# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 iWeb Technologies Inc. # Copyright (C) 2013 Cloudwatt # Copyright (C) 2014 Nine Internet Solutions AG # Copyright (C) 2014 Catalyst IT Limited # Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Author: Loic Dachary # Author: Francois Charlier # Author: David Moreau Simard # Author: Andrew Woodward # Author: David Gurtner # Author: Ricardo Rocha # Author: Emilien Macchi # # == Class: ceph::repo # # Configure ceph APT repo for Ceph # # === Parameters: # # [*ensure*] The ensure state for package ressources. # Optional. Defaults to 'present'. # # [*release*] The name of the Ceph release to install # Optional. Default to 'jewel' in ceph::params. # # [*fastcgi*] Install Ceph fastcgi apache module for Ceph # Optional. Defaults to 'false' # # [*proxy*] Proxy URL to be used for the yum repository, useful if you're behind a corporate firewall # Optional. Defaults to 'undef' # # [*proxy_username*] The username to be used for the proxy if one should be required # Optional. Defaults to 'undef' # # [*proxy_password*] The password to be used for the proxy if one should be required # Optional. Defaults to 'undef' # # [*enable_epel*] Whether or not enable EPEL repository. # Optional. Defaults to True # # [*enable_sig*] Whether or not enable SIG repository. # CentOS SIG repository contains Ceph packages built by CentOS community. # https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Storage/ # Optional. Defaults to False in ceph::params. # # [*ceph_mirror*] Ceph mirror used to download packages. # Optional. Defaults to undef. # class ceph::repo ( $ensure = present, $release = $::ceph::params::release, $fastcgi = false, $proxy = undef, $proxy_username = undef, $proxy_password = undef, $enable_epel = true, $enable_sig = $::ceph::params::enable_sig, $ceph_mirror = undef, ) inherits ceph::params { case $::osfamily { 'Debian': { include ::apt if $ceph_mirror { $ceph_mirror_real = $ceph_mirror } else { $ceph_mirror_real = "http://download.ceph.com/debian-${release}/" apt::key { 'ceph': ensure => $ensure, id => '08B73419AC32B4E966C1A330E84AC2C0460F3994', source => 'https://download.ceph.com/keys/release.asc', before => Apt::Source['ceph'], } } apt::source { 'ceph': ensure => $ensure, location => $ceph_mirror_real, release => $::lsbdistcodename, tag => 'ceph', } if $fastcgi { apt::key { 'ceph-gitbuilder': ensure => $ensure, id => 'FCC5CB2ED8E6F6FB79D5B3316EAEAE2203C3951A', server => 'keyserver.ubuntu.com', } apt::source { 'ceph-fastcgi': ensure => $ensure, location => "http://gitbuilder.ceph.com/libapache-mod-fastcgi-deb-${::lsbdistcodename}-${::hardwaremodel}-basic/ref/master", release => $::lsbdistcodename, require => Apt::Key['ceph-gitbuilder'], } } Apt::Source<| tag == 'ceph' |> -> Package<| tag == 'ceph' |> Exec['apt_update'] -> Package<| tag == 'ceph' |> } 'RedHat': { $enabled = $ensure ? { 'present' => '1', 'absent' => '0', default => absent, } # If you want to deploy Ceph using packages provided by CentOS SIG # https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Storage/ if $enable_sig { if $::operatingsystem != 'CentOS' { warning("CentOS SIG repository is only supported on CentOS operating system, \ not on ${::operatingsystem}, which can lead to packaging issues.") } if $ceph_mirror { $ceph_mirror_real = $ceph_mirror } else { $ceph_mirror_real = "https://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/storage/x86_64/ceph-${release}/" } yumrepo { 'ceph-jewel-sig': enabled => '1', baseurl => $ceph_mirror_real, descr => 'Ceph Jewel SIG', mirrorlist => 'absent', gpgcheck => '0', } # Make sure we install the repo before any Package resource Yumrepo['ceph-jewel-sig'] -> Package<| tag == 'ceph' |> } else { # If you want to deploy Ceph using packages provided by ceph.com repositories. if ((($::operatingsystem == 'RedHat' or $::operatingsystem == 'CentOS') and (versioncmp($::operatingsystemmajrelease, '7') < 0)) or ($::operatingsystem == 'Fedora' and (versioncmp($::operatingsystemmajrelease, '19') < 0))) { $el = '6' } else { $el = '7' } # Firefly is the last ceph.com supported release which conflicts with # the CentOS 7 base channel. Therefore make sure to only exclude the # conflicting packages in the exact combination of CentOS7 and Firefly. # TODO: Remove this once Firefly becomes EOL if ($::operatingsystem == 'CentOS' and $el == '7' and $release == 'firefly') { file_line { 'exclude base': ensure => $ensure, path => '/etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo', after => '^\[base\]$', line => 'exclude=python-ceph-compat python-rbd python-rados python-cephfs', } -> Package<| tag == 'ceph' |> } Yumrepo { proxy => $proxy, proxy_username => $proxy_username, proxy_password => $proxy_password, } yumrepo { 'ext-ceph': # puppet versions prior to 3.5 do not support ensure, use enabled instead enabled => $enabled, descr => "External Ceph ${release}", name => "ext-ceph-${release}", baseurl => "http://download.ceph.com/rpm-${release}/el${el}/\$basearch", gpgcheck => '1', gpgkey => 'https://download.ceph.com/keys/release.asc', mirrorlist => absent, priority => '10', # prefer ceph repos over EPEL tag => 'ceph', } yumrepo { 'ext-ceph-noarch': # puppet versions prior to 3.5 do not support ensure, use enabled instead enabled => $enabled, descr => 'External Ceph noarch', name => "ext-ceph-${release}-noarch", baseurl => "http://download.ceph.com/rpm-${release}/el${el}/noarch", gpgcheck => '1', gpgkey => 'https://download.ceph.com/keys/release.asc', mirrorlist => absent, priority => '10', # prefer ceph repos over EPEL tag => 'ceph', } if $fastcgi { yumrepo { 'ext-ceph-fastcgi': enabled => $enabled, descr => 'FastCGI basearch packages for Ceph', name => 'ext-ceph-fastcgi', baseurl => "http://gitbuilder.ceph.com/mod_fastcgi-rpm-rhel${el}-x86_64-basic/ref/master", gpgcheck => '1', gpgkey => 'https://download.ceph.com/keys/autobuild.asc', mirrorlist => absent, priority => '20', # prefer ceph repos over EPEL tag => 'ceph', } } # prefer ceph.com repos over EPEL package { 'yum-plugin-priorities': ensure => present, } } if $enable_epel { yumrepo { "ext-epel-${el}": # puppet versions prior to 3.5 do not support ensure, use enabled instead enabled => $enabled, descr => "External EPEL ${el}", name => "ext-epel-${el}", baseurl => absent, gpgcheck => '1', gpgkey => "https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-${el}", mirrorlist => "http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/metalink?repo=epel-${el}&arch=\$basearch", priority => '20', # prefer ceph repos over EPEL tag => 'ceph', exclude => 'python-ceph-compat python-rbd python-rados python-cephfs', } } Yumrepo<| tag == 'ceph' |> -> Package<| tag == 'ceph' |> } default: { fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${::osfamily} operatingsystem: ${::operatingsystem}, \ module ${module_name} only supports osfamily Debian and RedHat") } } }