# == define: cinder::backend::dellemc_unity # # Configure the Dell EMC Unity Driver for cinder. # # === Parameters # # [*san_ip*] # (required) IP address of Unity Unisphere. # # [*san_login*] # (required) Unity Unisphere user name. # # [*san_password*] # (required) Unity Unisphere user password. # # [*storage_protocol*] # (required) The Storage protocol, iSCSI or FC. # # [*volume_backend_name*] # (optional) The storage backend name. # Defaults to the $name of the backend # # [*backend_availability_zone*] # (Optional) Availability zone for this volume backend. # If not set, the storage_availability_zone option value # is used as the default for all backends. # Defaults to $::os_service_default. # # [*unity_io_ports*] # (optional) A comma-separated list of iSCSI or FC ports to be used. # Each port can be Unix-style glob expressions. The Unity Unisphere API port. # Defaults to $::os_service_default # # [*unity_storage_pool_names*] # (optional) A comma-separated list of storage pool names to be used. # Defaults to $::os_service_default # # [*extra_options*] # (optional) Hash of extra options to pass to the backend stanza. # Defaults to: {} # Example: # { 'dellemc_unity_backend/param1' => { 'value' => value1 } } # # [*manage_volume_type*] # (Optional) Whether or not manage Cinder Volume type. # If set to true, a Cinder Volume type will be created # with volume_backend_name=$volume_backend_name key/value. # Defaults to false. # define cinder::backend::dellemc_unity ( $san_ip, $san_login, $san_password, $storage_protocol, $volume_backend_name = $name, $backend_availability_zone = $::os_service_default, $unity_io_ports = $::os_service_default, $unity_storage_pool_names = $::os_service_default, $manage_volume_type = false, $extra_options = {}, ) { include cinder::deps $driver = 'dell_emc.unity.Driver' cinder_config { "${name}/volume_backend_name": value => $volume_backend_name; "${name}/backend_availability_zone": value => $backend_availability_zone; "${name}/volume_driver": value => "cinder.volume.drivers.${driver}"; "${name}/san_ip": value => $san_ip; "${name}/san_login": value => $san_login; "${name}/san_password": value => $san_password, secret => true; "${name}/storage_protocol": value => $storage_protocol; "${name}/unity_io_ports": value => $unity_io_ports; "${name}/unity_storage_pool_names": value => $unity_storage_pool_names; } if $manage_volume_type { cinder_type { $volume_backend_name: ensure => present, properties => ["volume_backend_name=${volume_backend_name}"], } } create_resources('cinder_config', $extra_options) }