require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..','..','..', 'puppet/provider/glance') require 'tempfile' require 'net/http' Puppet::Type.type(:glance_image).provide( :openstack, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Glance ) do desc <<-EOT Provider to manage glance_image type. EOT @credentials = # TODO(flaper87): v2 is now the default. Force the use of v2, # to avoid supporting both versions and other edge cases. ENV['OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION'] = '2' def initialize(value={}) super(value) @property_flush = {} end def create temp_file = false if @resource[:source] if @resource[:proxy] proxy_uri = URI(@resource[:proxy]) proxy_host = proxy_port = proxy_uri.port else proxy_host = nil proxy_port = nil end # copy_from cannot handle file:// if @resource[:source] =~ /^\// # local file location = "--file=#{@resource[:source]}" else temp_file ='puppet-glance-image') response = fetch(@resource[:source], proxy_host, proxy_port) open temp_file.path, 'w' do |io| io.write(response.read_body) end location = "--file=#{temp_file.path}" end # location cannot handle file:// # location does not import, so no sense in doing anything more than this elsif @resource[:location] location = "--location=#{@resource[:location]}" else raise(Puppet::Error, "Must specify either source or location") end opts = [@resource[:name]] opts << (@resource[:is_public] == :true ? '--public' : '--private') opts << "--container-format=#{@resource[:container_format]}" opts << "--disk-format=#{@resource[:disk_format]}" opts << "--min-disk=#{@resource[:min_disk]}" if @resource[:min_disk] opts << "--min-ram=#{@resource[:min_ram]}" if @resource[:min_ram] opts << "--id=#{@resource[:id]}" if @resource[:id] opts << props_to_s(@resource[:properties]) if @resource[:properties] opts << "--tag=#{@resource[:image_tag]}" if @resource[:image_tag] opts << location begin @property_hash = self.class.request('image', 'create', opts) @property_hash[:ensure] = :present ensure if temp_file temp_file.close(true) end end end def exists? @property_hash[:ensure] == :present end def destroy self.class.request('image', 'delete', @resource[:name]) @property_hash.clear end mk_resource_methods def is_public=(value) @property_flush[:is_public] = value end def is_public bool_to_sym(@property_hash[:is_public]) end def disk_format=(value) @property_flush[:disk_format] = value end def container_format=(value) @property_flush[:container_format] = value end def min_ram=(value) @property_flush[:min_ram] = value end def min_disk=(value) @property_flush[:min_disk] = value end def properties=(value) @property_flush[:properties] = value end def image_tag=(value) @property_flush[:image_tag] = value end def id=(id) fail('id for existing images can not be modified') end def self.instances list = request('image', 'list', '--long') list.collect do |image| attrs = request('image', 'show', image[:id]) properties = parsestring(attrs[:properties]) rescue nil new( :ensure => :present, :name => attrs[:name], :is_public => attrs[:visibility].downcase.chomp == 'public'? true : false, :container_format => attrs[:container_format], :id => attrs[:id], :disk_format => attrs[:disk_format], :min_disk => attrs[:min_disk], :min_ram => attrs[:min_ram], :properties => exclude_owner_specified_props(exclude_readonly_props(properties)), :image_tag => attrs[:image_tag] ) end end def self.prefetch(resources) images = instances resources.keys.each do |name| if provider = images.find{ |image| == name } resources[name].provider = provider end end end def flush if @property_flush opts = [@resource[:name]] (opts << '--public') if @property_flush[:is_public] == :true (opts << '--private') if @property_flush[:is_public] == :false (opts << "--container-format=#{@property_flush[:container_format]}") if @property_flush[:container_format] (opts << "--disk-format=#{@property_flush[:disk_format]}") if @property_flush[:disk_format] (opts << "--min-ram=#{@property_flush[:min_ram]}") if @property_flush[:min_ram] (opts << "--min-disk=#{@property_flush[:min_disk]}") if @property_flush[:min_disk] (opts << props_to_s(@property_flush[:properties])) if @property_flush[:properties] (opts << "--tag=#{@property_flush[:image_tag]}") if @property_flush[:image_tag] self.class.request('image', 'set', opts) @property_flush.clear end end private def self.exclude_readonly_props(props) if props == nil return nil end hidden = ['os_hash_algo', 'os_hash_value', 'os_hidden', 'direct_url', 'stores'] rv = { |k, v| not hidden.include?(k) } return rv end def self.exclude_owner_specified_props(props) if props == nil return nil end rv = { |k, v| not k.start_with?('owner_specified.') } return rv end def props_to_s(props) hidden = ['os_hash_algo', 'os_hash_value', 'os_hidden'] props.flat_map{ |k, v| ['--property', "#{k}=#{v}"] unless hidden.include?(k) }.compact end def self.string2hash(input) return Hash[input.scan(/(\S+)='([^']*)'/)] end def self.pythondict2hash(input) return JSON.parse(input.gsub(/u'(\w*)'/, '"\1"').gsub(/'/, '"').gsub(/False/,'false').gsub(/True/,'true')) end def self.parsestring(input) if input[0] == '{' # 4.0.0+ output, python dict return self.pythondict2hash(input) else # Pre-4.0.0 output, key=value return self.string2hash(input) end end def fetch(uri_str, proxy_host = nil, proxy_port = nil, limit = 10) raise RuntimeError, 'Too many HTTP redirections' if limit == 0 uri = URI(uri_str) Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, proxy_host, proxy_port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https') do |http| request = uri http.request request do |response| case response when Net::HTTPSuccess then response when Net::HTTPRedirection then location = response['location'] return fetch(location, proxy_host, proxy_port, limit - 1) else response.value end end end end end