# # Copyright (C) 2017 VEXXHOST, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Author: Mohammed Naser # # == Define: ceph::mgr # # Installs and configures MGRs (ceph manager) # # === Parameters: # # [*title*] The manager ID. # Mandatory. An alphanumeric string uniquely identifying the manager. # # [*enable*] Whether to enable ceph-mgr instance on boot. # Optional. Default is true. # # [*ensure*] Configure the state of the service (running/stopped) # Optional. Defaults to running. # # [*cluster*] The ceph cluster # Optional. Same default as ceph. # # [*authentication_type*] Activate or deactivate authentication # Optional. Default to cephx. # Authentication is activated if the value is 'cephx' and deactivated # if the value is 'none'. If the value is 'cephx', then key must be provided. # # [*key*] Authentication key for ceph-mgr # Required if authentication_type is set to cephx # # [*inject_key*] Inject the key to the Ceph cluster # Optional. Defaults to false # define ceph::mgr ( $enable = true, $ensure = running, $cluster = 'ceph', Enum['cephx', 'none'] $authentication_type = 'cephx', $key = undef, Boolean $inject_key = false, ) { file { "/var/lib/ceph/mgr/${cluster}-${name}": ensure => directory, owner => 'ceph', group => 'ceph', seltype => 'ceph_var_lib_t', tag => 'ceph-mgr', } if $authentication_type == 'cephx' { if ! $key { fail('cephx requires a specified key for the manager daemon') } ceph::key { "mgr.${name}": secret => $key, cluster => $cluster, keyring_path => "/var/lib/ceph/mgr/${cluster}-${name}/keyring", cap_mon => 'allow profile mgr', cap_osd => 'allow *', cap_mds => 'allow *', user => 'ceph', group => 'ceph', inject => $inject_key, before => Service["ceph-mgr@${name}"], require => File["/var/lib/ceph/mgr/${cluster}-${name}"], } } service { "ceph-mgr@${name}": ensure => $ensure, enable => $enable, tag => 'ceph-mgr', } Package<| tag == 'ceph' |> -> File<| tag == 'ceph-mgr' |> -> Service<| tag == 'ceph-mgr' |> }