Takashi Kajinami b0957ff6a6 Deploy block-storage service type
The official service type name defined in service type authority is
not volume or volumevN but "block-storage". In the recent discussion[1]
it was recommended that a keystone service with that official name is
created along with optional service types with legacy names.

[1] https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/QQ7L44VE4MOWOQVOFCZQPTIVI35A6SCK/

Change-Id: Iafcb614532639391b6c2612f4ca5546f5940a912
2024-10-10 00:18:21 +09:00

238 lines
7.6 KiB

# == Class: cinder::keystone::auth
# Configures Cinder user, service and endpoint in Keystone.
# === Parameters
# [*password*]
# (Required) Password for Cinder user.
# [*email*]
# (Optional) Email for Cinder user.
# Defaults to 'cinder@localhost'.
# [*auth_name*]
# (Optional) Username for Cinder service.
# Defaults to 'cinder'.
# [*configure_endpoint*]
# (Optional) Should Cinder endpoint be configured?
# Defaults to true
# [*configure_endpoint_v3*]
# (Optional) Should Cinder v3 endpoint be configured?
# Defaults to true
# [*configure_user*]
# (Optional) Should the service user be configured?
# Defaults to true
# [*configure_user_role*]
# (Optional) Should the admin role be configured for the service user?
# Defaults to true
# [*configure_service*]
# (Optional) Should the service be configured?
# Defaults to True
# [*configure_service_v3*]
# (Optional) Should the v3 service be configured?
# Defaults to True
# [*service_name*]
# (Optional) Name of the service.
# Defaults to 'cinder'.
# [*service_name_v3*]
# (Optional) Name of the v3 service.
# Defaults to 'cinderv3'.
# [*service_type*]
# (Optional) Type of the service.
# Defaults to 'block-storage'.
# [*service_type_v3*]
# (Optional) Type of the v3 service.
# Defaults to 'volumev3'.
# [*service_description*]
# (Optional) Description for the service.
# Defaults to 'OpenStack Block Storage Service'.
# [*service_description_v3*]
# (Optional) Description for the v3 service.
# Defaults to 'Cinder Service v3'.
# [*region*]
# (Optional) Region for endpoint.
# Defaults to 'RegionOne'.
# [*tenant*]
# (Optional) Tenant for Cinder user.
# Defaults to 'services'.
# [*roles*]
# (Optional) List of roles assigned to Cinder user
# Defaults to ['admin']
# [*system_scope*]
# (Optional) Scope for system operations used by Cinder v3 user.
# Defaults to 'all'
# [*system_roles*]
# (Optional) List of system roles assigned to Cinder user.
# Defaults to []
# [*public_url_v3*]
# (Optional) The v3 endpoint's public url.
# This url should *not* contain any trailing '/'.
# Defaults to ''
# [*internal_url_v3*]
# (Optional) The v3 endpoint's internal url.
# This url should *not* contain any trailing '/'.
# Defaults to ''
# [*admin_url_v3*]
# (Optional) The v3 endpoint's admin url.
# This url should *not* contain any trailing '/'.
# Defaults to ''
# [*password_user_v3*]
# (Optional) Password for Cinder v3 user.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*auth_name_v3*]
# (Optional) Username for Cinder v3 service.
# Defaults to 'cinderv3'.
# [*email_user_v3*]
# (Optional) Email for Cinder v3 user.
# Defaults to 'cinderv3@localhost'.
# [*tenant_user_v3*]
# (Optional) Tenant for Cinder v3 user.
# Defaults to 'services'.
# [*roles_v3*]
# (Optional) List of roles assigned to Cinder v3 user
# Defaults to ['admin']
# [*system_scope_v3*]
# (Optional) Scope for system operations used by Cinder v3 user.
# Defaults to 'all'
# [*system_roles_v3*]
# (Optional) List of system roles assigned to Cinder v3 user.
# Defaults to []
# [*configure_user_v3*]
# (Optional) Should the service user be configured for cinder v3?
# Defaults to false
# [*configure_user_role_v3*]
# (Optional) Should the admin role be configured for the service user for cinder v3?
# Defaults to false
# === Examples
# class { 'cinder::keystone::auth':
# public_url => '',
# internal_url => '',
# admin_url => '',
# }
class cinder::keystone::auth (
String[1] $password,
String[1] $auth_name = 'cinder',
String[1] $tenant = 'services',
Array[String[1]] $roles = ['admin'],
String[1] $system_scope = 'all',
Array[String[1]] $system_roles = [],
String[1] $email = 'cinder@localhost',
Keystone::PublicEndpointUrl $public_url_v3 = '',
Keystone::EndpointUrl $internal_url_v3 = '',
Keystone::EndpointUrl $admin_url_v3 = '',
Boolean $configure_endpoint = true,
Boolean $configure_endpoint_v3 = true,
Boolean $configure_user = true,
Boolean $configure_user_role = true,
Boolean $configure_service = true,
Boolean $configure_service_v3 = true,
String[1] $service_name = 'cinder',
String[1] $service_name_v3 = 'cinderv3',
String[1] $service_type = 'block-storage',
String[1] $service_type_v3 = 'volumev3',
String[1] $service_description = 'OpenStack Block Storage Service',
String[1] $service_description_v3 = 'Cinder Service v3',
String[1] $region = 'RegionOne',
Optional[String[1]] $password_user_v3 = undef,
String[1] $auth_name_v3 = 'cinderv3',
String[1] $email_user_v3 = 'cinderv3@localhost',
String[1] $tenant_user_v3 = 'services',
Array[String[1]] $roles_v3 = ['admin'],
String[1] $system_scope_v3 = 'all',
Array[String[1]] $system_roles_v3 = [],
Boolean $configure_user_v3 = false,
Boolean $configure_user_role_v3 = false,
) {
include cinder::deps
if $configure_user_v3 or $configure_user_role_v3 {
warning("Management of volume v3 user has been deprecated and will be removed \
and will be removed in a future release.")
Keystone::Resource::Service_identity['cinder'] -> Anchor['cinder::service::end']
Keystone::Resource::Service_identity['cinderv3'] -> Anchor['cinder::service::end']
# Always configure the original user and user roles, as these
# can be used by the v3 service.
keystone::resource::service_identity { 'cinder':
configure_user => $configure_user,
configure_user_role => $configure_user_role,
configure_endpoint => $configure_endpoint,
configure_service => $configure_service,
service_type => $service_type,
service_description => $service_description,
service_name => $service_name,
region => $region,
auth_name => $auth_name,
password => $password,
email => $email,
tenant => $tenant,
roles => $roles,
system_scope => $system_scope,
system_roles => $system_roles,
public_url => $public_url_v3,
admin_url => $admin_url_v3,
internal_url => $internal_url_v3,
keystone::resource::service_identity { 'cinderv3':
configure_user => $configure_user_v3,
configure_user_role => $configure_user_role_v3,
configure_endpoint => $configure_endpoint_v3,
configure_service => $configure_service_v3,
service_type => $service_type_v3,
service_description => $service_description_v3,
service_name => $service_name_v3,
region => $region,
auth_name => $auth_name_v3,
password => $password_user_v3,
email => $email_user_v3,
tenant => $tenant_user_v3,
roles => $roles_v3,
system_scope => $system_scope_v3,
system_roles => $system_roles_v3,
public_url => $public_url_v3,
admin_url => $admin_url_v3,
internal_url => $internal_url_v3,