Add bind9 backend parameter to allow bypassing bind configuration

Adds designate::backedn::bind9::configure_bind parameter to allow
bypassing the dns puppet module. This is necessary when bind is not
installed on same host as designate.

Change-Id: I3e94e3846fb97f0a0a5d25b2f5a1ef02e88a84b2
(cherry picked from commit d68a16c853)
This commit is contained in:
Brent Eagles 2021-02-18 15:32:50 -03:30 committed by Takashi Kajinami
parent 6b2b21876f
commit a6244026a4
3 changed files with 57 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -24,22 +24,55 @@
# (optional) Hash defining controls configuration for rndc.
# Defaults to undef, which uses the puppet-dns default
# [*configure_bind*]
# (optional) Enables running named configuration for hosts where designate and
# designate bind services are collocated.
# Defaults to true
class designate::backend::bind9 (
$rndc_host = '',
$rndc_port = '953',
$rndc_config_file = '/etc/rndc.conf',
$rndc_key_file = '/etc/rndc.key',
$rndc_controls = undef,
$configure_bind = true,
) {
include designate::deps
include designate
if $rndc_controls {
class { 'dns':
controls => $rndc_controls,
if $configure_bind {
if $rndc_controls {
class { 'dns':
controls => $rndc_controls,
} else {
include dns
} else {
include dns
concat::fragment { 'dns allow-new-zones':
target => $::dns::optionspath,
content => 'allow-new-zones yes;',
order => '20',
# Recommended by Designate docs as a mitigation for potential cache
# poisoning attacks:
concat::fragment { 'dns minimal-responses':
target => $::dns::optionspath,
content => 'minimal-responses yes;',
order => '21',
# /var/named is root:named on RedHat and /var/cache/bind is root:bind on
# Debian. Both groups only have read access but require write permission in
# order to be able to use rndc addzone/delzone commands that Designate uses.
# NOTE(bnemec): ensure_resource is to avoid a chicken and egg problem with
# removing this from puppet-openstack-integration. Once that has been done
# the ensure_resource wrapper could be removed.
ensure_resource('file', $::dns::params::vardir, {
mode => 'g+w',
require => Package[$::dns::params::dns_server_package]
designate_config {
@ -49,29 +82,4 @@ class designate::backend::bind9 (
'backend:bind9/rndc_key_file' : value => $rndc_key_file;
concat::fragment { 'dns allow-new-zones':
target => $::dns::optionspath,
content => 'allow-new-zones yes;',
order => '20',
# Recommended by Designate docs as a mitigation for potential cache
# poisoning attacks:
concat::fragment { 'dns minimal-responses':
target => $::dns::optionspath,
content => 'minimal-responses yes;',
order => '21',
# /var/named is root:named on RedHat and /var/cache/bind is root:bind on
# Debian. Both groups only have read access but require write permission in
# order to be able to use rndc addzone/delzone commands that Designate uses.
# NOTE(bnemec): ensure_resource is to avoid a chicken and egg problem with
# removing this from puppet-openstack-integration. Once that has been done
# the ensure_resource wrapper could be removed.
ensure_resource('file', $::dns::params::vardir, {
mode => 'g+w',
require => Package[$::dns::params::dns_server_package]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- add designate::backend::bind9::configure_bind (defaults to true) to
bypass attempts to bind9 configuration in the event that bind9 resides on
a different host.

View File

@ -18,6 +18,19 @@ describe 'designate::backend::bind9' do
context 'with named configuration disabled ' do
let :params do
{ :configure_bind => false }
it 'configures designate backend bind9 with default parameters' do contain_designate_config('backend:bind9/rndc_host').with_value('') contain_designate_config('backend:bind9/rndc_port').with_value('953') contain_designate_config('backend:bind9/rndc_config_file').with_value('/etc/rndc.conf') contain_designate_config('backend:bind9/rndc_key_file').with_value('/etc/rndc.key')
is_expected.not_to contain_concat_fragment('dns allow-new-zones')
context 'when overriding rndc_config_file' do
let :params do
{ :rndc_config_file => '/srv/designate/rndc.conf' }