# The glance::db::mysql class creates a MySQL database for glance.
# It must be used on the MySQL server
# == Parameters
#  [*password*]
#    password to connect to the database. Mandatory.
#  [*dbname*]
#    name of the database. Optional. Defaults to glance.
#  [*user*]
#    user to connect to the database. Optional. Defaults to glance.
#  [*host*]
#    the default source host user is allowed to connect from.
#    Optional. Defaults to 'localhost'
#  [*allowed_hosts*]
#    other hosts the user is allowd to connect from.
#    Optional. Defaults to undef.
#  [*charset*]
#    the database charset. Optional. Defaults to 'utf8'
#  [*collate*]
#    the database collation. Optional. Defaults to 'utf8_general_ci'
class glance::db::mysql(
  $dbname        = 'glance',
  $user          = 'glance',
  $host          = '',
  $allowed_hosts = undef,
  $charset       = 'utf8',
  $collate       = 'utf8_general_ci',
) {

  include ::glance::deps


  ::openstacklib::db::mysql { 'glance':
    user          => $user,
    password_hash => mysql_password($password),
    dbname        => $dbname,
    host          => $host,
    charset       => $charset,
    collate       => $collate,
    allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,

  ~> Class['glance::db::mysql']
  ~> Anchor['glance::db::end']