# Copyright (C) 2013 Cloudwatt # Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 iWeb Technologies Inc. # Copyright (C) 2014 Nine Internet Solutions AG # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Author: Loic Dachary # Author: David Moreau Simard # Author: David Gurtner # require 'spec_helper' describe 'ceph::mon' do shared_examples 'ceph::mon' do context 'with default params' do let :title do 'A' end it { should raise_error(Puppet::Error, /authentication_type cephx requires either key or keyring to be set but both are undef/) } end context 'with key' do let :title do 'A' end let :params do { :key => 'AQATGHJTUCBqIBAA7M2yafV1xctn1pgr3GcKPg==', } end it { should contain_service('ceph-mon-A').with('ensure' => 'running') } it { should contain_exec('create-keyring-A').with( :command => '/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements set -ex cat > /tmp/ceph-mon-keyring-A << EOF [mon.] key = AQATGHJTUCBqIBAA7M2yafV1xctn1pgr3GcKPg== caps mon = "allow *" EOF chmod 0444 /tmp/ceph-mon-keyring-A ', :unless => '/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements set -ex mon_data=$(ceph-mon --cluster ceph --id A --show-config-value mon_data) || exit 1 # if ceph-mon fails then the mon is probably not configured yet test -e $mon_data/done ')} it { should contain_exec('ceph-mon-ceph.client.admin.keyring-A').with( :command => '/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements set -ex touch /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring', :unless => '/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements set -ex test -e /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring' )} it { should contain_exec('ceph-mon-mkfs-A').with( :command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements set -ex mon_data=\$(ceph-mon --cluster ceph --id A --show-config-value mon_data) if [ ! -d \$mon_data ] ; then mkdir -p \$mon_data if getent passwd ceph >/dev/null 2>&1; then chown -h ceph:ceph \$mon_data if ceph-mon --cluster ceph \ --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph \ --mkfs \ --id A \ --keyring /tmp/ceph-mon-keyring-A ; then touch \$mon_data/done \$mon_data/systemd \$mon_data/keyring chown -h ceph:ceph \$mon_data/done \$mon_data/systemd \$mon_data/keyring else rm -fr \$mon_data fi else if ceph-mon --cluster ceph \ --mkfs \ --id A \ --keyring /tmp/ceph-mon-keyring-A ; then touch \$mon_data/done \$mon_data/systemd \$mon_data/keyring else rm -fr \$mon_data fi fi fi ", :logoutput => true )} it { should contain_exec('rm-keyring-A').with( :command => '/bin/rm /tmp/ceph-mon-keyring-A', :unless => '/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements set -ex test ! -e /tmp/ceph-mon-keyring-A ')} end context 'with keyring' do let :title do 'A' end let :params do { :keyring => '/etc/ceph/ceph.mon.keyring', } end it { should contain_service('ceph-mon-A').with('ensure' => 'running') } it { should contain_exec('ceph-mon-ceph.client.admin.keyring-A').with( :command => '/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements set -ex touch /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring' )} it { should contain_exec('ceph-mon-mkfs-A').with( :command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements set -ex mon_data=\$(ceph-mon --cluster ceph --id A --show-config-value mon_data) if [ ! -d \$mon_data ] ; then mkdir -p \$mon_data if getent passwd ceph >/dev/null 2>&1; then chown -h ceph:ceph \$mon_data if ceph-mon --cluster ceph \ --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph \ --mkfs \ --id A \ --keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.mon.keyring ; then touch \$mon_data/done \$mon_data/systemd \$mon_data/keyring chown -h ceph:ceph \$mon_data/done \$mon_data/systemd \$mon_data/keyring else rm -fr \$mon_data fi else if ceph-mon --cluster ceph \ --mkfs \ --id A \ --keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.mon.keyring ; then touch \$mon_data/done \$mon_data/systemd \$mon_data/keyring else rm -fr \$mon_data fi fi fi ", :logoutput => true )} end context 'with custom params' do let :title do 'A' end let :params do { :public_addr => '', :authentication_type => 'none', :cluster => 'testcluster', } end it { should contain_service('ceph-mon-A').with('ensure' => 'running') } it { should contain_ceph_config('mon.A/public_addr').with_value("") } it { should contain_exec('ceph-mon-testcluster.client.admin.keyring-A').with( :command => '/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements set -ex touch /etc/ceph/testcluster.client.admin.keyring' )} it { should contain_exec('ceph-mon-mkfs-A').with( :command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements set -ex mon_data=\$(ceph-mon --cluster testcluster --id A --show-config-value mon_data) if [ ! -d \$mon_data ] ; then mkdir -p \$mon_data if getent passwd ceph >/dev/null 2>&1; then chown -h ceph:ceph \$mon_data if ceph-mon --cluster testcluster \ --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph \ --mkfs \ --id A \ --keyring /dev/null ; then touch \$mon_data/done \$mon_data/systemd \$mon_data/keyring chown -h ceph:ceph \$mon_data/done \$mon_data/systemd \$mon_data/keyring else rm -fr \$mon_data fi else if ceph-mon --cluster testcluster \ --mkfs \ --id A \ --keyring /dev/null ; then touch \$mon_data/done \$mon_data/systemd \$mon_data/keyring else rm -fr \$mon_data fi fi fi ", :logoutput => true )} end context 'with ensure absent' do let :title do 'A' end let :params do { :ensure => 'absent', :public_addr => '', :authentication_type => 'none', :cluster => 'testcluster', } end it { should contain_service('ceph-mon-A').with('ensure' => 'stopped') } it { should contain_exec('remove-mon-A').with( :command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements set -ex mon_data=\$(ceph-mon --cluster testcluster --id A --show-config-value mon_data) rm -fr \$mon_data ", :unless => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements set -ex which ceph-mon || exit 0 # if ceph-mon is not available we already uninstalled ceph and there is nothing to do mon_data=\$(ceph-mon --cluster testcluster --id A --show-config-value mon_data) test ! -d \$mon_data ", :logoutput => true )} end context 'with ensure set with bad value' do let :title do 'A' end let :params do { :ensure => 'badvalue', } end it { should raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Ensure on MON must be either present or absent/) } end end on_supported_os.each do |os,facts| context "on #{os}" do let (:facts) do facts.merge!(OSDefaults.get_facts()) end it_behaves_like 'ceph::mon' end end end