Acceptence test: rgw/civetweb with keystone
Updated the acceptence test to test rgw/civetweb with keystone. Change-Id: I9e8571b4953ca856fda2ac40d9924052e3800fdd
This commit is contained in:
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ define ceph::rgw::keystone (
exec { "${name}-nssdb-ca":
command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
wget --no-check-certificate ${rgw_keystone_url}/${rgw_keystone_version}/certificates/ca -O /tmp/ca
openssl x509 -in /tmp/ca -pubkey | certutil -A -d ${nss_db_path} -n ca -t \"TCu,Cu,Tuw\"
wget --no-check-certificate ${rgw_keystone_url}/${rgw_keystone_version}/certificates/ca -O - |
openssl x509 -pubkey | certutil -A -d ${nss_db_path} -n ca -t \"TCu,Cu,Tuw\"
unless => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ certutil -d ${nss_db_path} -L | grep ^ca
exec { "${name}-nssdb-signing":
command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
wget --no-check-certificate ${rgw_keystone_url}/${rgw_keystone_version}/certificates/signing -O /tmp/signing
openssl x509 -in /tmp/signing -pubkey | certutil -A -d ${nss_db_path} -n signing_cert -t \"P,P,P\"
wget --no-check-certificate ${rgw_keystone_url}/${rgw_keystone_version}/certificates/signing -O - |
openssl x509 -pubkey | certutil -A -d ${nss_db_path} -n signing_cert -t \"P,P,P\"
unless => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
@ -29,9 +29,13 @@ describe 'ceph rgw/civetweb' do
# passing it directly as unqoted array is not supported everywhere
packages = "[ 'python-ceph', 'ceph-common', 'librados2', 'librbd1', 'libcephfs1' ]"
keystone_admin_token = 'keystonetoken'
keystone_password = '123456'
test_user = 'testuser'
test_password = '123456'
test_email = ''
test_tenant = 'openstack'
describe 'ceph::rgw::civetweb' do
@ -42,30 +46,30 @@ describe 'ceph rgw/civetweb' do
case $::osfamily {
'Debian': {
include ::apt
apt::source { 'cloudarchive-juno':
apt::source { 'cloudarchive-kilo':
location => '',
release => 'trusty-updates/juno',
release => 'trusty-updates/kilo',
repos => 'main',
include_src => false,
required_packages => 'ubuntu-cloud-keyring',
package { 'python-tz':
ensure => latest,
'RedHat': {
# ceph-radosgw expects open file limit of 32768
file { '/etc/security/limits.d/80-nofile.conf':
content => '* hard nofile 32768',
yumrepo { 'openstack-juno':
descr => 'OpenStack Juno Repository',
#baseurl => '',
yumrepo { 'openstack-kilo':
descr => 'OpenStack Kilo Repository',
baseurl => '',
enabled => '1',
gpgcheck => '0',
#gpgkey => '',
gpgkey => '',
priority => '15', # prefer over EPEL, but below ceph
Yumrepo<||> -> Package['python-swiftclient']
default: {
fail ("Unsupported OS family ${::osfamily}")
@ -100,7 +104,7 @@ describe 'ceph rgw/civetweb' do
ceph::key { 'client.radosgw.gateway':
user => $apache_user,
user => $user,
secret => '#{radosgw_key}',
cap_mon => 'allow rwx',
cap_osd => 'allow rwx',
@ -149,8 +153,6 @@ describe 'ceph rgw/civetweb' do
apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
# Enable as soon as remaining changes are fixed
#apply_manifest(pp, :catch_changes => true)
shell servicequery[osfamily] do |r|
expect(r.exit_code).to be_zero
@ -168,19 +170,170 @@ describe 'ceph rgw/civetweb' do
expect(r.exit_code).to be_zero
#shell "swift -A -U #{test_user}:swift -K #{test_password} stat" do |r|
shell "swift -A -U #{test_user}:swift -K #{test_password} stat" do |r|
shell "curl -i -H 'X-Auth-User: #{test_user}:swift' -H 'X-Auth-Key: #{test_password}'" do |r|
expect(r.exit_code).to be_zero
expect(r.stdout).to match(/Content-Type: text\/plain; charset=utf-8/)
expect(r.stdout).to match(/HTTP\/1\.1 204 No Content/)
expect(r.stdout).not_to match(/401 Unauthorized/)
it 'should configure keystone and ceph-rgw' do
pp = <<-EOS
$user = 'root'
class { 'ceph::repo':
release => '#{release}',
fastcgi => false,
class { 'ceph':
fsid => '#{fsid}',
mon_host => $::ipaddress,
mon_initial_members => 'a',
osd_pool_default_size => '1',
osd_pool_default_min_size => '1',
ceph::rgw { 'radosgw.gateway':
user => $user,
frontend_type => 'civetweb',
rgw_frontends => 'civetweb port=80',
case $::osfamily {
'Debian': {
#trusty ships with pbr 0.7
|||| raises an requiring pbr!=0.7,<1.0,>=0.6'
#the latest is 0.10
package { 'python-pbr':
ensure => 'latest',
include ::apt
apt::source { 'cloudarchive-kilo':
location => '',
release => 'trusty-updates/kilo',
repos => 'main',
include => {
'src' => 'false',
package { 'ubuntu-cloud-keyring':
ensure => present,
package { 'python-tz':
ensure => latest,
Apt::Source['cloudarchive-kilo'] -> Package['ubuntu-cloud-keyring']
#Package['ubuntu-cloud-keyring'] -> Package['keystone','python-swiftclient']
#Exec['apt_update'] -> Package['keystone','python-swiftclient']
#xec['apt_update'] -> Package['keystone']
'RedHat': {
yumrepo { 'openstack-kilo':
descr => 'OpenStack Kilo Repository',
baseurl => '',
enabled => '1',
gpgcheck => '0',
gpgkey => '',
priority => '15', # prefer over EPEL, but below ceph
Yumrepo<||> -> Package['keystone']
class { 'keystone':
verbose => true,
catalog_type => 'sql',
admin_token => '#{keystone_admin_token}',
admin_endpoint => "http://${::ipaddress}:35357",
class { 'keystone::roles::admin':
email => '',
password => '#{keystone_password}',
class { 'keystone::endpoint':
public_url => "http://${::ipaddress}:5000",
admin_url => "http://${::ipaddress}:35357",
internal_url => "http://${::ipaddress}:5000",
region => 'example-1',
Service['keystone'] -> Ceph::Rgw::Keystone['radosgw.gateway']
keystone_service { 'swift':
ensure => present,
type => 'object-store',
description => 'Openstack Object Storage Service',
Keystone_service<||> -> Ceph::Rgw::Keystone['radosgw.gateway']
keystone_endpoint { 'example-1/swift':
ensure => present,
public_url => "http://${::fqdn}:8080/swift/v1",
admin_url => "http://${::fqdn}:8080/swift/v1",
internal_url => "http://${::fqdn}:8080/swift/v1",
Keystone_endpoint<||> -> Ceph::Rgw::Keystone['radosgw.gateway']
keystone_user { '#{test_user}':
ensure => present,
enabled => true,
email => '#{test_email}',
password => '#{test_password}',
tenant => '#{test_tenant}',
Keystone_user<||> -> Ceph::Rgw::Keystone['radosgw.gateway']
keystone_user_role { 'testuser@openstack':
ensure => present,
roles => ['_member_'],
Keystone_user_role<||> -> Ceph::Rgw::Keystone['radosgw.gateway']
#wget is used by ceph::rgw::keystone to pull down files
package { 'wget': # required for tests below
ensure => present,
} ->
ceph::rgw::keystone { 'radosgw.gateway':
rgw_keystone_url => "http://${::ipaddress}:5000",
rgw_keystone_admin_token => '#{keystone_admin_token}',
rgw_keystone_version => "v2.0",
user => $user,
osfamily = fact 'osfamily'
servicequery = {
'Debian' => 'status radosgw id=radosgw.gateway',
'RedHat' => 'service ceph-radosgw status id=radosgw.gateway',
apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
shell servicequery[osfamily] do |r|
expect(r.exit_code).to be_zero
shell "curl -i -H 'X-Auth-User: #{test_user}:swift' -H 'X-Auth-Key: #{test_password}'" do |r|
expect(r.exit_code).to be_zero
expect(r.stdout).to match(/HTTP\/1\.1 204 No Content/)
expect(r.stdout).not_to match(/401 Unauthorized/)
it 'should purge everything' do
purge = <<-EOS
$radosgw = $::osfamily ? {
'RedHat' => 'ceph-radosgw',
default => 'radosgw',
case $::osfamily {
'Debian': {
$radosgw = 'radosgw'
include ::apt
apt::source { 'cloudarchive-kilo':
ensure => absent,
'RedHat': {
$radosgw = 'ceph-radosgw'
yumrepo { 'openstack-kilo':
ensure => absent,
ceph::osd { '/srv/data':
ensure => absent,
@ -222,10 +375,7 @@ describe 'ceph rgw/civetweb' do
osfamily = fact 'osfamily'
# RGW on CentOS is currently broken, so lets disable tests for now.
#if osfamily != 'RedHat'
apply_manifest(purge, :catch_failures => true)
apply_manifest(purge, :catch_failures => true)
@ -69,16 +69,16 @@ describe 'ceph::rgw::keystone' do
it { contain_exec('radosgw.gateway-nssdb-ca').with(
'command' => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
wget --no-check-certificate http://keystone.default:5000/v2.0/certificates/ca -O /tmp/ca
openssl x509 -in /tmp/ca -pubkey | certutil -A -d /var/lib/ceph/nss -n ca -t \"TCu,Cu,Tuw\"
wget --no-check-certificate http://keystone.default:5000/v2.0/certificates/ca -O - |
openssl x509 -pubkey | certutil -A -d /var/lib/ceph/nss -n ca -t \"TCu,Cu,Tuw\"
'user' => 'www-data',
) }
it { contain_exec('radosgw.gateway-nssdb-signing').with(
'command' => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
wget --no-check-certificate http://keystone.default:5000/v2.0/certificates/signing -O /tmp/signing
openssl x509 -in /tmp/signing -pubkey | certutil -A -d /var/lib/ceph/nss -n signing_cert -t \"P,P,P\"
wget --no-check-certificate http://keystone.default:5000/v2.0/certificates/signing -O - |
openssl x509 -pubkey | certutil -A -d /var/lib/ceph/nss -n signing_cert -t \"P,P,P\"
'user' => 'www-data',
) }
@ -122,16 +122,16 @@ openssl x509 -in /tmp/signing -pubkey | certutil -A -d /var/lib/ceph/nss -n sign
it { contain_exec('radosgw.custom-nssdb-ca').with(
'command' => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
wget --no-check-certificate http://keystone.custom:5000/v2.0/certificates/ca -O /tmp/ca
openssl x509 -in /tmp/ca -pubkey | certutil -A -d /some/path/to/nss -n ca -t \"TCu,Cu,Tuw\"
wget --no-check-certificate http://keystone.custom:5000/v2.0/certificates/ca -O - |
openssl x509 -pubkey | certutil -A -d /some/path/to/nss -n ca -t \"TCu,Cu,Tuw\"
'user' => 'www-data',
) }
it { contain_exec('radosgw.custom-nssdb-signing').with(
'command' => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
wget --no-check-certificate http://keystone.custom:5000/v2.0/certificates/signing -O /tmp/signing
openssl x509 -in /tmp/signing -pubkey | certutil -A -d /some/path/to/nss -n signing_cert -t \"P,P,P\"
wget --no-check-certificate http://keystone.custom:5000/v2.0/certificates/signing -O - |
openssl x509 -pubkey | certutil -A -d /some/path/to/nss -n signing_cert -t \"P,P,P\"
'user' => 'www-data',
) }
@ -187,16 +187,16 @@ openssl x509 -in /tmp/signing -pubkey | certutil -A -d /some/path/to/nss -n sign
it { contain_exec('radosgw.gateway-nssdb-ca').with(
'command' => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
wget --no-check-certificate http://keystone.default:5000/v2.0/certificates/ca -O /tmp/ca
openssl x509 -in /tmp/ca -pubkey | certutil -A -d /var/lib/ceph/nss -n ca -t \"TCu,Cu,Tuw\"
wget --no-check-certificate http://keystone.default:5000/v2.0/certificates/ca -O - |
openssl x509 -pubkey | certutil -A -d /var/lib/ceph/nss -n ca -t \"TCu,Cu,Tuw\"
'user' => 'apache',
) }
it { contain_exec('radosgw.gateway-nssdb-signing').with(
'command' => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
wget --no-check-certificate http://keystone.default:5000/v2.0/certificates/signing -O /tmp/signing
openssl x509 -in /tmp/signing -pubkey | certutil -A -d /var/lib/ceph/nss -n signing_cert -t \"P,P,P\"
wget --no-check-certificate http://keystone.default:5000/v2.0/certificates/signing -O - |
openssl x509 -pubkey | certutil -A -d /var/lib/ceph/nss -n signing_cert -t \"P,P,P\"
'user' => 'apache',
) }
@ -240,16 +240,16 @@ openssl x509 -in /tmp/signing -pubkey | certutil -A -d /var/lib/ceph/nss -n sign
it { contain_exec('radosgw.custom-nssdb-ca').with(
'command' => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
wget --no-check-certificate http://keystone.custom:5000/v2.0/certificates/ca -O /tmp/ca
openssl x509 -in /tmp/ca -pubkey | certutil -A -d /some/path/to/nss -n ca -t \"TCu,Cu,Tuw\"
wget --no-check-certificate http://keystone.custom:5000/v2.0/certificates/ca -O - |
openssl x509 -pubkey | certutil -A -d /some/path/to/nss -n ca -t \"TCu,Cu,Tuw\"
'user' => 'apache',
) }
it { contain_exec('radosgw.custom-nssdb-signing').with(
'command' => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
wget --no-check-certificate http://keystone.custom:5000/v2.0/certificates/signing -O /tmp/signing
openssl x509 -in /tmp/signing -pubkey | certutil -A -d /some/path/to/nss -n signing_cert -t \"P,P,P\"
wget --no-check-certificate http://keystone.custom:5000/v2.0/certificates/signing -O - |
openssl x509 -pubkey | certutil -A -d /some/path/to/nss -n signing_cert -t \"P,P,P\"
'user' => 'apache',
) }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user