# == Class: horizon::wsgi::apache # # Configures Apache WSGI for Horizon. # # === Parameters # # [*bind_address*] # (optional) Bind address in Apache for Horizon. (Defaults to '') # # [*fqdn*] # (Optional) Fqdn # Defaults to undef. # # [*servername*] # (Optional) Server Name # Defaults to ::fqdn. # # [*ssl_redirect*] # (Optional) Enable SSL Redirect # Defaults to 'true'. # # [*server_aliases*] # (optional) List of names which should be defined as ServerAlias directives # in vhost.conf. # Defaults to ::fqdn. # # [*listen_ssl*] # (optional) Enable SSL support in Apache. (Defaults to false) # # [*http_port*] # (optional) Port to use for the HTTP virtual host. (Defaults to 80) # # [*https_port*] # (optional) Port to use for the HTTPS virtual host. (Defaults to 443) # # [*horizon_cert*] # (required with listen_ssl) Certificate to use for SSL support. # # [*horizon_key*] # (required with listen_ssl) Private key to use for SSL support. # # [*horizon_ca*] # (required with listen_ssl) CA certificate to use for SSL support. # # [*wsgi_processes*] # (optional) Number of Horizon processes to spawn # Defaults to '3' # # [*wsgi_threads*] # (optional) Number of thread to run in a Horizon process # Defaults to '10' # # [*priority*] # (optional) The apache vhost priority. # Defaults to '15'. To set Horizon as the primary vhost, change to '10'. # # [*vhost_conf_name*] # (Optional) Description # Defaults to 'horizon_vhost'. # # [*vhost_ssl_conf_name*] # (Optional) Description # Defaults to 'horizon_ssl_vhost'. # # [*extra_params*] # (optional) A hash of extra paramaters for apache::wsgi class. # Defaults to {} # # [*redirect_type*] # (optional) What type of redirect to use when redirecting an http request # for a user. This should be either 'temp' or 'permanent'. Setting this value # to 'permanent' will result in the use of a 301 redirect which may be cached # by a user's browser. Setting this value to 'temp' will result in the use # of a 302 redirect which is not cached by browsers and may solve issues if # users report errors accessing horizon. # Defaults to 'permanent' # # [*root_url*] # (optional) The base URL used to contruct horizon web addresses. # Defaults to '/dashboard' or '/horizon' depending OS # class horizon::wsgi::apache ( $bind_address = undef, $fqdn = undef, $servername = $::fqdn, $server_aliases = $::fqdn, $listen_ssl = false, $http_port = 80, $https_port = 443, $ssl_redirect = true, $horizon_cert = undef, $horizon_key = undef, $horizon_ca = undef, $wsgi_processes = '3', $wsgi_threads = '10', $priority = '15', $vhost_conf_name = 'horizon_vhost', $vhost_ssl_conf_name = 'horizon_ssl_vhost', $extra_params = {}, $redirect_type = 'permanent', $root_url = $::horizon::params::root_url, ) inherits horizon::params { include ::apache if $fqdn { warning('Parameter fqdn is deprecated. Please use parameter server_aliases for setting ServerAlias directives in vhost.conf.') $final_server_aliases = $fqdn } else { $final_server_aliases = $server_aliases } include ::apache::mod::wsgi # We already use apache::vhost to generate our own # configuration file, let's clean the configuration # embedded within the package file { $::horizon::params::httpd_config_file: ensure => present, content => "# # This file has been cleaned by Puppet. # # OpenStack Horizon configuration has been moved to: # - ${priority}-${vhost_conf_name}.conf # - ${priority}-${vhost_ssl_conf_name}.conf #", require => Package['horizon'], } if $listen_ssl { include ::apache::mod::ssl $ensure_ssl_vhost = 'present' if $horizon_ca == undef { fail('The horizon_ca parameter is required when listen_ssl is true') } if $horizon_cert == undef { fail('The horizon_cert parameter is required when listen_ssl is true') } if $horizon_key == undef { fail('The horizon_key parameter is required when listen_ssl is true') } if $ssl_redirect { $redirect_match = '(.*)' $redirect_url = "https://${servername}" } } else { case $root_url { '': { $ensure_ssl_vhost = 'absent' $redirect_match = "^${::horizon::params::root_url}\$" $redirect_url = '/' } default: { $ensure_ssl_vhost = 'absent' $redirect_match = '^/$' $redirect_url = $root_url } } } if !($redirect_type in ['temp', 'permanent']) { fail("Invalid redirect type '${redirect_type} provided.") } Package['horizon'] -> Package['httpd'] File[$::horizon::params::config_file] ~> Service['httpd'] $unix_user = $::osfamily ? { 'RedHat' => $::horizon::params::apache_user, default => $::horizon::params::wsgi_user } $unix_group = $::osfamily ? { 'RedHat' => $::horizon::params::apache_group, default => $::horizon::params::wsgi_group, } file { $::horizon::params::logdir: ensure => directory, owner => $unix_user, group => $unix_group, before => Service['httpd'], mode => '0751', require => Package['horizon'], } file { "${::horizon::params::logdir}/horizon.log": ensure => file, owner => $unix_user, group => $unix_group, before => Service['httpd'], mode => '0640', require => [ File[$::horizon::params::logdir], Package['horizon'] ], } $script_url = $root_url ? { '' => '/', default => $root_url, } $default_vhost_conf_no_ip = { servername => $servername, serveraliases => os_any2array($final_server_aliases), docroot => '/var/www/', access_log_file => 'horizon_access.log', error_log_file => 'horizon_error.log', priority => $priority, aliases => [{ alias => "${root_url}/static", path => '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/static', }], port => $http_port, ssl_cert => $horizon_cert, ssl_key => $horizon_key, ssl_ca => $horizon_ca, wsgi_script_aliases => hash([$script_url, $::horizon::params::django_wsgi]), wsgi_daemon_process => $::horizon::params::wsgi_group, wsgi_daemon_process_options => { processes => $wsgi_processes, threads => $wsgi_threads, user => $unix_user, group => $unix_group, }, wsgi_import_script => $::horizon::params::django_wsgi, wsgi_process_group => $::horizon::params::wsgi_group, redirectmatch_status => $redirect_type, } # Only add the 'ip' element to the $default_vhost_conf hash if it was explicitly # specified in the instantiation of the class. This is because ip => undef gets # changed to ip => '' via the Puppet function API when ensure_resource is called. # See https://bugs.launchpad.net/puppet-horizon/+bug/1371345 if $bind_address { $default_vhost_conf = merge($default_vhost_conf_no_ip, { ip => $bind_address }) } else { $default_vhost_conf = $default_vhost_conf_no_ip } ensure_resource('apache::vhost', $vhost_conf_name, merge ($default_vhost_conf, $extra_params, { redirectmatch_regexp => $redirect_match, redirectmatch_dest => $redirect_url, })) ensure_resource('apache::vhost', $vhost_ssl_conf_name, merge ($default_vhost_conf, $extra_params, { access_log_file => 'horizon_ssl_access.log', error_log_file => 'horizon_ssl_error.log', priority => $priority, ssl => true, port => $https_port, ensure => $ensure_ssl_vhost, wsgi_daemon_process => 'horizon-ssl', wsgi_process_group => 'horizon-ssl', redirectmatch_regexp => '^/$', redirectmatch_dest => $root_url, })) }