require 'spec_helper' describe 'horizon::dashboards::manila' do let :params do {} end shared_examples_for 'horizon::dashboards::manila' do context 'with default parameters' do let(:pre_condition) do <<-eos class { 'horizon': secret_key => 'elj1IWiLoWHgcyYxFVLj7cM5rGOOxWl0', } eos end it 'installs manila-dashboard package' do contain_package('manila-dashboard').with( :ensure => 'present', :name => platform_params[:manila_dashboard_package_name], :tag => ['openstack', 'horizon-package'] ) end it 'generates' do verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ "settings.POLICY_FILES.update({", " 'share': 'manila_policy.yaml',", "})" ]) verify_concat_fragment_contents(catalogue, '', [ " 'enable_share_groups': True,", " 'enable_replication': True,", " 'enable_migration': True,", " 'enable_public_share_type_creation': True,", " 'enable_public_share_group_type_creation': True,", " 'enable_public_shares': True,", " 'enabled_share_protocols': ['NFS', 'CIFS', 'GlusterFS', 'HDFS', 'CephFS', 'MapRFS'],", ]) end end context 'without the horizon class defined' do it { should raise_error(Puppet::Error) } end context 'with policy customization' do let(:pre_condition) do <<-eos class { 'horizon': secret_key => 'elj1IWiLoWHgcyYxFVLj7cM5rGOOxWl0', policy_files_path => '/etc/openstack-dashboard', } class { 'horizon::policy': } eos end before do params.merge!({ :policies => {} }) end it 'configures policy' do contain_horizon__policy__base('manila_policy.yaml').with( :policies => {}, :file_mode => '0640', :file_format => 'yaml', :purge_config => false, ) end end context 'with policy customization but without the horizon::policy class' do let(:pre_condition) do <<-eos class { 'horizon': secret_key => 'elj1IWiLoWHgcyYxFVLj7cM5rGOOxWl0', policy_files_path => '/etc/openstack-dashboard', } eos end before do params.merge!({ :policies => {} }) end it { should raise_error(Puppet::Error) } end end on_supported_os({ :supported_os => OSDefaults.get_supported_os }).each do |os,facts| context "on #{os}" do let (:facts) do facts.merge!(OSDefaults.get_facts()) end let(:platform_params) do case facts[:osfamily] when 'Debian' { :manila_dashboard_package_name => 'python3-manila-dashboard' } when 'RedHat' { :manila_dashboard_package_name => 'openstack-manila-ui' } end end it_behaves_like 'horizon::dashboards::manila' end end end