Takashi Kajinami 50f777cbff Fix undefined variables caused by exec_timeout
This fixes the following error found in Puppet 8 unit tests.

Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement,
Evaluation Error: Unknown variable: 'ceph::params::exec_timeout'.

Change-Id: I0030baf97f831384d5dad46dbaeb1ee5169cfe21
2023-07-22 23:42:17 +09:00

238 lines
7.3 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2013 Cloudwatt <libre.licensing@cloudwatt.com>
# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 iWeb Technologies Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2014 Nine Internet Solutions AG
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Loic Dachary <loic@dachary.org>
# Author: David Moreau Simard <dmsimard@iweb.com>
# Author: David Gurtner <aldavud@crimson.ch>
# == Define: ceph::mon
# Installs and configures MONs (ceph monitors)
# === Parameters:
# [*title*] The MON id.
# Mandatory. An alphanumeric string uniquely identifying the MON.
# [*ensure*] Installs ( present ) or remove ( absent ) a MON
# Optional. Defaults to present.
# If set to absent, it will stop the MON service and remove
# the associated data directory.
# [*mon_enable*] Whether to enable ceph-mon instance on boot.
# Optional. Default is true.
# [*public_addr*] The bind IP address.
# Optional. The IPv(4|6) address on which MON binds itself.
# [*cluster*] The ceph cluster
# Optional. Same default as ceph.
# [*authentication_type*] Activate or deactivate authentication
# Optional. Default to cephx.
# Authentication is activated if the value is 'cephx' and deactivated
# if the value is 'none'. If the value is 'cephx', at least one of
# key or keyring must be provided.
# [*key*] Authentication key for [mon.]
# Optional. $key and $keyring are mutually exclusive.
# [*keyring*] Path of the [mon.] keyring file
# Optional. $key and $keyring are mutually exclusive.
# [*exec_timeout*] The default exec resource timeout, in seconds
# Optional. Defaults to $ceph::params::exec_timeout
define ceph::mon (
Enum['present', 'absent'] $ensure = present,
$mon_enable = true,
$public_addr = undef,
$cluster = undef,
Enum['cephx', 'none'] $authentication_type = 'cephx',
$key = undef,
$keyring = undef,
$exec_timeout = undef
) {
include ceph::params
$exec_timeout_real = $exec_timeout ? {
undef => $ceph::params::exec_timeout,
default => $exec_timeout,
# a puppet name translates into a ceph id, the meaning is different
$id = $name
if $cluster {
$cluster_name = $cluster
} else {
$cluster_name = 'ceph'
$cluster_option = "--cluster ${cluster_name}"
# NOTE(aschultz): this is the service title for the mon service. It may be
# different than the actual service name.
$mon_service = "ceph-mon-${id}"
if $ensure == present {
$ceph_mkfs = "ceph-mon-mkfs-${id}"
if $authentication_type == 'cephx' {
if ! $key and ! $keyring {
fail("authentication_type ${authentication_type} requires either key or keyring to be set but both are undef")
if $key and $keyring {
fail("key (set to ${key}) and keyring (set to ${keyring}) are mutually exclusive")
if $key {
$keyring_path = "/tmp/ceph-mon-keyring-${id}"
-> exec { "create-keyring-${id}":
command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
cat > ${keyring_path} << EOF
key = ${key}
caps mon = \"allow *\"
chmod 0444 ${keyring_path}
unless => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
mon_data=\$(ceph-mon ${cluster_option} --id ${id} --show-config-value mon_data) || exit 1
# if ceph-mon fails then the mon is probably not configured yet
test -e \$mon_data/done
Exec["create-keyring-${id}"] -> Exec[$ceph_mkfs]
} else {
$keyring_path = $keyring
} else {
$keyring_path = '/dev/null'
if $public_addr {
ceph_config {
"mon.${id}/public_addr": value => $public_addr;
# prevent automatic creation of the client.admin key by ceph-create-keys
-> exec { "ceph-mon-${cluster_name}.client.admin.keyring-${id}":
command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
touch /etc/ceph/${cluster_name}.client.admin.keyring",
unless => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
test -e /etc/ceph/${cluster_name}.client.admin.keyring",
-> exec { $ceph_mkfs:
command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
mon_data=\$(ceph-mon ${cluster_option} --id ${id} --show-config-value mon_data)
if [ ! -d \$mon_data ] ; then
mkdir -p \$mon_data
if getent passwd ceph >/dev/null 2>&1; then
chown -h ceph:ceph \$mon_data
if ceph-mon ${cluster_option} \
--setuser ceph --setgroup ceph \
--mkfs \
--id ${id} \
--keyring ${keyring_path} ; then
touch \$mon_data/done \$mon_data/systemd \$mon_data/keyring
chown -h ceph:ceph \$mon_data/done \$mon_data/systemd \$mon_data/keyring
rm -fr \$mon_data
if ceph-mon ${cluster_option} \
--mkfs \
--id ${id} \
--keyring ${keyring_path} ; then
touch \$mon_data/done \$mon_data/systemd \$mon_data/keyring
rm -fr \$mon_data
unless => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
mon_data=\$(ceph-mon ${cluster_option} --id ${id} --show-config-value mon_data)
test -d \$mon_data
logoutput => true,
timeout => $exec_timeout_real,
-> service { $mon_service:
ensure => running,
enable => $mon_enable,
name => "ceph-mon@${id}",
# if the service is running before we setup the configs, notify service
~> Service[$mon_service]
if $authentication_type == 'cephx' {
if $key {
Exec[$ceph_mkfs] -> Exec["rm-keyring-${id}"]
exec { "rm-keyring-${id}":
command => "/bin/rm ${keyring_path}",
unless => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
test ! -e ${keyring_path}
} else {
service { $mon_service:
ensure => stopped,
enable => $mon_enable,
name => "ceph-mon@${id}",
-> exec { "remove-mon-${id}":
command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
mon_data=\$(ceph-mon ${cluster_option} --id ${id} --show-config-value mon_data)
rm -fr \$mon_data
unless => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
which ceph-mon || exit 0 # if ceph-mon is not available we already uninstalled ceph and there is nothing to do
mon_data=\$(ceph-mon ${cluster_option} --id ${id} --show-config-value mon_data)
test ! -d \$mon_data
logoutput => true,
timeout => $exec_timeout_real,
-> ceph_config {
"mon.${id}/public_addr": ensure => absent;
} -> Package<| tag == 'ceph' |>