
74 lines
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# == Class: crane::config
# Crane configuration
# === Parameters
# [*data_dir*]
# (Required) Full path to the directory from which metadata files should be loaded. The app files may optionally be in the root data_dir, or in subdirectories as desired.
# Defaults to /var/lib/crane/metadata/.
# [*debug*]
# (Required) Controls whether debug logging is enabled or disable for crane.
# Defaults to false.
# [*endpoint*]
# (Required) hostname and optional port, in the form hostname:port, where crane is deployed. This is the value that will be returned for the X-Docker-Endpoint header. defaults to the host and port used by the requesting client.
# Defaults to http://localhost:8787/.
# [*data_dir_polling_interval*]
# (Required) The number of seconds between checks for updates to metadata files in the data_dir. This defaults to checking once every 10 seconds.
# Defaults to 10.
# [*serve_content_enable*]
# (Required) Put Crane into "serve content" mode when true. Defaults to false, i.e. Crane uses 302 redirects by default.
# Defaults to true.
# [*serve_content_dir_v1*]
# (Required) Full path to the directory from which images should be served for Docker clients using the 'v1' API.
# Defaults to /var/lib/crane/data/.
# [*serve_content_dir_v2*]
# (Required) Full path to the directory from which images should be served for Docker clients using the 'v1' API.
# Defaults to /var/lib/crane/data/.
# [*serve_content_use_x_sendfile*]
# (Required) Use Apache XSENDFILE to send the data.
# Defaults to true.
# [*port*]
# (Required) The port where Apache/Crane will listen.
# Defaults to 8787.
# [*host*]
# (Required) The host where Apache/Crane will listen.
# Defaults to localhost.
class crane::config(
$data_dir = '/var/lib/crane/metadata/',
$debug = false,
$endpoint = 'http://localhost:8787/',
$data_dir_polling_interval = '10',
$serve_content_enable = true,
$serve_content_dir_v1 = '/var/lib/crane/data/',
$serve_content_dir_v2 = '/var/lib/crane/data/',
$serve_content_use_x_sendfile = true,
$host = 'localhost',
$port = 8787,
file { '/etc/crane.conf':
content => template('crane/crane.conf.erb')
file { '/etc/httpd/conf.d/crane.conf':
content => template('crane/crane-httpd.conf.erb')
file_line { '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:Listen':
path => '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf',
match => '^Listen 80*',
line => "Listen $port",