# # Copyright 2014 (C) Nine Internet Solutions AG # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Author: David Gurtner # require 'spec_helper_system' describe 'ceph::profile::osd' do releases = ENV['RELEASES'] ? ENV['RELEASES'].split : [ 'dumpling', 'firefly', 'giant' ] machines = ENV['MACHINES'] ? ENV['MACHINES'].split : [ 'first', 'second' ] # passing it directly as unqoted array is not supported everywhere packages = "[ 'python-ceph', 'ceph-common', 'librados2', 'librbd1', 'libcephfs1' ]" fsid = 'a4807c9a-e76f-4666-a297-6d6cbc922e3a' admin_key = 'AQA0TVRTsP/aHxAAFBvntu1dSEJHxtJeFFrRsg==' mon_key = 'AQATGHJTUCBqIBAA7M2yafV1xctn1pgr3GcKPg==' bootstrap_osd_key = 'AQARG3JTsDDEHhAAVinHPiqvJkUi5Mww/URupw==' hieradata_common = '/var/lib/hiera/common.yaml' hiera_shared = <<-EOS --- ceph::profile::params::fsid: '#{fsid}' ceph::profile::params::mon_initial_members: 'first' ceph::profile::params::mon_host: '' EOS purge = <<-EOS ceph::mon { 'first': ensure => absent } -> file { [ '/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring', '/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring', ]: ensure => absent } EOS releases.each do |release| describe release do after(:all) do pp = <<-EOS package { #{packages}: ensure => purged } class { 'ceph::repo': release => '#{release}', ensure => absent, } EOS machines.each do |vm| puppet_apply(:node => vm, :code => pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end end end describe 'on one host' do it 'should install one monitor and one osd' do hiera = <<-EOS ceph::profile::params::release: '#{release}' ceph::profile::params::authentication_type: 'none' ceph::profile::params::osds: '/dev/sdb': {} EOS file = Tempfile.new('hieradata') begin file.write(hiera_shared + hiera) file.close rcp(:sp => file.path, :dp => hieradata_common, :d => node) ensure file.unlink end pp = <<-EOS include ::ceph::profile::mon include ::ceph::profile::osd EOS puppet_apply(pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 r.refresh r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end shell 'ceph osd tree' do |r| r.stdout.should =~ /osd.0/ r.stderr.should be_empty r.exit_code.should be_zero end end it 'should uninstall one osd' do shell 'ceph osd tree | grep DNE' do |r| r.exit_code.should_not be_zero end pp = <<-EOS ceph::osd { '/dev/sdb': ensure => absent, } EOS puppet_apply(pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end shell 'ceph osd tree | grep DNE' do |r| r.exit_code.should be_zero end shell 'ceph-disk zap /dev/sdb' end it 'should uninstall one monitor' do puppet_apply(purge) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end end it 'should install one monitor and one osd with external journal' do hiera = <<-EOS ceph::profile::params::release: '#{release}' ceph::profile::params::authentication_type: 'none' ceph::profile::params::osds: '/dev/sdb': journal: '/tmp/journal' EOS file = Tempfile.new('hieradata') begin file.write(hiera_shared + hiera) file.close rcp(:sp => file.path, :dp => hieradata_common, :d => node) ensure file.unlink end pp = <<-EOS include ::ceph::profile::mon include ::ceph::profile::osd EOS puppet_apply(pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 r.refresh r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end shell 'ceph osd tree' do |r| r.stdout.should =~ /osd.0/ r.stderr.should be_empty r.exit_code.should be_zero end end it 'should uninstall one osd' do shell 'ceph osd tree | grep DNE' do |r| r.exit_code.should_not be_zero end pp = <<-EOS ceph::osd { '/dev/sdb': ensure => absent, } EOS puppet_apply(pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end shell 'ceph osd tree | grep DNE' do |r| r.exit_code.should be_zero end shell 'ceph-disk zap /dev/sdb' end it 'should uninstall one monitor' do puppet_apply(purge) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end end it 'should install one monitor and one osd', :cephx do hiera = <<-EOS ceph::profile::params::release: '#{release}' ceph::profile::params::authentication_type: 'cephx' ceph::profile::params::mon_key: '#{mon_key}' ceph::profile::params::osds: '/dev/sdb': {} ceph::profile::params::client_keys: 'client.admin': secret: #{admin_key} mode: '0600' cap_mon: 'allow *' cap_osd: 'allow *' cap_mds: 'allow *' 'client.bootstrap-osd': secret: #{bootstrap_osd_key} keyring_path: '/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring' cap_mon: 'allow profile bootstrap-osd' EOS file = Tempfile.new('hieradata') begin file.write(hiera_shared + hiera) file.close rcp(:sp => file.path, :dp => hieradata_common, :d => node) ensure file.unlink end pp = <<-EOS include ::ceph::profile::mon include ::ceph::profile::osd EOS puppet_apply(pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 r.refresh r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end shell 'ceph osd tree' do |r| r.stdout.should =~ /osd.0/ r.stderr.should be_empty r.exit_code.should be_zero end end it 'should uninstall one osd' do shell 'ceph osd tree | grep DNE' do |r| r.exit_code.should_not be_zero end pp = <<-EOS ceph::osd { '/dev/sdb': ensure => absent, } EOS puppet_apply(pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end shell 'ceph osd tree | grep DNE' do |r| r.exit_code.should be_zero end shell 'ceph-disk zap /dev/sdb' end it 'should uninstall one monitor and all packages' do puppet_apply(purge) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end end end describe 'on two hosts' do it 'should install one monitor on first host, one osd on second host' do [ 'first', 'second' ].each do |vm| hiera = <<-EOS ceph::profile::params::release: '#{release}' ceph::profile::params::authentication_type: 'none' ceph::profile::params::osds: '/dev/sdb': {} EOS file = Tempfile.new('hieradata') begin file.write(hiera_shared + hiera) file.close rcp(:sp => file.path, :dp => hieradata_common, :d => node(:name => vm)) ensure file.unlink end if vm == "first" pp = <<-EOS include ::ceph::profile::mon EOS end if vm == "second" pp = <<-EOS include ::ceph::profile::osd EOS end puppet_apply(:node => vm, :code => pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 r.refresh r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end end shell 'ceph -s' do |r| r.stdout.should =~ /1 mons .* quorum 0 first/ r.stderr.should be_empty r.exit_code.should be_zero end shell 'ceph osd tree' do |r| r.stdout.should =~ /osd.0/ r.stderr.should be_empty r.exit_code.should be_zero end end it 'should uninstall one osd on second host' do shell 'ceph osd tree | grep DNE' do |r| r.exit_code.should_not be_zero end pp = <<-EOS ceph::osd { '/dev/sdb': ensure => absent, } EOS puppet_apply(:node => 'second', :code => pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end shell 'ceph osd tree | grep DNE' do |r| r.exit_code.should be_zero end shell(:node => 'second', :command => 'ceph-disk zap /dev/sdb') puppet_apply(:node => 'second', :code => purge) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end end it 'should uninstall one monitor on first host' do puppet_apply(purge) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end end it 'should install one monitor on first host, one osd on second host', :cephx do [ 'first', 'second' ].each do |vm| hiera = <<-EOS ceph::profile::params::release: '#{release}' ceph::profile::params::authentication_type: 'cephx' ceph::profile::params::mon_key: '#{mon_key}' ceph::profile::params::osds: '/dev/sdb': {} ceph::profile::params::client_keys: 'client.admin': secret: #{admin_key} mode: '0600' cap_mon: 'allow *' cap_osd: 'allow *' cap_mds: 'allow *' 'client.bootstrap-osd': secret: #{bootstrap_osd_key} keyring_path: '/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring' cap_mon: 'allow profile bootstrap-osd' EOS file = Tempfile.new('hieradata') begin file.write(hiera_shared + hiera) file.close rcp(:sp => file.path, :dp => hieradata_common, :d => node(:name => vm)) ensure file.unlink end if vm == "first" pp = <<-EOS include ::ceph::profile::mon EOS end if vm == "second" pp = <<-EOS include ::ceph::profile::osd EOS end puppet_apply(:node => vm, :code => pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 r.refresh r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end end shell 'ceph -s' do |r| r.stdout.should =~ /1 mons .* quorum 0 first/ r.stderr.should be_empty r.exit_code.should be_zero end shell 'ceph osd tree' do |r| r.stdout.should =~ /osd.0/ r.stderr.should be_empty r.exit_code.should be_zero end end it 'should uninstall one osd on second host' do shell 'ceph osd tree | grep DNE' do |r| r.exit_code.should_not be_zero end pp = <<-EOS # for osd removal we need additional credentials # not included in the bootstrap-osd keyring class { '::ceph::profile::client': } -> ceph::osd { '/dev/sdb': ensure => absent, } EOS puppet_apply(:node => 'second', :code => pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end shell 'ceph osd tree | grep DNE' do |r| r.exit_code.should be_zero end shell(:node => 'second', :command => 'ceph-disk zap /dev/sdb') puppet_apply(:node => 'second', :code => purge) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end end it 'should uninstall one monitor' do puppet_apply(purge) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end end end end end end # Local Variables: # compile-command: "cd ../.. # ( # cd .rspec_system/vagrant_projects/two-ubuntu-server-1204-x64 # vagrant destroy --force # ) # cp -a Gemfile-rspec-system Gemfile # BUNDLE_PATH=/tmp/vendor bundle install --no-deployment # RELEASES=dumpling \ # RS_SET=two-ubuntu-server-1204-x64 \ # RS_DESTROY=no \ # BUNDLE_PATH=/tmp/vendor \ # bundle exec rake spec:system SPEC=spec/system/ceph_profile_osd_spec.rb && # git checkout Gemfile # " # End: