAULT/polling_namespaces').with_value('central,compute,ipmi') } it { should contain_service('ceilometer-polling').with( :ensure => 'running', :name => platform_params[:agent_service_name], :enable => true, :hasstatus => true, :hasrestart => true, :tag => 'ceilometer-service', )} it { should contain_ceilometer_config('polling/batch_size').with_value('') } it { should_not contain_file('polling') } end context 'when setting package_ensure' do before do params.merge!( :package_ensure => 'latest' ) end it { should contain_package('ceilometer-polling').with( :ensure => 'latest', )} end context 'when compute parameters set' do before do params.merge!( :instance_discovery_method => 'naive', :resource_update_interval => 0, :resource_cache_expiry => 3600, ) end it { should contain_ceilometer_config('compute/instance_discovery_method').with_value('naive') should contain_ceilometer_config('compute/resource_update_interval').with_value(0) should contain_ceilometer_config('compute/resource_cache_expiry').with_value(3600) } end context 'with compute namespace disabled' do before do params.merge!( :compute_namespace => false ) end it { should contain_ceilometer_config('DEFAULT/polling_namespaces').with_value('central,ipmi') should contain_ceilometer_config('compute/instance_discovery_method').with_ensure('absent') should contain_ceilometer_config('compute/resource_update_interval').with_ensure('absent') should contain_ceilometer_config('compute/resource_cache_expiry').with_ensure('absent') } end context 'with central and ipmi polling namespaces disabled' do before do params.merge!( :central_namespace => false, :ipmi_namespace => false ) end it { should contain_ceilometer_config('DEFAULT/polling_namespaces').with_value('compute') } end context 'with all namespaces disabled' do before do params.merge!( :compute_namespace => false, :central_namespace => false, :ipmi_namespace => false ) end it { should contain_ceilometer_config('DEFAULT/polling_namespaces').with_ensure('absent') } end context 'with service disabled' do before do params.merge!( :enabled => false ) end it { should contain_service('ceilometer-polling').with( :ensure => 'stopped', :name => platform_params[:agent_service_name], :enable => false, :hasstatus => true, :hasrestart => true, :tag => 'ceilometer-service', )} end context 'with service unmanaged' do before do params.merge!( :manage_service => false ) end it { should_not contain_service('ceilometer-polling') } end context 'with polling management enabled and default meters' do before do params.merge!( :manage_polling => true ) end it { should contain_file('polling').with( :ensure => 'present', :path => '/etc/ceilometer/polling.yaml', :content => '--- sources: - name: some_pollsters interval: 600 meters: - cpu - cpu_l3_cache - memory.usage - network.incoming.bytes - network.incoming.packets - network.outgoing.bytes - network.outgoing.packets - - - disk.device.write.bytes - disk.device.write.requests - volume.size - volume.snapshot.size - volume.backup.size - hardware.cpu.util - hardware.cpu.user - hardware.cpu.nice - hardware.cpu.system - hardware.cpu.idle - hardware.cpu.wait - hardware.cpu.kernel - hardware.cpu.interrupt - hardware.memory.used - - hardware.memory.buffer - hardware.memory.cached - hardware.memory.swap.avail - - - - - ', :selinux_ignore_defaults => true, :tag => 'ceilometer-yamls', )} end context 'with polling and basic custom settings' do before do params.merge!( :manage_polling => true, :polling_interval => 30, :polling_meters => ['meter1', 'meter2'] ) end it { should contain_file('polling').with( :ensure => 'present', :path => '/etc/ceilometer/polling.yaml', :content => '--- sources: - name: some_pollsters interval: 30 meters: - meter1 - meter2 ', :selinux_ignore_defaults => true, :tag => 'ceilometer-yamls', )} end context 'with polling and custom config' do before do params.merge!( :manage_polling => true, :polling_config => { 'sources' => [ 'name' => 'my_pollsters', 'interval' => 60, 'meters' => [ 'meterfoo', 'meterbar', ], ], } ) end it { should contain_file('polling').with( :ensure => 'present', :path => '/etc/ceilometer/polling.yaml', :content => '--- sources: - name: my_pollsters interval: 60 meters: - meterfoo - meterbar ', )} end context 'with polling management disabled' do before do params.merge!( :manage_polling => false ) end it { should_not contain_file('polling') } end context 'when setting coordination_url' do before do params.merge!( :coordination_url => 'redis://localhost:6379' ) end it { should contain_ceilometer_config('coordination/backend_url').with_value('redis://localhost:6379') } end context 'when batch_size is set' do before do params.merge!( :batch_size => 50 ) end it { should contain_ceilometer_config('polling/batch_size').with_value(50) } end end on_supported_os({ :supported_os => OSDefaults.get_supported_os }).each do |os,facts| context "on #{os}" do let (:facts) do facts.merge!(OSDefaults.get_facts()) end let :platform_params do case facts[:osfamily] when 'Debian' { :agent_package_name => 'ceilometer-polling', :agent_service_name => 'ceilometer-polling', :libvirt_group => 'libvirt', :ceilometer_groups => ['nova', 'libvirt'], } when 'RedHat' { :agent_package_name => 'openstack-ceilometer-polling', :agent_service_name => 'openstack-ceilometer-polling', :ceilometer_groups => ['nova'], } end end it_behaves_like 'ceilometer::agent::polling' end end end