require 'spec_helper' describe 'horizon' do let :params do { 'secret_key' => 'elj1IWiLoWHgcyYxFVLj7cM5rGOOxWl0' } end let :pre_condition do 'include apache' end let :fixtures_path do File.expand_path(File.join(__FILE__, '..', '..', 'fixtures')) end shared_examples_for 'horizon' do context 'with default parameters' do it { contain_package('horizon').with( :ensure => 'present', :tag => ['openstack', 'horizon-package'], ) } it { contain_exec('refresh_horizon_django_cache').with({ :command => '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/ collectstatic --noinput --clear', :refreshonly => true, })} it { contain_exec('refresh_horizon_django_compress').with({ :command => '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/ compress --force', :refreshonly => true, })} it { if facts[:os_package_type] == 'rpm' contain_concat(platforms_params[:config_file]).that_notifies('Exec[refresh_horizon_django_cache]') contain_concat(platforms_params[:config_file]).that_notifies('Exec[refresh_horizon_django_compress]') else is_expected.to_not contain_concat(platforms_params[:config_file]).that_notifies('Exec[refresh_horizon_django_cache]') contain_concat(platforms_params[:config_file]).that_notifies('Exec[refresh_horizon_django_compress]') end } it 'configures apache' do contain_class('horizon::wsgi::apache').with({ :servername => '', :listen_ssl => false, :wsgi_processes => facts[:os_workers], :wsgi_threads => '1', :extra_params => {}, :redirect_type => 'permanent', :access_log_format => false, }) end it 'generates' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ 'DEBUG = False', "LOGIN_URL = '#{platforms_params[:root_url]}/auth/login/'", "LOGOUT_URL = '#{platforms_params[:root_url]}/auth/logout/'", "LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '#{platforms_params[:root_url]}/'", "ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', ]", " 'identity': 3,", 'HORIZON_CONFIG["password_autocomplete"] = "off"', 'HORIZON_CONFIG["images_panel"] = "legacy"', "SECRET_KEY = 'elj1IWiLoWHgcyYxFVLj7cM5rGOOxWl0'", 'OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL = ""', 'OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLE = "member"', " 'can_set_mount_point': True,", " 'can_set_password': False,", " 'enable_distributed_router': False,", " 'enable_firewall': False,", " 'enable_ha_router': False,", " 'enable_lb': False,", " 'enable_quotas': True,", " 'enable_security_group': True,", " 'enable_vpn': False,", 'API_RESULT_LIMIT = 1000', 'DROPDOWN_MAX_ITEMS = 30', 'TIME_ZONE = "UTC"', 'COMPRESS_OFFLINE = True', "FILE_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR = '/tmp'", "OPENSTACK_HEAT_STACK = {", " 'enable_user_pass': True", "}", ]) # From internals of verify_contents, get the contents to check for absence of a line content = catalogue.resource('concat::fragment', '').send(:parameters)[:content] # With default options, should _not_ have a line to configure SESSION_ENGINE expect(content).not_to match(/^SESSION_ENGINE/) end it { is_expected.not_to contain_file('/tmp') } end context 'with overridden parameters' do before do params.merge!({ :cache_backend => 'horizon.backends.memcached.HorizonMemcached', :cache_options => {'SOCKET_TIMEOUT' => 1,'SERVER_RETRIES' => 1,'DEAD_RETRY' => 1}, :cache_server_ip => '', :django_session_engine => 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache', :keystone_default_role => 'SwiftOperator', :keystone_url => '', :ssl_no_verify => true, :log_handler => 'syslog', :log_level => 'DEBUG', :openstack_endpoint_type => 'internalURL', :secondary_endpoint_type => 'ANY-VALUE', :django_debug => true, :site_branding => 'mysite', :api_result_limit => 4682, :dropdown_max_items => 123, :compress_offline => false, :hypervisor_options => {'can_set_mount_point' => false, 'can_set_password' => true }, :cinder_options => {'enable_backup' => true }, :keystone_options => {'name' => 'native', 'can_edit_user' => true, 'can_edit_group' => true, 'can_edit_project' => true, 'can_edit_domain' => false, 'can_edit_role' => false}, :neutron_options => {'enable_lb' => true, 'enable_firewall' => true, 'enable_quotas' => false, 'enable_security_group' => false, 'enable_vpn' => true, 'enable_distributed_router' => false, 'enable_ha_router' => false, 'profile_support' => 'cisco', 'supported_provider_types' => ['flat', 'vxlan'], 'supported_vnic_types' => ['*'], 'default_ipv4_subnet_pool_label' => 'None', }, :instance_options => {'disable_image' => true, 'disable_instance_snapshot' => true, 'disable_volume' => true, 'disable_volume_snapshot' => true, 'create_volume' => false }, :file_upload_temp_dir => '/var/spool/horizon', :wsgi_processes => '30', :wsgi_threads => '5', :secure_cookies => true, :api_versions => {'identity' => 2.0}, :keystone_multidomain_support => true, :keystone_default_domain => 'domain.tld', :overview_days_range => 1, :session_timeout => 1800, :timezone => 'Asia/Shanghai', :available_themes => [ { 'name' => 'default', 'label' => 'Default', 'path' => 'themes/default' }, { 'name' => 'material', 'label' => 'Material', 'path' => 'themes/material' }, ], :default_theme => 'default', :password_autocomplete => 'on', :images_panel => 'angular', :create_image_defaults => {'image_visibility' => 'private'}, :password_retrieve => true, :enable_secure_proxy_ssl_header => true, }) end it 'generates' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ 'DEBUG = True', "SITE_BRANDING = 'mysite'", "ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', ]", "SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = ('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', 'https')", 'CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = True', 'SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True', " 'identity': 2.0,", "OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_MULTIDOMAIN_SUPPORT = True", "OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_DOMAIN = 'domain.tld'", 'HORIZON_CONFIG["password_autocomplete"] = "on"', 'HORIZON_CONFIG["images_panel"] = "angular"', "SECRET_KEY = 'elj1IWiLoWHgcyYxFVLj7cM5rGOOxWl0'", " 'DEAD_RETRY': 1,", " 'SERVER_RETRIES': 1,", " 'SOCKET_TIMEOUT': 1,", " 'BACKEND': 'horizon.backends.memcached.HorizonMemcached',", " 'LOCATION': '',", 'SESSION_ENGINE = "django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache"', 'OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL = ""', 'OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLE = "SwiftOperator"', 'OPENSTACK_SSL_NO_VERIFY = True', "OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_BACKEND = {", " 'name': 'native',", " 'can_edit_user': True,", " 'can_edit_group': True,", " 'can_edit_project': True,", " 'can_edit_domain': False,", " 'can_edit_role': False,", "}", " 'can_set_mount_point': False,", " 'can_set_password': True,", " 'enable_backup': True,", " 'default_ipv4_subnet_pool_label': None,", " 'enable_firewall': True,", " 'enable_lb': True,", " 'enable_quotas': False,", " 'enable_security_group': False,", " 'enable_vpn': True,", " 'profile_support': 'cisco',", " 'supported_provider_types': ['flat', 'vxlan'],", " 'supported_vnic_types': ['*'],", 'OPENSTACK_ENABLE_PASSWORD_RETRIEVE = True', 'CREATE_IMAGE_DEFAULTS = {', " 'image_visibility': 'private',", " 'config_drive': False,", " 'create_volume': False,", " 'disable_image': True,", " 'disable_instance_snapshot': True,", " 'disable_volume': True,", " 'disable_volume_snapshot': True,", " 'enable_scheduler_hints': True,", 'OPENSTACK_ENDPOINT_TYPE = "internalURL"', 'SECONDARY_ENDPOINT_TYPE = "ANY-VALUE"', 'API_RESULT_LIMIT = 4682', 'DROPDOWN_MAX_ITEMS = 123', 'TIME_ZONE = "Asia/Shanghai"', "AVAILABLE_THEMES = [", " ('default', 'Default', 'themes/default'),", " ('material', 'Material', 'themes/material'),", "]", "DEFAULT_THEME = 'default'", " 'level': 'DEBUG',", " 'handlers': ['syslog'],", "SESSION_TIMEOUT = 1800", 'COMPRESS_OFFLINE = False', "FILE_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR = '/var/spool/horizon'", "OVERVIEW_DAYS_RANGE = 1", ]) end it { is_expected.not_to contain_file(platforms_params[:config_file]).that_notifies('Exec[refresh_horizon_django_cache]') } it { is_expected.not_to contain_file(platforms_params[:config_file]).that_notifies('Exec[refresh_horizon_django_compress]') } it { contain_file(params[:file_upload_temp_dir]) } end context 'with enable_user_pass disabled' do before do params.merge!({ :enable_user_pass => false }) end it { verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ "OPENSTACK_HEAT_STACK = {", " 'enable_user_pass': False", "}", ]) } end context 'with overridden parameters and cache_server_ip array' do before do params.merge!({ :cache_server_ip => ['',''], }) end it 'generates' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ " 'LOCATION': [ '','', ],", ]) end it { contain_exec('refresh_horizon_django_cache') } it { contain_exec('refresh_horizon_django_compress') } end context 'with overridden parameters and cache_server_url' do before do params.merge!({ :cache_server_url => 'redis://:password@', }) end it 'generates' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ " 'LOCATION': 'redis://:password@',", ]) end it { contain_exec('refresh_horizon_django_cache') } it { contain_exec('refresh_horizon_django_compress') } end context 'installs python memcache library when cache_backend is set to memcache' do before do params.merge!({ :cache_backend => 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache' }) end it { contain_package('python-memcache').with( :tag => ['openstack', 'horizon-package'], :name => platforms_params[:memcache_package], ) } end context 'does not install python memcache when manage_memcache_package set to false' do before do params.merge!( :cache_backend => 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache', :manage_memcache_package => false ) end it { is_expected.not_to contain_package('python-memcache') } end context 'with custom wsgi options' do before do params.merge!( :wsgi_processes => '30', :wsgi_threads => '5', :access_log_format => 'common' ) end it { should contain_class('horizon::wsgi::apache').with( :wsgi_processes => '30', :wsgi_threads => '5', :access_log_format => 'common', )} end context 'with vhost_extra_params' do before do params.merge!({ :vhost_extra_params => { 'add_listen' => false }, :redirect_type => 'temp', }) end it 'configures apache' do contain_class('horizon::wsgi::apache').with({ :extra_params => { 'add_listen' => false }, :redirect_type => 'temp', }) end end context 'with ssl enabled' do before do params.merge!({ :listen_ssl => true, :servername => '', :horizon_cert => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/httpd.crt', :horizon_key => '/etc/pki/tls/private/httpd.key', :horizon_ca => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca.crt', }) end it 'configures apache' do contain_class('horizon::wsgi::apache').with({ :bind_address => nil, :listen_ssl => true, :horizon_cert => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/httpd.crt', :horizon_key => '/etc/pki/tls/private/httpd.key', :horizon_ca => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca.crt', }) end end context 'with overridden http and https ports' do before do params.merge!({ :http_port => 1028, :https_port => 1029, }) end it 'configures apache' do contain_class('horizon::wsgi::apache').with({ :http_port => 1028, :https_port => 1029, }) end end context 'with default root_path' do it 'configures apache' do contain_class('horizon::wsgi::apache').with({ :root_path => "#{platforms_params[:root_path]}", }) end end context 'with root_path set to /tmp/horizon' do before do params.merge!({ :root_path => '/tmp/horizon', }) end it 'configures apache' do contain_class('horizon::wsgi::apache').with({ :root_path => '/tmp/horizon', }) end end context 'without apache' do before do params.merge!({ :configure_apache => false }) end it 'does not configure apache' do is_expected.not_to contain_class('horizon::wsgi::apache') end end context 'with available_regions parameter' do before do params.merge!({ :available_regions => [ ['', 'Region-1'], ['', 'Region-2'] ] }) end it 'AVAILABLE_REGIONS is configured' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ "AVAILABLE_REGIONS = [", " ('', 'Region-1'),", " ('', 'Region-2'),", "]" ]) end end context 'with policy parameters' do before do params.merge!({ :policy_files_path => '/opt/openstack-dashboard', :policy_files => { 'compute' => 'nova_policy.json', 'identity' => 'keystone_policy.json', 'network' => 'neutron_policy.json', } }) end it 'POLICY_FILES_PATH and POLICY_FILES are configured' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ "POLICY_FILES_PATH = '/opt/openstack-dashboard'", "POLICY_FILES = {", " 'compute': 'nova_policy.json',", " 'identity': 'keystone_policy.json',", " 'network': 'neutron_policy.json',", "} # POLICY_FILES" ]) end end context 'with overriding local_settings_template' do before do params.merge!({ :django_debug => 'True', :help_url => '', :local_settings_template => fixtures_path + '/' }) end it 'uses the custom template' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ '# Custom', 'DEBUG = True', "HORIZON_CONFIG = {", " 'dashboards': ('project', 'admin', 'settings',),", " 'default_dashboard': 'project',", " 'user_home': 'openstack_dashboard.views.get_user_home',", " 'ajax_queue_limit': 10,", " 'auto_fade_alerts': {", " 'delay': 3000,", " 'fade_duration': 1500,", " 'types': ['alert-success', 'alert-info']", " },", " 'help_url': \"\",", " 'exceptions': {'recoverable': exceptions.RECOVERABLE,", " 'not_found': exceptions.NOT_FOUND,", " 'unauthorized': exceptions.UNAUTHORIZED},", "}", ]) end end context 'with /var/tmp as upload temp dir' do before do params.merge!({ :file_upload_temp_dir => '/var/tmp' }) end it { is_expected.not_to contain_file(params[:file_upload_temp_dir]) } end context 'with image_backend' do before do params.merge!({ :image_backend => { 'image_formats' => { '' => 'Select image format', 'aki' => 'AKI - Amazon Kernel Image', 'ami' => 'AMI - Amazon Machine Image', 'ari' => 'ARI - Amazon Ramdisk Image', 'iso' => 'ISO - Optical Disk Image', 'qcow2' => 'QCOW2 - QEMU Emulator', 'raw' => 'Raw', 'vdi' => 'VDI', 'vhi' => 'VHI', 'vmdk' => 'VMDK', }, 'architectures' => { '' => 'Select architecture', 'x86_64' => 'x86-64', 'aarch64' => 'ARMv8', }, }, }) end it 'configures OPENSTACK_IMAGE_BACKEND' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ "OPENSTACK_IMAGE_BACKEND = {", " 'image_formats': [", " ('', _('Select image format')),", " ('aki', _('AKI - Amazon Kernel Image')),", " ('ami', _('AMI - Amazon Machine Image')),", " ('ari', _('ARI - Amazon Ramdisk Image')),", " ('iso', _('ISO - Optical Disk Image')),", " ('qcow2', _('QCOW2 - QEMU Emulator')),", " ('raw', _('Raw')),", " ('vdi', _('VDI')),", " ('vhi', _('VHI')),", " ('vmdk', _('VMDK')),", " ], # image_formats", " 'architectures': [", " ('', _('Select architecture')),", " ('x86_64', _('x86-64')),", " ('aarch64', _('ARMv8')),", " ], # architectures", "} # OPENSTACK_IMAGE_BACKEND", ]) end end context 'with disable password reveal enabled' do before do params.merge!({ :disable_password_reveal => true }) end it 'disable_password_reveal is configured' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ 'HORIZON_CONFIG["disable_password_reveal"] = True', ]) end end context 'with enforce password check enabled' do before do params.merge!({ :enforce_password_check => true }) end it 'enforce_password_check is configured' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ 'HORIZON_CONFIG["enforce_password_check"] = True', ]) end end context 'with disallow iframe embed enabled' do before do params.merge!({ :disallow_iframe_embed => true }) end it 'disallow_iframe_embed is configured' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ 'HORIZON_CONFIG["disallow_iframe_embed"] = True', ]) end end context 'with websso enabled' do before do params.merge!({ :websso_enabled => 'True', :websso_initial_choice => 'acme', :websso_choices => [ ['oidc', 'OpenID Connect'], ['saml2', 'Security Assertion Markup Language'], ], :websso_idp_mapping => { 'acme_oidc' => ['acme', 'oidc'], 'acme_saml2' => ['acme', 'saml2'], } }) end it 'configures websso options' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ 'WEBSSO_ENABLED = True', 'WEBSSO_INITIAL_CHOICE = "acme"', 'WEBSSO_CHOICES = (', ' ("credentials", _("Keystone Credentials")),', ' ("oidc", _("OpenID Connect")),', ' ("saml2", _("Security Assertion Markup Language")),', ')', 'WEBSSO_IDP_MAPPING = {', ' "acme_oidc": ("acme", "oidc"),', ' "acme_saml2": ("acme", "saml2"),', '}', ]) end end context 'with customization_module provided' do before do params.merge!({ :help_url => '', :customization_module => 'my_project.overrides', :local_settings_template => fixtures_path + '/' }) end it 'uses the custom template' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ '# Custom', "HORIZON_CONFIG = {", " 'dashboards': ('project', 'admin', 'settings',),", " 'default_dashboard': 'project',", " 'user_home': 'openstack_dashboard.views.get_user_home',", " 'ajax_queue_limit': 10,", " 'auto_fade_alerts': {", " 'delay': 3000,", " 'fade_duration': 1500,", " 'types': ['alert-success', 'alert-info']", " },", " 'help_url': \"\",", " 'exceptions': {'recoverable': exceptions.RECOVERABLE,", " 'not_found': exceptions.NOT_FOUND,", " 'unauthorized': exceptions.UNAUTHORIZED},", " 'customization_module': 'my_project.overrides',", "}", ]) end end context 'with customization_module empty' do before do params.merge!({ :help_url => '', :customization_module => '', :local_settings_template => fixtures_path + '/' }) end it 'uses the custom template' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ '# Custom', "HORIZON_CONFIG = {", " 'dashboards': ('project', 'admin', 'settings',),", " 'default_dashboard': 'project',", " 'user_home': 'openstack_dashboard.views.get_user_home',", " 'ajax_queue_limit': 10,", " 'auto_fade_alerts': {", " 'delay': 3000,", " 'fade_duration': 1500,", " 'types': ['alert-success', 'alert-info']", " },", " 'help_url': \"\",", " 'exceptions': {'recoverable': exceptions.RECOVERABLE,", " 'not_found': exceptions.NOT_FOUND,", " 'unauthorized': exceptions.UNAUTHORIZED},", "}", ]) end end context 'with upload mode' do before do params.merge!({ :horizon_upload_mode => 'direct', }) end it 'sets HORIZON_IMAGES_UPLOAD_MODE in' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ 'HORIZON_IMAGES_UPLOAD_MODE = direct', ]) end end context 'with keystone_domain_choices' do before do params.merge!({ :keystone_domain_choices => [ {'name' => 'default', 'display' => 'The default domain'}, {'name' => 'LDAP', 'display' => 'The LDAP Catalog'}, ], }) end it 'sets OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DOMAIN_DROPDOWN in' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ 'OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DOMAIN_DROPDOWN = True', 'OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DOMAIN_CHOICES = (', " ('default', 'The default domain'),", " ('LDAP', 'The LDAP Catalog'),", ')', ]) end end end shared_examples_for 'horizon on RedHat' do it 'sets WEBROOT in' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ "WEBROOT = '/dashboard/'", ]) end end shared_examples_for 'horizon on Debian' do it 'sets WEBROOT in' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ "WEBROOT = '/horizon/'", ]) end end on_supported_os({ :supported_os => OSDefaults.get_supported_os }).each do |os,facts| context "on #{os}" do let (:facts) do facts.merge!(OSDefaults.get_facts({ :fqdn => '', :concat_basedir => '/var/lib/puppet/concat', :os_workers => '6' })) end let(:platforms_params) do case facts[:osfamily] when 'Debian' if facts[:os_package_type] == 'debian' { :config_file => '/etc/openstack-dashboard/', :package_name => 'openstack-dashboard-apache', :root_url => '/horizon', :root_path => '/var/lib/openstack-dashboard', :memcache_package => 'python3-memcache', } else { :config_file => '/etc/openstack-dashboard/', :package_name => 'openstack-dashboard', :root_url => '/horizon', :root_path => '/var/lib/openstack-dashboard', :memcache_package => 'python3-memcache', } end when 'RedHat' { :config_file => '/etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings', :package_name => 'openstack-dashboard', :root_url => '/dashboard', :root_path => '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard', :memcache_package => 'python-memcached', } end end it_behaves_like 'horizon' it_behaves_like "horizon on #{facts[:osfamily]}" end end end