# # Copyright (C) 2016 Mirantis Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Author: Oleksiy Molchanov # # Configures a ceph radosgw apache frontend with mod_proxy. # ## == Define: ceph::rgw::apache_proxy_fcgi # # The RGW id. An alphanumeric string uniquely identifying the RGW. # ( example: radosgw.gateway ) # ### == Parameters # # [*admin_email*] Admin email for the radosgw reports. # Optional. Default is 'root@localhost'. # # [*docroot*] Location of the apache docroot. # Optional. Default is '/var/www'. # # [*rgw_port*] Port the rados gateway listens. # Optional. Default is 80. # # [*rgw_dns_name*] Hostname to use for the service. # Optional. Default is $facts['networking']['fqdn']. # # [*rewrite_rule*] RewriteRule for the apache config. # Optional. Default is '.* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]'. # # [*setenv*] String or aray for the apache setenv directive. # Optional. Default is 'proxy-nokeepalive 1'. # # [*proxy_pass*] Hash that contains local virtual path and remote url. # Optional. Default is {'path' => '/', 'url' => 'fcgi://'}. # # [*syslog*] Whether or not to log to syslog. # Optional. Default is true. # # [*apache_mods*] Whether to configure and enable a set of default Apache modules. # Optional. Defaults to false. # # [*apache_vhost*] Configures a default virtual host. # Optional. Defaults to false. # # [*apache_purge_configs*] Removes all other Apache configs and virtual hosts. # Optional. Defaults to true. # # [*apache_purge_vhost*] Whether to remove any configurations inside vhost_dir not managed # by Puppet. # Optional. Defaults to true. # # [*custom_apache_ports*] Array of ports to listen by Apache. # Optional. Works only if custom_apache set to true. Default is undef. # define ceph::rgw::apache_proxy_fcgi ( $admin_email = 'root@localhost', $docroot = '/var/www', $rgw_dns_name = $facts['networking']['fqdn'], $rgw_port = 80, $rewrite_rule = '.* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]', $setenv = 'proxy-nokeepalive 1', $proxy_pass = {'path' => '/', 'url' => 'fcgi://'}, $syslog = true, $apache_mods = false, $apache_vhost = false, $apache_purge_configs = true, $apache_purge_vhost = true, $custom_apache_ports = undef, ) { include ceph::params if $ceph::params::fastcgi_available { warning('The mod_fastcgi package is not available for this operating system version') } class { 'apache': default_mods => $apache_mods, default_vhost => $apache_vhost, purge_configs => $apache_purge_configs, purge_vhost_dir => $apache_purge_vhost, } if $custom_apache_ports { apache::listen { $custom_apache_ports: } } if !$apache_mods { include apache::mod::auth_basic include apache::mod::env } include apache::mod::alias include apache::mod::mime include apache::mod::rewrite include apache::mod::proxy apache::mod { 'proxy_fcgi': } apache::vhost { "${rgw_dns_name}-radosgw": servername => $rgw_dns_name, serveradmin => $admin_email, docroot => $docroot, access_log => $syslog, error_log => $syslog, port => $rgw_port, rewrite_rule => $rewrite_rule, setenv => $setenv, proxy_pass => $proxy_pass, } }