File.expand_path('../../../../openstacklib/lib', File.dirname(__FILE__)).tap { |dir| $LOAD_PATH.unshift(dir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(dir) } Puppet::Type.newtype(:glance_image) do desc <<-EOT This allows manifests to declare an image to be stored in glance. glance_image { "Ubuntu 12.04 cloudimg amd64": ensure => present, name => "Ubuntu 12.04 cloudimg amd64" is_public => yes, container_format => ovf, disk_format => 'qcow2', source => '' min_ram => 1234, min_disk => 1234, properties => { 'img_key' => img_value } } Known problems / limitations: * All images are managed by the glance service. This means that since users are unable to manage their own images via this type, is_public is really of no use. You can probably hide images this way but that's all. * As glance image names do not have to be unique, you must ensure that your glance repository does not have any duplicate names prior to using this. * Ensure this is run on the same server as the glance-api service. EOT ensurable newparam(:name, :namevar => true) do desc 'The image name' newvalues(/.*/) end newproperty(:id) do desc 'The unique id of the image' validate do |v| raise(Puppet::Error, 'This is a read only property') end end newparam(:location) do desc "The permanent location of the image. Optional" newvalues(/\S+/) end newproperty(:is_public) do desc "Whether the image is public or not. Default true" newvalues(/(y|Y)es/, /(n|N)o/, /(t|T)rue/, /(f|F)alse/, true, false) defaultto(true) munge do |v| if v =~ /^(y|Y)es$/ :true elsif v =~ /^(n|N)o$/ :false else v.to_s.downcase.to_sym end end end newproperty(:container_format) do desc "The format of the container" newvalues(:ami, :ari, :aki, :bare, :ovf) end newproperty(:disk_format) do desc "The format of the disk" newvalues(:ami, :ari, :aki, :vhd, :vmd, :raw, :qcow2, :vdi, :iso) end newparam(:source) do desc "The source of the image to import from" newvalues(/\S+/) end newproperty(:min_ram) do desc "The minimal ram size" newvalues(/\d+/) end newproperty(:min_disk) do desc "The minimal disk size" newvalues(/\d+/) end newproperty(:properties) do desc "The set of image properties" munge do |value| return value if value.is_a? Hash # wrap property value in commas value.gsub!(/=(\w+)/, '=\'\1\'') Hash[value.scan(/(\S+)='([^']*)'/)] end validate do |value| return true if value.is_a? Hash value.split(',').each do |property| raise ArgumentError, "Key/value pairs should be separated by an =" unless property.include?('=') end end end # Require the Glance service to be running autorequire(:service) do ['glance-api', 'glance-registry'] end end