Takashi Kajinami bb1eba7195 Use Hash values for properties
Use Hash values instead of Array values to avoid unnecessary conversion
between actual value type and internal data type. This allows us to
avoid potential issues caused by tricky parsing or conversion.

Note that this could not be backword compatible and users have to
update their manifests to adopt to this change.

Change-Id: Id4a32752eb1073c6467d089bc97c8271741feba0
2024-10-08 02:25:37 +00:00

174 lines
7.3 KiB

# == Class: cinder::backend::pure
# Configures Cinder volume PureStorage driver.
# Parameters are particular to each volume driver.
# === Parameters
# [*san_ip*]
# (required) IP address of PureStorage management VIP.
# [*pure_api_token*]
# (required) API token for management of PureStorage array.
# [*volume_backend_name*]
# (optional) Allows for the volume_backend_name to be separate of $name.
# Defaults to: $name
# [*backend_availability_zone*]
# (Optional) Availability zone for this volume backend.
# If not set, the storage_availability_zone option value
# is used as the default for all backends.
# Defaults to $facts['os_service_default'].
# [*reserved_percentage*]
# (Optional) The percentage of backend capacity is reserved.
# Defaults to $facts['os_service_default'].
# [*max_over_subscription_ratio*]
# (Optional) Representation of the over subscription ratio when thin
# provisionig is involved.
# Defaults to $facts['os_service_default'].
# [*pure_storage_protocol*]
# (optional) Must be either 'iSCSI', 'FC' or 'NVMe'. This will determine
# which Volume Driver will be configured; PureISCSIDriver, PureFCDriver
# or PureNVMEDriver.
# Defaults to 'iSCSI'
# [*use_chap_auth*]
# (optional) Use authentication for iSCSI. Only affects the PureISCSIDriver.
# Defaults to $facts['os_service_default']
# [*use_multipath_for_image_xfer*]
# (optional) Use multipath when attaching the volume for image transfer.
# Defaults to True
# [*image_volume_cache_enabled*]
# (Optional) Enable Cinder's image cache function for this backend.
# Defaults to True
# [*image_volume_cache_max_size_gb*]
# (Optional) Max size of the image volume cache for this backend in GB.
# Defaults to $facts['os_service_default'],
# [*image_volume_cache_max_count*]
# (Optional) Max number of entries allowed in the image volume cache.
# Defaults to $facts['os_service_default'],
# [*pure_host_personality*]
# (Optional) Determines how the Purity system tunes the protocol used between
# the array and the initiator.
# Defaults to $facts['os_service_default']
# [*pure_eradicate_on_delete*]
# (Optional) Determines how the Purity system treats deleted volumes.
# Whether to immediately eradicate on delete or leave for auto-eradication
# in 24 hours
# Defaults to $facts['os_service_default']
# [*pure_nvme_transport*]
# (Optional) Identifies which NVMe transport layer to be used with
# the NVMe driver.
# Defaults to $facts['os_service_default']
# [*pure_nvme_cidr*]
# (Optional) Identifies which NVMe network CIDR should be used for
# NVMe connections to the FlashArray if the array is configured with
# multiple NVMe VLANs.
# Defaults to $facts['os_service_default']
# [*pure_nvme_cidr_list*]
# (Optional) Identifies list of CIDR of FlashArray NVMe targets hosts
# are allowed to connect to. It supports IPv4 and IPv6 subnets. This
# parameter supercedes pure_nvme_cidr.
# Defaults to $facts['os_service_default']
# [*pure_iscsi_cidr*]
# (Optional) Identifies which iSCSI network CIDR should be used for
# iscsi connections to the FlashArray if the array is configured with
# multiple iSCSI VLANs.
# Defaults to $facts['os_service_default']
# [*pure_iscsi_cidr_list*]
# (Optional) Identifies list of CIDR of FlashArray iSCSI targets hosts are
# allowed to connect to. It supports IPv4 and IPv6 subnets. This parameter
# supersedes pure_iscsi_cidr.
# Defaults to $facts['os_service_default']
# [*manage_volume_type*]
# (Optional) Whether or not manage Cinder Volume type.
# If set to true, a Cinder Volume type will be created
# with volume_backend_name=$volume_backend_name key/value.
# Defaults to false.
# [*extra_options*]
# (optional) Hash of extra options to pass to the backend stanza.
# Defaults to: {}
# Example :
# { 'pure_backend/param1' => { 'value' => value1 } }
define cinder::backend::pure(
$volume_backend_name = $name,
$backend_availability_zone = $facts['os_service_default'],
$reserved_percentage = $facts['os_service_default'],
$max_over_subscription_ratio = $facts['os_service_default'],
Enum['iSCSI', 'FC', 'NVMe'] $pure_storage_protocol = 'iSCSI',
$use_chap_auth = $facts['os_service_default'],
$use_multipath_for_image_xfer = true,
$image_volume_cache_enabled = true,
$image_volume_cache_max_size_gb = $facts['os_service_default'],
$image_volume_cache_max_count = $facts['os_service_default'],
$pure_host_personality = $facts['os_service_default'],
$pure_eradicate_on_delete = $facts['os_service_default'],
$pure_nvme_transport = $facts['os_service_default'],
$pure_nvme_cidr = $facts['os_service_default'],
$pure_nvme_cidr_list = $facts['os_service_default'],
$pure_iscsi_cidr = $facts['os_service_default'],
$pure_iscsi_cidr_list = $facts['os_service_default'],
Boolean $manage_volume_type = false,
Hash $extra_options = {},
) {
include cinder::deps
$volume_driver = $pure_storage_protocol ? {
'FC' => 'cinder.volume.drivers.pure.PureFCDriver',
'NVMe' => 'cinder.volume.drivers.pure.PureNVMEDriver',
default => 'cinder.volume.drivers.pure.PureISCSIDriver',
cinder_config {
"${name}/volume_backend_name": value => $volume_backend_name;
"${name}/backend_availability_zone": value => $backend_availability_zone;
"${name}/reserved_percentage": value => $reserved_percentage;
"${name}/max_over_subscription_ratio": value => $max_over_subscription_ratio;
"${name}/volume_driver": value => $volume_driver;
"${name}/san_ip": value => $san_ip;
"${name}/pure_api_token": value => $pure_api_token, secret => true;
"${name}/use_chap_auth": value => $use_chap_auth;
"${name}/use_multipath_for_image_xfer": value => $use_multipath_for_image_xfer;
"${name}/image_volume_cache_enabled": value => $image_volume_cache_enabled;
"${name}/image_volume_cache_max_size_gb": value => $image_volume_cache_max_size_gb;
"${name}/image_volume_cache_max_count": value => $image_volume_cache_max_count;
"${name}/pure_host_personality": value => $pure_host_personality;
"${name}/pure_eradicate_on_delete": value => $pure_eradicate_on_delete;
"${name}/pure_nvme_transport": value => $pure_nvme_transport;
"${name}/pure_nvme_cidr": value => $pure_nvme_cidr;
"${name}/pure_nvme_cidr_list": value => join(any2array($pure_nvme_cidr_list), ',');
"${name}/pure_iscsi_cidr": value => $pure_iscsi_cidr;
"${name}/pure_iscsi_cidr_list": value => join(any2array($pure_iscsi_cidr_list), ',');
if $manage_volume_type {
cinder_type { $volume_backend_name:
ensure => present,
properties => {'volume_backend_name' => $volume_backend_name},
create_resources('cinder_config', $extra_options)