# == Class: heat::api # # Installs & configure the heat API service # # === Parameters # [*package_ensure*] # (Optional) Ensure state for package. # Defaults to 'present' # # [*enabled*] # (optional) Should the service be enabled. # Defaults to 'true'. # # [*manage_service*] # (optional) Whether the service should be managed by Puppet. # Defaults to 'true'. # # [*bind_host*] # (Optional) Address to bind the server. Useful when # selecting a particular network interface. # Defaults to ''. # # [*bind_port*] # (Optional) The port on which the server will listen. # Defaults to '8004'. # # [*workers*] # (Optional) The port on which the server will listen. # Defaults to '0'. # # [*use_ssl*] # (Optional) Whether to use ssl or not. # Defaults to 'false'. # # [*cert_file*] # (Optional) Location of the SSL certificate file to use for SSL mode. # Required when $use_ssl is set to 'true'. # Defaults to 'false'. # # [*key_file*] # (Optional) Location of the SSL key file to use for enabling SSL mode. # Required when $use_ssl is set to 'true'. # Defaults to 'false'. # # === Deprecated Parameters # # No Deprecated Parameters. # class heat::api ( $package_ensure = 'present', $manage_service = true, $enabled = true, $bind_host = '', $bind_port = '8004', $workers = '0', $use_ssl = false, $cert_file = false, $key_file = false, ) { include ::heat include ::heat::deps include ::heat::params include ::heat::policy if $use_ssl { if !$cert_file { fail('The cert_file parameter is required when use_ssl is set to true') } if !$key_file { fail('The key_file parameter is required when use_ssl is set to true') } } package { 'heat-api': ensure => $package_ensure, name => $::heat::params::api_package_name, tag => ['openstack', 'heat-package'], } if $manage_service { if $enabled { $service_ensure = 'running' } else { $service_ensure = 'stopped' } } service { 'heat-api': ensure => $service_ensure, name => $::heat::params::api_service_name, enable => $enabled, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, tag => 'heat-service', } heat_config { 'heat_api/bind_host' : value => $bind_host; 'heat_api/bind_port' : value => $bind_port; 'heat_api/workers' : value => $workers; } # SSL Options if $use_ssl { heat_config { 'heat_api/cert_file' : value => $cert_file; 'heat_api/key_file' : value => $key_file; } } else { heat_config { 'heat_api/cert_file' : ensure => absent; 'heat_api/key_file' : ensure => absent; } } }