cinder::setup_test_volume should now support RHEL6 and RHEL7 and also Fedora systems. It should use cinder provided path and not file in /tmp and it should set correct permissions to it. Change-Id: Iee783a3445c97b6559d63d0d501b12028b7b2b26
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# == Class: cinder::setup_test_volume
# Setup a volume group on a loop device for test purposes.
# === Parameters
# [*volume_name*]
# Volume group name. Defaults to 'cinder-volumes'.
# [*size*]
# Volume group size. Defaults to '4G'.
# [*loopback_device*]
# Loop device name. Defaults to '/dev/loop2'.
# [*volume_path*]
# Volume image location. Defaults to '/var/lib/cinder'.
class cinder::setup_test_volume(
$volume_name = 'cinder-volumes',
$volume_path = '/var/lib/cinder',
$size = '4G',
$loopback_device = '/dev/loop2'
) {
package { 'lvm2':
ensure => present,
} ~>
file { $volume_path:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'cinder',
group => 'cinder',
require => Package['cinder'],
} ~>
exec { "create_${volume_path}/${volume_name}":
command => "dd if=/dev/zero of=\"${volume_path}/${volume_name}\" bs=1 count=0 seek=${size}",
path => ['/bin','/usr/bin','/sbin','/usr/sbin'],
unless => "stat ${volume_path}/${volume_name}",
} ~>
exec { "losetup ${loopback_device} ${volume_path}/${volume_name}":
path => ['/bin','/usr/bin','/sbin','/usr/sbin'],
refreshonly => true,
} ~>
exec { "pvcreate ${loopback_device}":
path => ['/bin','/usr/bin','/sbin','/usr/sbin'],
unless => "pvdisplay | grep ${volume_name}",
refreshonly => true,
} ~>
exec { "vgcreate ${volume_name} ${loopback_device}":
path => ['/bin','/usr/bin','/sbin','/usr/sbin'],
refreshonly => true,