require 'spec_helper' describe 'glance::api' do let :facts do { :osfamily => 'Debian', :processorcount => '7', } end let :default_params do { :verbose => false, :debug => false, :bind_host => '', :bind_port => '9292', :registry_host => '', :registry_port => '9191', :log_file => '/var/log/glance/api.log', :auth_type => 'keystone', :enabled => true, :backlog => '4096', :workers => '7', :auth_host => '', :auth_port => '35357', :auth_protocol => 'http', :keystone_tenant => 'admin', :keystone_user => 'admin', :keystone_password => 'ChangeMe', :sql_idle_timeout => '3600', :sql_connection => 'sqlite:///var/lib/glance/glance.sqlite' } end [{:keystone_password => 'ChangeMe'}, { :verbose => true, :debug => true, :bind_host => '', :bind_port => '9222', :registry_host => '', :registry_port => '9111', :log_file => '/var/log/glance-api.log', :auth_type => 'not_keystone', :enabled => false, :backlog => '4095', :workers => '5', :auth_host => '', :auth_port => '35358', :auth_protocol => 'https', :keystone_tenant => 'admin2', :keystone_user => 'admin2', :keystone_password => 'ChangeMe2', :sql_idle_timeout => '36002', :sql_connection => 'mysql:///var:lib@glance/glance' } ].each do |param_set| describe "when #{param_set == {:keystone_password => 'ChangeMe'} ? "using default" : "specifying"} class parameters" do let :param_hash do default_params.merge(param_set) end let :params do param_set end it { should contain_class 'glance' } it { should contain_service('glance-api').with( 'ensure' => param_hash[:enabled] ? 'running': 'stopped', 'enable' => param_hash[:enabled], 'hasstatus' => true, 'hasrestart' => true ) } it 'should lay down default api config' do [ 'verbose', 'debug', 'bind_host', 'bind_port', 'log_file', 'registry_host', 'registry_port' ].each do |config| should contain_glance_api_config("DEFAULT/#{config}").with_value(param_hash[config.intern]) end end it 'should lay down default cache config' do [ 'verbose', 'debug', 'registry_host', 'registry_port' ].each do |config| should contain_glance_cache_config("DEFAULT/#{config}").with_value(param_hash[config.intern]) end end it 'should config db' do should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/sql_connection').with_value(param_hash[:sql_connection]) should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/sql_idle_timeout').with_value(param_hash[:sql_idle_timeout]) end it 'should lay down default auth config' do [ 'auth_host', 'auth_port', 'protocol' ].each do |config| should contain_glance_api_config("keystone_authtoken/#{config}").with_value(param_hash[config.intern]) end end it { should contain_glance_api_config('keystone_authtoken/auth_admin_prefix').with_ensure('absent') } it 'should configure itself for keystone if that is the auth_type' do if params[:auth_type] == 'keystone' should contain('paste_deploy/flavor').with_value('keystone+cachemanagement') ['admin_tenant_name', 'admin_user', 'admin_password'].each do |config| should contain_glance_api_config("keystone_authtoken/#{config}").with_value(param_hash[config.intern]) end ['admin_tenant_name', 'admin_user', 'admin_password'].each do |config| should contain_glance_cache_config("keystone_authtoken/#{config}").with_value(param_hash[config.intern]) end end end end end describe 'with overridden pipeline' do let :params do { :keystone_password => 'ChangeMe', :pipeline => 'keystone', } end it { should contain_glance_api_config('paste_deploy/flavor').with_value('keystone') } end describe 'with overriden auth_admin_prefix' do let :params do { :keystone_password => 'ChangeMe', :auth_admin_prefix => '/keystone/main' } end it { should contain_glance_api_config('keystone_authtoken/auth_admin_prefix').with_value('/keystone/main') } end [ '/keystone/', 'keystone/', 'keystone', '/keystone/admin/', 'keystone/admin/', 'keystone/admin' ].each do |auth_admin_prefix| describe "with auth_admin_prefix_containing incorrect value #{auth_admin_prefix}" do let :params do { :keystone_password => 'ChangeMe', :auth_admin_prefix => auth_admin_prefix } end it { expect { should contain_glance_api_config('filter:authtoken/auth_admin_prefix') }.to\ raise_error(Puppet::Error, /validate_re\(\): "#{auth_admin_prefix}" does not match/) } end end end