# == Class: cloudkitty::processor # # Installs & configure the cloudkitty processor service # # === Parameters # # [*package_ensure*] # (Optional) Ensure state for package. # Defaults to 'present'. # # [*enabled*] # (optional) Should the service be enabled. # Defaults to 'true'. # # [*manage_service*] # (optional) Whether the service should be managed by Puppet. # Defaults to 'true'. # # [*collector*] # (Optional) Data collector. # Defaults to 'gnocchi'. # # [*window*] # (Optional) Number of samples to collect per call. # Defaults to $facts['os_service_default']. # # [*period*] # (Optional) Rating period in seconds. # Defaults to $facts['os_service_default']. # # [*wait_periods*] # (optional) Wait for N periods before collecting new data. # Defaults to $facts['os_service_default']. # # [*services*] # (optional) Services to monitor. # Defaults to $facts['os_service_default']. # # [*auth_type*] # (optional) Authentication type to load. # Default to 'password'. # # [*auth_section*] # (optional) Config Section from which to load plugin specific options # Default to 'keystone_authtoken'. # # [*region_name*] # (optional) Region name for gnocchi collector # Default to $facts['os_service_default'] # # [*interface*] # (optional) Endpoint URL type # Default to $facts['os_service_default'] # class cloudkitty::processor ( $package_ensure = 'present', Boolean $manage_service = true, Boolean $enabled = true, $collector = 'gnocchi', $window = $facts['os_service_default'], $period = $facts['os_service_default'], $wait_periods = $facts['os_service_default'], $services = $facts['os_service_default'], $auth_type = 'password', $auth_section = 'keystone_authtoken', $region_name = $facts['os_service_default'], $interface = $facts['os_service_default'], ) { include cloudkitty::deps include cloudkitty::params package { 'cloudkitty-processor': ensure => $package_ensure, name => $::cloudkitty::params::processor_package_name, tag => ['openstack', 'cloudkitty-package'], } if $manage_service { if $enabled { $service_ensure = 'running' } else { $service_ensure = 'stopped' } service { 'cloudkitty-processor': ensure => $service_ensure, name => $::cloudkitty::params::processor_service_name, enable => $enabled, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, tag => 'cloudkitty-service', } } cloudkitty_config { 'collect/window': value => $window; 'collect/period': value => $period; 'collect/wait_periods': value => $wait_periods; 'collect/services': value => $services; } if $collector != 'gnocchi' { warning('Valid value of the collector option is gnocchi') $collector = 'gnocchi' } cloudkitty_config { 'collect/collector': value => $collector; 'collector_gnocchi/auth_type': value => $auth_type; 'collector_gnocchi/auth_section': value => $auth_section; 'collector_gnocchi/region_name': value => $region_name; 'collector_gnocchi/interface': value => $interface; } }