Thsi fixes the unknown variable errors caused by usage of ceph::profile::fsid. The definition in ceph::profile should NOT be used by generic implementation outside of profile modules. Change-Id: I3bdb153f917838e309288b80a18af4a494d13a4d
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# Copyright (C) 2014 Cloudwatt <libre.licensing@cloudwatt.com>
# Copyright (C) 2014 Nine Internet Solutions AG
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Loic Dachary <loic@dachary.org>
# Author: David Gurtner <aldavud@crimson.ch>
# == Define: ceph::osd
# Install and configure a ceph OSD
# === Parameters:
# [*title*] The OSD data path.
# Mandatory. The path for a disk or vg/lv used for the OSD
# [*ensure*] Installs ( present ) or remove ( absent ) an OSD
# Optional. Defaults to present.
# If set to absent, it will stop the OSD service and remove
# the associated data directory.
# [*journal*] The OSD filestore journal path.
# Optional. Defaults to co-locating the journal with the data
# defined by *title*.
# [*bluestore_wal*] The OSD bluestore WAL path.
# Optional. Defaults to co-locating the WAL with the data
# defined by *title*.
# [*bluestore_db*] The OSD bluestore WAL path.
# Optional. Defaults to co-locating the DB with the data
# defined by *title*.
# [*store_type*] The OSD backing store type.
# Optional. Defaults undef and will follow the ceph version default.
# should be either filestore or bluestore.
# [*cluster*] The ceph cluster
# Optional. Same default as ceph.
# [*exec_timeout*] The default exec resource timeout, in seconds
# Optional. Defaults to $ceph::params::exec_timeout
# [*selinux_file_context*] The SELinux file context to apply
# on the directory backing the OSD service.
# Optional. Defaults to 'ceph_var_lib_t'
# [*fsid*] The ceph cluster FSID
# Optional. Defaults to undef,
# [*dmcrypt*] Encrypt [data-path] and/or journal devices with dm-crypt.
# Optional. Defaults to false.
# [*dmcrypt_key_dir*] Directory where dm-crypt keys are stored.
# Optional. Defaults to '/etc/ceph/dmcrypt-keys'.
define ceph::osd (
Enum['present', 'absent'] $ensure = present,
$journal = undef,
$cluster = undef,
$bluestore_wal = undef,
$bluestore_db = undef,
Optional[Enum['filestore', 'bluestore']] $store_type = undef,
$exec_timeout = undef,
$selinux_file_context = 'ceph_var_lib_t',
$fsid = undef,
Boolean $dmcrypt = false,
$dmcrypt_key_dir = '/etc/ceph/dmcrypt-keys',
) {
include ceph::params
$exec_timeout_real = $exec_timeout ? {
undef => $ceph::params::exec_timeout,
default => $exec_timeout,
$data = $name
if $cluster {
$cluster_name = $cluster
} else {
$cluster_name = 'ceph'
$cluster_option = "--cluster ${cluster_name}"
if $store_type {
$osd_type = " --${store_type}"
} else {
$osd_type = ''
if ($bluestore_wal) or ($bluestore_db) {
if $bluestore_wal {
$wal_opts = "--block.wal ${bluestore_wal}"
} else {
$wal_opts = undef
if $bluestore_db {
$block_opts = "--block.db ${bluestore_db}"
} else {
$block_opts = undef
$journal_opts = join(delete_undef_values(['', $wal_opts, $block_opts]), ' ')
} elsif $journal {
$journal_opts = " --journal ${journal}"
} else {
$journal_opts = ''
if $dmcrypt {
$dmcrypt_options = " --dmcrypt --dmcrypt-key-dir '${dmcrypt_key_dir}'"
} else {
$dmcrypt_options = ''
if $ensure == present {
$ceph_prepare = "ceph-osd-prepare-${name}"
$ceph_activate = "ceph-osd-activate-${name}"
Ceph_config<||> -> Exec[$ceph_prepare]
Ceph::Mon<||> -> Exec[$ceph_prepare]
Ceph::Key<||> -> Exec[$ceph_prepare]
# Ensure none is activated before prepare is finished for all
Exec<| tag == 'prepare' |> -> Exec<| tag == 'activate' |>
if $fsid {
$fsid_option = " --cluster-fsid ${fsid}"
$ceph_check_fsid_mismatch = "ceph-osd-check-fsid-mismatch-${name}"
Exec[$ceph_check_fsid_mismatch] -> Exec[$ceph_prepare]
# return error if $(readlink -f ${data}) has fsid differing from ${fsid}, unless there is no fsid
exec { $ceph_check_fsid_mismatch:
command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
exit 1
unless => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
if [ -z $(ceph-volume lvm list ${data} |grep 'cluster fsid' | awk -F'fsid' '{print \$2}'|tr -d ' ') ]; then
exit 0
test ${fsid} = $(ceph-volume lvm list ${data} |grep 'cluster fsid' | awk -F'fsid' '{print \$2}'|tr -d ' ')
logoutput => true,
timeout => $exec_timeout_real,
} else {
$fsid_option = ''
#name of the bootstrap osd keyring
$bootstrap_osd_keyring = "/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/${cluster_name}.keyring"
exec { "extract-bootstrap-osd-keyring-${name}":
command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
ceph auth get client.bootstrap-osd > ${bootstrap_osd_keyring}
creates => "${bootstrap_osd_keyring}",
-> Exec["extract-bootstrap-osd-keyring-${name}"]
-> Exec[$ceph_prepare]
exec { $ceph_prepare:
command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
if [ $(echo ${data}|cut -c 1) = '/' ]; then
# If data is vg/lv, block device is /dev/vg/lv
if ! test -b \$disk ; then
# Since nautilus, only block devices or lvm logical volumes can be used for OSDs
exit 1
ceph-volume lvm prepare${osd_type} ${cluster_option}${dmcrypt_options}${fsid_option} --data ${data}${journal_opts}
unless => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
ceph-volume lvm list ${data}
logoutput => true,
timeout => $exec_timeout_real,
tag => 'prepare',
if (str2bool($facts['os']['selinux']['enabled']) == true) {
ensure_packages($ceph::params::pkg_policycoreutils, {'ensure' => 'present'})
exec { "fcontext_${name}":
command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
semanage fcontext -a -t ${selinux_file_context} \"$(readlink -f ${data})(/.*)?\"
restorecon -R $(readlink -f ${data})
require => [Package[$ceph::params::pkg_policycoreutils],Exec[$ceph_prepare]],
before => Exec[$ceph_activate],
unless => "/usr/bin/test -b $(readlink -f ${data}) || (semanage fcontext -l | grep $(readlink -f ${data}))",
Exec[$ceph_prepare] -> Exec[$ceph_activate]
exec { $ceph_activate:
command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
if [ $(echo ${data}|cut -c 1) = '/' ]; then
# If data is vg/lv, block device is /dev/vg/lv
if ! test -b \$disk ; then
# Since nautilus, only block devices or lvm logical volumes can be used for OSDs
exit 1
id=$(ceph-volume lvm list ${data} | grep 'osd id'|awk -F 'osd id' '{print \$2}'|tr -d ' ')
fsid=$(ceph-volume lvm list ${data} | grep 'osd fsid'|awk -F 'osd fsid' '{print \$2}'|tr -d ' ')
ceph-volume lvm activate \$id \$fsid
unless => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
id=$(ceph-volume lvm list ${data} | grep 'osd id'|awk -F 'osd id' '{print \$2}'|tr -d ' ')
ps -fCceph-osd|grep \"\\--id \$id \"
logoutput => true,
tag => 'activate',
} else {
# ceph-disk: support osd removal http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/7454
exec { "remove-osd-${name}":
command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -ex
id=$(ceph-volume lvm list ${data} | grep 'osd id'|awk -F 'osd id' '{print \$2}'|tr -d ' ')
if [ \"\$id\" ] ; then
ceph ${cluster_option} osd out osd.\$id
stop ceph-osd cluster=${cluster_name} id=\$id || true
service ceph stop osd.\$id || true
systemctl stop ceph-osd@\$id || true
ceph ${cluster_option} osd crush remove osd.\$id
ceph ${cluster_option} auth del osd.\$id
ceph ${cluster_option} osd rm \$id
rm -fr /var/lib/ceph/osd/${cluster_name}-\$id/*
umount /var/lib/ceph/osd/${cluster_name}-\$id || true
rm -fr /var/lib/ceph/osd/${cluster_name}-\$id
ceph-volume lvm zap ${data}
unless => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements
set -x
ceph-volume lvm list ${data}
if [ \$? -eq 0 ]; then
exit 1
exit 0
logoutput => true,
timeout => $exec_timeout_real,
} -> Ceph::Mon<| ensure == absent |>