diff --git a/manifests/api.pp b/manifests/api.pp
index 0155dccb..b84e5a6c 100644
--- a/manifests/api.pp
+++ b/manifests/api.pp
@@ -19,21 +19,6 @@
 #   (optional) The name of the auth user
 #   Defaults to cinder
-# [*keystone_auth_host*]
-#   (optional) DEPRECATED The keystone host
-#   Defaults to localhost
-#   Use auth_uri instead.
-# [*keystone_auth_port*]
-#   (optional) DEPRECATED The keystone auth port
-#   Defaults to 35357
-#   Use auth_uri instead.
-# [*keystone_auth_protocol*]
-#   (optional) DEPRECATED The protocol used to access the auth host
-#   Defaults to http.
-#   Use auth_uri instead.
 # [*privileged_user*]
 #   (optional) Enables OpenStack privileged account.
 #   Defaults to false.
@@ -76,29 +61,13 @@
 #   (optional) Same as nova_catalog_info, but for admin endpoint.
 #   Defaults to 'compute:Compute Service:adminURL'
-# [*keystone_auth_admin_prefix*]
-#   (optional) DEPRECATED The admin_prefix used to admin endpoint of the auth
-#   host. This allow admin auth URIs like http://auth_host:35357/keystone.
-#   (where '/keystone' is the admin prefix)
-#   Defaults to false for empty. If defined, should be a string with a
-#   leading '/' and no trailing '/'.
-#   Use auth_uri instead.
-# [*keystone_auth_uri*]
-#   (optional) DEPRECATED Renamed to auth_uri
-#   Defaults to 'false'.
 # [*auth_uri*]
 #   (optional) Public Identity API endpoint.
-#   Defaults to 'false'.
+#   Defaults to 'http://localhost:5000/'.
 # [*identity_uri*]
 #   (optional) Complete admin Identity API endpoint.
-#   Defaults to: false
-# [*service_port*]
-#   (optional) DEPRECATED The Keystone public api port
-#   Defaults to 5000
+#   Defaults to: 'http://localhost:35357/'.
 # [*service_workers*]
 #   (optional) Number of cinder-api workers
@@ -164,8 +133,8 @@ class cinder::api (
   $keystone_enabled            = true,
   $keystone_tenant             = 'services',
   $keystone_user               = 'cinder',
-  $auth_uri                    = false,
-  $identity_uri                = false,
+  $auth_uri                    = 'http://localhost:5000/',
+  $identity_uri                = 'http://localhost:35357/',
   $nova_catalog_info           = 'compute:Compute Service:publicURL',
   $nova_catalog_admin_info     = 'compute:Compute Service:adminURL',
   $os_region_name              = $::os_service_default,
@@ -188,12 +157,6 @@ class cinder::api (
   $sync_db                    = true,
   $validation_options         = {},
-  $keystone_auth_uri          = false,
-  $keystone_auth_host         = 'localhost',
-  $keystone_auth_port         = '35357',
-  $keystone_auth_protocol     = 'http',
-  $keystone_auth_admin_prefix = false,
-  $service_port               = '5000',
 ) {
   include ::cinder::params
@@ -268,25 +231,10 @@ class cinder::api (
     'DEFAULT/os_privileged_user_auth_url': value => $os_privileged_user_auth_url;
-  if $keystone_auth_uri and $auth_uri {
-    fail('both keystone_auth_uri and auth_uri are set and they have the same meaning')
-  }
-  elsif !$keystone_auth_uri and !$auth_uri {
-    warning('use of keystone_auth_protocol, keystone_auth_host, and service_port is deprecated, please set auth_uri directly')
-    $auth_uri_real = "${keystone_auth_protocol}://${keystone_auth_host}:${service_port}/"
-  }
-  elsif $keystone_auth_uri {
-    warning('keystone_auth_uri has been renamed to auth_uri')
-    $auth_uri_real = $keystone_auth_uri
-  }
-  else {
-    $auth_uri_real = $auth_uri
-  }
   cinder_config {
-    'keystone_authtoken/auth_uri': value => $auth_uri_real;
-    'keymgr/encryption_auth_url' : value => $keymgr_encryption_auth_url;
+    'keystone_authtoken/auth_uri'     : value => $auth_uri;
+    'keystone_authtoken/identity_uri' : value => $identity_uri;
+    'keymgr/encryption_auth_url'      : value => $keymgr_encryption_auth_url;
   if $keystone_enabled {
@@ -296,75 +244,6 @@ class cinder::api (
       'keystone_authtoken/admin_user':        value => $keystone_user;
       'keystone_authtoken/admin_password':    value => $keystone_password, secret => true;
-    # if both auth_uri and identity_uri are set we skip these deprecated settings entirely
-    if !$auth_uri or !$identity_uri {
-      if $keystone_auth_host {
-        warning('The keystone_auth_host parameter is deprecated. Please use auth_uri and identity_uri instead.')
-        cinder_config {
-          'keystone_authtoken/auth_host': value => $keystone_auth_host;
-        }
-      } else {
-        cinder_config {
-          'keystone_authtoken/auth_host': ensure => absent;
-        }
-      }
-      if $keystone_auth_protocol {
-        warning('The keystone_auth_protocol parameter is deprecated. Please use auth_uri and identity_uri instead.')
-        cinder_config {
-          'keystone_authtoken/auth_protocol': value => $keystone_auth_protocol;
-        }
-      } else {
-        cinder_config {
-          'keystone_authtoken/auth_protocol': ensure => absent;
-        }
-      }
-      if $keystone_auth_port {
-        warning('The keystone_auth_port parameter is deprecated. Please use auth_uri and identity_uri instead.')
-        cinder_config {
-          'keystone_authtoken/auth_port': value => $keystone_auth_port;
-        }
-      } else {
-        cinder_config {
-          'keystone_authtoken/auth_port': ensure => absent;
-        }
-      }
-      if $keystone_auth_admin_prefix {
-        warning('The keystone_auth_admin_prefix parameter is deprecated. Please use auth_uri and identity_uri instead.')
-        validate_re($keystone_auth_admin_prefix, '^(/.+[^/])?$')
-        cinder_api_paste_ini {
-          'filter:authtoken/auth_admin_prefix': value => $keystone_auth_admin_prefix;
-        }
-      } else {
-        cinder_api_paste_ini {
-          'filter:authtoken/auth_admin_prefix': ensure => absent;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    else {
-      cinder_api_paste_ini {
-        'filter:authtoken/auth_admin_prefix': ensure => absent;
-      }
-      cinder_config {
-        'keystone_authtoken/auth_port': ensure => absent;
-        'keystone_authtoken/auth_host': ensure => absent;
-        'keystone_authtoken/auth_protocol': ensure => absent;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if $identity_uri {
-    cinder_config {
-      'keystone_authtoken/identity_uri': value => $identity_uri;
-    }
-  } else {
-    cinder_config {
-      'keystone_authtoken/identity_uri': ensure => absent;
-    }
   if (!is_service_default($ratelimits)) {
@@ -377,7 +256,7 @@ class cinder::api (
   if $validate {
     $defaults = {
       'cinder-api' => {
-        'command'  => "cinder --os-auth-url ${auth_uri_real} --os-tenant-name ${keystone_tenant} --os-username ${keystone_user} --os-password ${keystone_password} list",
+        'command'  => "cinder --os-auth-url ${auth_uri} --os-tenant-name ${keystone_tenant} --os-username ${keystone_user} --os-password ${keystone_password} list",
     $validation_options_hash = merge ($defaults, $validation_options)
diff --git a/spec/classes/cinder_api_spec.rb b/spec/classes/cinder_api_spec.rb
index 20ba3964..c7d52921 100644
--- a/spec/classes/cinder_api_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/classes/cinder_api_spec.rb
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ describe 'cinder::api' do
       is_expected.to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/auth_uri').with(
        :value => 'http://localhost:5000/'
+      is_expected.to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/identity_uri').with(
+       :value => 'http://localhost:35357/'
+      )
       is_expected.to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/admin_tenant_name').with(
        :value => 'services'
@@ -57,27 +60,6 @@ describe 'cinder::api' do
       is_expected.to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/admin_password').with(
        :value => 'foo'
-      is_expected.to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/auth_protocol').with(
-        :value => 'http'
-      )
-      is_expected.to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/auth_host').with(
-        :value => 'localhost'
-      )
-      is_expected.to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/auth_port').with(
-        :value => '35357'
-      )
-      is_expected.not_to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/service_protocol').with(
-        :value => 'http'
-      )
-      is_expected.not_to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/service_host').with(
-        :value => 'localhost'
-      )
-      is_expected.not_to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/service_port').with(
-        :value => '5000'
-      )
-      is_expected.to contain_cinder_api_paste_ini('filter:authtoken/auth_admin_prefix').with(
-        :ensure => 'absent'
-      )
       is_expected.to contain_cinder_config('DEFAULT/os_privileged_user_name').with_value('<SERVICE DEFAULT>')
       is_expected.to contain_cinder_config('DEFAULT/os_privileged_user_password').with_value('<SERVICE DEFAULT>')
@@ -189,17 +171,6 @@ describe 'cinder::api' do
-  describe 'with custom auth_uri' do
-    let :params do
-      req_params.merge({'keystone_auth_uri' => 'http://localhost:8080/v2.0/'})
-    end
-    it 'should configure cinder auth_uri correctly' do
-      is_expected.to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/auth_uri').with(
-        :value => 'http://localhost:8080/v2.0/'
-      )
-    end
-  end
   describe 'with only required params' do
     let :params do
       req_params.merge({'bind_host' => ''})
@@ -222,53 +193,6 @@ describe 'cinder::api' do
     it { is_expected.not_to contain_class('cinder::db::sync') }
-  [ '/keystone', '/keystone/admin' ].each do |keystone_auth_admin_prefix|
-    describe "with keystone_auth_admin_prefix containing correct value #{keystone_auth_admin_prefix}" do
-      let :params do
-        {
-          :keystone_auth_admin_prefix => keystone_auth_admin_prefix,
-          :keystone_password    => 'dummy'
-        }
-      end
-      it { is_expected.to contain_cinder_api_paste_ini('filter:authtoken/auth_admin_prefix').with(
-        :value => "#{keystone_auth_admin_prefix}"
-      )}
-    end
-  end
-  describe "with keystone_auth_admin_prefix containing correct value ''" do
-    let :params do
-      {
-        :keystone_auth_admin_prefix => '',
-        :keystone_password          => 'dummy'
-      }
-    end
-    it { is_expected.to contain_cinder_api_paste_ini('filter:authtoken/auth_admin_prefix')}
-  end
-  [
-    '/keystone/',
-    'keystone/',
-    'keystone',
-    '/keystone/admin/',
-    'keystone/admin/',
-    'keystone/admin'
-  ].each do |keystone_auth_admin_prefix|
-    describe "with keystone_auth_admin_prefix containing incorrect value #{keystone_auth_admin_prefix}" do
-      let :params do
-        {
-          :keystone_auth_admin_prefix => keystone_auth_admin_prefix,
-          :keystone_password    => 'dummy'
-        }
-      end
-      it { expect { is_expected.to contain_cinder_api_paste_ini('filter:authtoken/auth_admin_prefix') }.to \
-        raise_error(Puppet::Error, /validate_re\(\): "#{keystone_auth_admin_prefix}" does not match/) }
-    end
-  end
   describe 'with enabled false' do
     let :params do
       req_params.merge({'enabled' => false})
@@ -356,30 +280,13 @@ describe 'cinder::api' do
     let :params do
         :identity_uri         => 'https://localhost:35357/',
-        :auth_uri             => 'https://localhost:5000/v2.0/',
+        :auth_uri             => 'https://localhost:5000/',
     it 'configures identity_uri and auth_uri but deprecates old auth settings' do
       is_expected.to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/identity_uri').with_value("https://localhost:35357/")
-      is_expected.to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/auth_uri').with_value("https://localhost:5000/v2.0/")
-      is_expected.to contain_cinder_api_paste_ini('filter:authtoken/auth_admin_prefix').with(:ensure => 'absent')
-      is_expected.to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/auth_port').with(:ensure => 'absent')
-      is_expected.not_to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/service_port').with(:ensure => 'absent')
-      is_expected.to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/auth_protocol').with(:ensure => 'absent')
-      is_expected.not_to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/service_protocol').with(:ensure => 'absent')
-      is_expected.to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/auth_host').with(:ensure => 'absent')
-      is_expected.not_to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/service_host').with(:ensure => 'absent')
+      is_expected.to contain_cinder_config('keystone_authtoken/auth_uri').with_value("https://localhost:5000/")
-  describe 'when someone sets keystone_auth_uri and auth_uri' do
-    let :params do
-      req_params.merge({
-          :keystone_auth_uri    => 'http://thisis',
-          :auth_uri             => 'http://broken',
-        })
-    end
-    it_raises 'a Puppet::Error', /both keystone_auth_uri and auth_uri are set and they have the same meaning/
-  end