
157 lines
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# == Class: ceilometer::keystone::auth
# Configures Ceilometer user, service and endpoint in Keystone.
# === Parameters
# [*password*]
# Password for Ceilometer user. Required.
# [*email*]
# Email for Ceilometer user. Optional. Defaults to 'ceilometer@localhost'.
# [*auth_name*]
# Username for Ceilometer service. Optional. Defaults to 'ceilometer'.
# [*configure_endpoint*]
# Should Ceilometer endpoint be configured? Optional. Defaults to 'true'.
# [*configure_user*]
# Should Ceilometer service user be configured? Optional. Defaults to 'true'.
# [*configure_user_role*]
# Should roles be configured on Ceilometer service user? Optional. Defaults to 'true'.
# [*service_name*]
# Name of the service. Optional. Defaults to value of auth_name.
# [*service_type*]
# Type of service. Optional. Defaults to 'metering'.
# [*public_address*]
# Public address for endpoint. Optional. Defaults to ''.
# [*admin_address*]
# Admin address for endpoint. Optional. Defaults to ''.
# [*internal_address*]
# Internal address for endpoint. Optional. Defaults to ''.
# [*port*]
# Default port for enpoints. Optional. Defaults to '8777'.
# [*region*]
# Region for endpoint. Optional. Defaults to 'RegionOne'.
# [*tenant*]
# Tenant for Ceilometer user. Optional. Defaults to 'services'.
# [*public_protocol*]
# Protocol for public endpoint. Optional. Defaults to 'http'.
# [*admin_protocol*]
# Protocol for admin endpoint. Optional. Defaults to 'http'.
# [*internal_protocol*]
# Protocol for public endpoint. Optional. Defaults to 'http'.
# [*public_url*]
# The endpoint's public url.
# Optional. Defaults to $public_protocol://$public_address:$port
# This url should *not* contain any API version and should have
# no trailing '/'
# Setting this variable overrides other $public_* parameters.
# [*admin_url*]
# The endpoint's admin url.
# Optional. Defaults to $admin_protocol://$admin_address:$port
# This url should *not* contain any API version and should have
# no trailing '/'
# Setting this variable overrides other $admin_* parameters.
# [*internal_url*]
# The endpoint's internal url.
# Optional. Defaults to $internal_protocol://$internal_address:$port
# This url should *not* contain any API version and should have
# no trailing '/'
# Setting this variable overrides other $internal_* parameters.
class ceilometer::keystone::auth (
$password = false,
$email = 'ceilometer@localhost',
$auth_name = 'ceilometer',
$configure_user = true,
$configure_user_role = true,
$service_name = undef,
$service_type = 'metering',
$public_address = '',
$admin_address = '',
$internal_address = '',
$port = '8777',
$region = 'RegionOne',
$tenant = 'services',
$public_protocol = 'http',
$admin_protocol = 'http',
$internal_protocol = 'http',
$configure_endpoint = true,
$public_url = undef,
$admin_url = undef,
$internal_url = undef,
) {
if $public_url {
$public_url_real = $public_url
} else {
$public_url_real = "${public_protocol}://${public_address}:${port}"
if $admin_url {
$admin_url_real = $admin_url
} else {
$admin_url_real = "${admin_protocol}://${admin_address}:${port}"
if $internal_url {
$internal_url_real = $internal_url
} else {
$internal_url_real = "${internal_protocol}://${internal_address}:${port}"
if $service_name {
$real_service_name = $service_name
} else {
$real_service_name = $auth_name
::keystone::resource::service_identity { $auth_name:
configure_user => $configure_user,
configure_user_role => $configure_user_role,
configure_endpoint => $configure_endpoint,
service_type => $service_type,
service_description => 'Openstack Metering Service',
service_name => $real_service_name,
region => $region,
password => $password,
email => $email,
tenant => $tenant,
roles => ['admin', 'ResellerAdmin'],
public_url => $public_url_real,
admin_url => $admin_url_real,
internal_url => $internal_url_real,
if $configure_user_role {
if !defined(Keystone_role['ResellerAdmin']) {
keystone_role { 'ResellerAdmin':
ensure => present,
Keystone_role['ResellerAdmin'] -> Keystone_user_role["${auth_name}@${tenant}"] ~>
Service <| name == 'ceilometer-api' |>