public_endpoint is used for configuring versions endpoint. osapi_volume_base_URL is used to present Cinder URL to users. They are useful when running Cinder in SSL. Depends-On: Ibfc3988a4de47c9d7d97159e7d1c0e57d64979ae Change-Id: Iacf844b10ee3e8a5668c6dc945cefaafd584635a
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# == Class: cinder::api
# Setup and configure the cinder API endpoint
# === Parameters
# [*keystone_password*]
# The password to use for authentication (keystone)
# [*keystone_enabled*]
# (optional) Use keystone for authentification
# Defaults to true
# [*keystone_tenant*]
# (optional) The tenant of the auth user
# Defaults to services
# [*keystone_user*]
# (optional) The name of the auth user
# Defaults to cinder
# [*privileged_user*]
# (optional) Enables OpenStack privileged account.
# Defaults to false.
# [*os_privileged_user_name*]
# (optional) OpenStack privileged account username. Used for requests to
# other services (such as Nova) that require an account with
# special rights.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default.
# [*os_privileged_user_password*]
# (optional) Password associated with the OpenStack privileged account.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default.
# [*os_privileged_user_tenant*]
# (optional) Tenant name associated with the OpenStack privileged account.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default.
# [*os_privileged_user_auth_url*]
# (optional) Auth URL associated with the OpenStack privileged account.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default.
# [*keymgr_encryption_auth_url*]
# (optional) Auth URL for keymgr authentication. Should be in format
# http://auth_url:5000/v3
# Defaults to $::os_service_default.
# [*os_region_name*]
# (optional) Some operations require cinder to make API requests
# to Nova. This sets the keystone region to be used for these
# requests. For example, boot-from-volume.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*nova_catalog_info*]
# (optional) Match this value when searching for nova in the service
# catalog.
# Defaults to 'compute:Compute Service:publicURL'
# [*nova_catalog_admin_info*]
# (optional) Same as nova_catalog_info, but for admin endpoint.
# Defaults to 'compute:Compute Service:adminURL'
# [*auth_uri*]
# (optional) Public Identity API endpoint.
# Defaults to 'http://localhost:5000/'.
# [*identity_uri*]
# (optional) Complete admin Identity API endpoint.
# Defaults to: 'http://localhost:35357/'.
# [*service_workers*]
# (optional) Number of cinder-api workers
# Defaults to $::processorcount
# [*package_ensure*]
# (optional) The state of the package
# Defaults to present
# [*bind_host*]
# (optional) The cinder api bind address
# Defaults to
# [*enabled*]
# (optional) The state of the service
# Defaults to true
# [*manage_service*]
# (optional) Whether to start/stop the service
# Defaults to true
# [*ratelimits*]
# (optional) The state of the service
# Defaults to $::os_service_default. If undefined the default ratelimiting values are used.
# [*ratelimits_factory*]
# (optional) Factory to use for ratelimiting
# Defaults to 'cinder.api.v1.limits:RateLimitingMiddleware.factory'
# [*default_volume_type*]
# (optional) default volume type to use.
# This should contain the name of the default volume type to use.
# If not configured, it produces an error when creating a volume
# without specifying a type.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default.
# [*validate*]
# (optional) Whether to validate the service is working after any service refreshes
# Defaults to false
# [*validation_options*]
# (optional) Service validation options
# Should be a hash of options defined in openstacklib::service_validation
# If empty, defaults values are taken from openstacklib function.
# Default command list volumes.
# Require validate set at True.
# Example:
# glance::api::validation_options:
# glance-api:
# command: check_cinder-api.py
# path: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
# provider: shell
# tries: 5
# try_sleep: 10
# Defaults to {}
# [*sync_db*]
# (Optional) Run db sync on the node.
# Defaults to true
# [*public_endpoint*]
# (Optional) Public url to use for versions endpoint.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*osapi_volume_base_url*]
# (Optional) Base URL that will be presented to users in links to the OpenStack Volume API.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
class cinder::api (
$keystone_enabled = true,
$keystone_tenant = 'services',
$keystone_user = 'cinder',
$auth_uri = 'http://localhost:5000/',
$identity_uri = 'http://localhost:35357/',
$nova_catalog_info = 'compute:Compute Service:publicURL',
$nova_catalog_admin_info = 'compute:Compute Service:adminURL',
$os_region_name = $::os_service_default,
$privileged_user = false,
$os_privileged_user_name = $::os_service_default,
$os_privileged_user_password = $::os_service_default,
$os_privileged_user_tenant = $::os_service_default,
$os_privileged_user_auth_url = $::os_service_default,
$keymgr_encryption_auth_url = $::os_service_default,
$service_workers = $::processorcount,
$package_ensure = 'present',
$bind_host = '',
$enabled = true,
$manage_service = true,
$ratelimits = $::os_service_default,
$default_volume_type = $::os_service_default,
$ratelimits_factory =
$validate = false,
$sync_db = true,
$public_endpoint = $::os_service_default,
$osapi_volume_base_url = $::os_service_default,
$validation_options = {},
) {
include ::cinder::params
include ::cinder::policy
Cinder_config<||> ~> Service['cinder-api']
Cinder_api_paste_ini<||> ~> Service['cinder-api']
Class['cinder::policy'] ~> Service['cinder-api']
if $::cinder::params::api_package {
Package['cinder-api'] -> Class['cinder::policy']
Package['cinder-api'] -> Service['cinder-api']
Package['cinder-api'] ~> Exec<| title == 'cinder-manage db_sync' |>
package { 'cinder-api':
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $::cinder::params::api_package,
tag => ['openstack', 'cinder-package'],
if $sync_db {
include ::cinder::db::sync
if $enabled {
if $manage_service {
$ensure = 'running'
} else {
if $manage_service {
$ensure = 'stopped'
service { 'cinder-api':
ensure => $ensure,
name => $::cinder::params::api_service,
enable => $enabled,
hasstatus => true,
require => Package['cinder'],
tag => 'cinder-service',
cinder_config {
'DEFAULT/osapi_volume_listen': value => $bind_host;
'DEFAULT/osapi_volume_workers': value => $service_workers;
'DEFAULT/os_region_name': value => $os_region_name;
'DEFAULT/default_volume_type': value => $default_volume_type;
'DEFAULT/public_endpoint': value => $public_endpoint;
'DEFAULT/osapi_volume_base_URL': value => $osapi_volume_base_url;
cinder_config {
'DEFAULT/nova_catalog_info': value => $nova_catalog_info;
'DEFAULT/nova_catalog_admin_info': value => $nova_catalog_admin_info;
if $privileged_user {
if is_service_default($os_privileged_user_name) {
fail('The os_privileged_user_name parameter is required when privileged_user is set to true')
if is_service_default($os_privileged_user_password) {
fail('The os_privileged_user_password parameter is required when privileged_user is set to true')
if is_service_default($os_privileged_user_tenant) {
fail('The os_privileged_user_tenant parameter is required when privileged_user is set to true')
cinder_config {
'DEFAULT/os_privileged_user_password': value => $os_privileged_user_password;
'DEFAULT/os_privileged_user_tenant': value => $os_privileged_user_tenant;
'DEFAULT/os_privileged_user_name': value => $os_privileged_user_name;
'DEFAULT/os_privileged_user_auth_url': value => $os_privileged_user_auth_url;
cinder_config {
'keystone_authtoken/auth_uri' : value => $auth_uri;
'keystone_authtoken/identity_uri' : value => $identity_uri;
'keymgr/encryption_auth_url' : value => $keymgr_encryption_auth_url;
if $keystone_enabled {
cinder_config {
'DEFAULT/auth_strategy': value => 'keystone' ;
'keystone_authtoken/admin_tenant_name': value => $keystone_tenant;
'keystone_authtoken/admin_user': value => $keystone_user;
'keystone_authtoken/admin_password': value => $keystone_password, secret => true;
if (!is_service_default($ratelimits)) {
cinder_api_paste_ini {
'filter:ratelimit/paste.filter_factory': value => $ratelimits_factory;
'filter:ratelimit/limits': value => $ratelimits;
if $validate {
$defaults = {
'cinder-api' => {
'command' => "cinder --os-auth-url ${auth_uri} --os-tenant-name ${keystone_tenant} --os-username ${keystone_user} --os-password ${keystone_password} list",
$validation_options_hash = merge ($defaults, $validation_options)
create_resources('openstacklib::service_validation', $validation_options_hash, {'subscribe' => 'Service[cinder-api]'})