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# == Class: horizon
# Installs Horizon dashboard with Apache
# === Parameters
# [*secret_key*]
# (required) Secret key. This is used by Django to provide cryptographic
# signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value.
# [*servername*]
# (optional) FQDN used for the Server Name directives
# Defaults to ::fqdn.
# [*allowed_hosts*]
# (optional) List of hosts which will be set as value of ALLOWED_HOSTS
# parameter in settings_local.py. This is used by Django for
# security reasons. Can be set to * in environments where security is
# deemed unimportant.
# Defaults to ::fqdn.
# [*server_aliases*]
# (optional) List of names which should be defined as ServerAlias directives
# in vhost.conf.
# Defaults to ::fqdn.
# [*package_ensure*]
# (optional) Package ensure state. Defaults to 'present'.
# [*cache_backend*]
# (optional) Horizon cache backend.
# Defaults: 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache'
# [*cache_options*]
# (optional) A hash of parameters to enable specific cache options.
# Defaults to undef
# [*cache_server_ip*]
# (optional) Memcached IP address. Can be a string, or an array.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*cache_server_port*]
# (optional) Memcached port. Defaults to '11211'.
# [*horizon_app_links*]
# (optional) Array of arrays that can be used to add call-out links
# to the dashboard for other apps. There is no specific requirement
# for these apps to be for monitoring, that's just the defacto purpose.
# Each app is defined in two parts, the display name, and
# the URIDefaults to false. Defaults to false. (no app links)
# [*keystone_url*]
# (optional) Full url of keystone public endpoint. (Defaults to '')
# [*keystone_default_role*]
# (optional) Default Keystone role for new users. Defaults to '_member_'.
# [*django_debug*]
# (optional) Enable or disable Django debugging. Defaults to 'False'.
# [*openstack_endpoint_type*]
# (optional) endpoint type to use for the endpoints in the Keystone
# service catalog. Defaults to 'undef'.
# [*secondary_endpoint_type*]
# (optional) secondary endpoint type to use for the endpoints in the
# Keystone service catalog. Defaults to 'undef'.
# [*available_regions*]
# (optional) List of available regions. Value should be a list of tuple:
# [ ['urlOne', 'RegionOne'], ['urlTwo', 'RegionTwo'] ]
# Defaults to undef.
# [*api_result_limit*]
# (optional) Maximum number of Swift containers/objects to display
# on a single page. Defaults to 1000.
# [*log_handler*]
# (optional) Log handler. Defaults to 'file'
# [*log_level*]
# (optional) Log level. Defaults to 'INFO'. WARNING: Setting this to
# DEBUG will let plaintext passwords be logged in the Horizon log file.
# [*local_settings_template*]
# (optional) Location of template to use for local_settings.py generation.
# Defaults to 'horizon/local_settings.py.erb'.
# [*help_url*]
# (optional) Location where the documentation should point.
# Defaults to 'http://docs.openstack.org'.
# [*compress_offline*]
# (optional) Boolean to enable offline compress of assets.
# Defaults to True
# [*hypervisor_options*]
# (optional) A hash of parameters to enable features specific to
# Hypervisors. These include:
# 'can_set_mount_point': Boolean to enable or disable mount point setting
# Defaults to 'True'.
# 'can_set_password': Boolean to enable or disable VM password setting.
# Works only with Xen Hypervisor.
# Defaults to 'False'.
# [*cinder_options*]
# (optional) A hash of parameters to enable features specific to
# Cinder. These include:
# 'enable_backup': Boolean to enable or disable Cinders's backup feature.
# Defaults to False.
# [*neutron_options*]
# (optional) A hash of parameters to enable features specific to
# Neutron. These include:
# 'enable_lb': Boolean to enable or disable Neutron's LBaaS feature.
# Defaults to False.
# 'enable_firewall': Boolean to enable or disable Neutron's FWaaS feature.
# Defaults to False.
# 'enable_quotas': Boolean to enable or disable Neutron quotas.
# Defaults to True.
# 'enable_security_group': Boolean to enable or disable Neutron
# security groups. Defaults to True.
# 'enable_vpn': Boolean to enable or disable Neutron's VPNaaS feature.
# Defaults to False.
# 'enable_distributed_router': Boolean to enable or disable Neutron
# distributed virtual router (DVR) feature in the Router panel.
# Defaults to False.
# 'enable_ha_router': Enable or disable HA (High Availability) mode in
# Neutron virtual router in the Router panel. Defaults to False.
# 'profile_support': A string indiciating which plugin-specific
# profiles to enable. Defaults to 'None', other options include
# 'cisco'.
# [*configure_apache*]
# (optional) Configure Apache for Horizon. (Defaults to true)
# [*bind_address*]
# (optional) Bind address in Apache for Horizon. (Defaults to undef)
# [*listen_ssl*]
# (optional) Enable SSL support in Apache. (Defaults to false)
# [*ssl_no_verify*]
# (optionsl) Disable SSL hostname verifying. Set it if you don't have
# properly configured DNS which will resolve hostnames for SSL endpoints
# Horizon will connect to. (Defaults to false)
# [*ssl_redirect*]
# (optional) Whether to redirect http to https
# Defaults to True
# [*horizon_cert*]
# (required with listen_ssl) Certificate to use for SSL support.
# [*horizon_key*]
# (required with listen_ssl) Private key to use for SSL support.
# [*horizon_ca*]
# (required with listen_ssl) CA certificate to use for SSL support.
# [*vhost_extra_params*]
# (optionnal) extra parameter to pass to the apache::vhost class
# Defaults to undef
# [*file_upload_temp_dir*]
# (optional) Location to use for temporary storage of images uploaded
# You must ensure that the path leading to the directory is created
# already, only the last level directory is created by this manifest.
# Specify an absolute pathname.
# Defaults to /tmp
# [*policy_files_path*]
# (Optional) The path to the policy files
# Defaults to undef.
# [*policy_files*]
# (Optional) Policy files
# Defaults to undef.
# [*secure_cookies*]
# (optional) Enables security settings for cookies. Useful when using
# https on public sites. See: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/horizon/topics/deployment.html#secure-site-recommendations
# Defaults to false
# [*django_session_engine*]
# (optional) Selects the session engine for Django to use.
# Defaults to undef - will not add entry to local settings.
# [*redirect_type*]
# (optional) What type of redirect to use when redirecting an http request
# for a user. This should be either 'temp' or 'permanent'. Setting this value
# to 'permanent' will result in the use of a 301 redirect which may be cached
# by a user's browser. Setting this value to 'temp' will result in the use
# of a 302 redirect which is not cached by browsers and may solve issues if
# users report errors accessing horizon. Only used if configure_apache is
# set to true.
# Defaults to 'permanent'
# [*api_versions*]
# (optional) A hash of parameters to set specific api versions.
# Example: api_versions => {'identity' => 3}
# Default to 'identity' => 3
# [*keystone_multidomain_support*]
# (optional) Enables multi-domain in horizon. When this is enabled, it will require user to enter
# the Domain name in addition to username for login.
# Default to false
# [*keystone_default_domain*]
# (optional) Overrides the default domain used when running on single-domain model with Keystone V3.
# All entities will be created in the default domain.
# Default to undef
# [*image_backend*]
# (optional) Overrides the default image backend settings. This allows the list of supported
# image types etc. to be explicitly defined.
# Example: image_backend => { 'image_formats' => { '' => 'Select type', 'qcow2' => 'QCOW2' } }
# Default to empty hash
# [*overview_days_range*]
# (optional) The default date range in the Overview panel meters - either <today> minus N
# days (if the value is integer N), or from the beginning of the current month
# until today (if it's undefined). This setting should be used to limit the amount
# of data fetched by default when rendering the Overview panel.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*root_url*]
# (optional) The base URL used to contruct horizon web addresses.
# Defaults to '/dashboard' or '/horizon' depending OS
# [*session_timeout*]
# (optional) The session timeout for horizon in seconds. After this many seconds of inactivity
# the user is logged out.
# Defaults to 1800.
# [*timezone*]
# (optional) The timezone of the server.
# Defaults to 'UTC'.
# [*available_themes*]
# (optional) Hash of available themes. Each hash must have the followings keys
# for themes to be made available; name, label, path.
# Defaults to false
# { 'name' => 'theme_name', 'label' => 'theme_label', 'path' => 'theme_path' }
# Example:
# class { 'horizon':
# available_themes => [
# { 'name' => 'default', 'label' => 'Default', 'path' => 'themes/default'},
# { 'name' => 'material', 'label' => 'Material', 'path' => 'themes/material'},
# ]
# }
# [*default_theme*]
# (optional) The default theme to use from list of available themes. Value should be theme_name.
# Defaults to false
# === DEPRECATED group/name
# [*fqdn*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED, use allowed_hosts and server_aliases instead.
# FQDN(s) used to access Horizon. This is used by Django for
# security reasons. Can be set to * in environments where security is
# deemed unimportant. Also used for Server Aliases in web configs.
# Defaults to undef
# [*custom_theme_path*]
# (optional) The directory location for the theme (e.g., "static/themes/blue")
# Default to undef
# [*tuskar_ui*]
# (optional) Boolean to enable Tuskar-UI related configuration (http://tuskar-ui.readthedocs#
# Defaults to undef
# [*tuskar_ui_ironic_discoverd_url*]
# (optional) Tuskar-UI - Ironic Discoverd API endpoint
# Defaults to undef
# [*tuskar_ui_undercloud_admin_password*]
# (optional) Tuskar-UI - Undercloud admin password used to authenticate admin user in Tuskar#
# It is required by Heat to perform certain actions.
# Defaults to undef
# [*tuskar_ui_deployment_mode*]
# (optional) Tuskar-UI - Deployment mode ('poc' or 'scale')
# Defaults to undef
# === Examples
# class { 'horizon':
# secret_key => 's3cr3t',
# keystone_url => '',
# available_regions => [
# ['http://region-1.example.com:5000/v2.0', 'Region-1'],
# ['http://region-2.example.com:5000/v2.0', 'Region-2']
# ]
# }
class horizon(
$package_ensure = 'present',
$cache_backend = 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',
$cache_options = undef,
$cache_server_ip = undef,
$cache_server_port = '11211',
$horizon_app_links = false,
$keystone_url = '',
$keystone_default_role = '_member_',
$django_debug = 'False',
$openstack_endpoint_type = undef,
$secondary_endpoint_type = undef,
$available_regions = undef,
$api_result_limit = 1000,
$log_handler = 'file',
$log_level = 'INFO',
$help_url = 'http://docs.openstack.org',
$local_settings_template = 'horizon/local_settings.py.erb',
$configure_apache = true,
$bind_address = undef,
$servername = $::fqdn,
$server_aliases = $::fqdn,
$allowed_hosts = $::fqdn,
$listen_ssl = false,
$ssl_no_verify = false,
$ssl_redirect = true,
$horizon_cert = undef,
$horizon_key = undef,
$horizon_ca = undef,
$compress_offline = true,
$hypervisor_options = {},
$cinder_options = {},
$neutron_options = {},
$file_upload_temp_dir = '/tmp',
$policy_files_path = undef,
$policy_files = undef,
$redirect_type = 'permanent',
$api_versions = {'identity' => '3'},
$keystone_multidomain_support = false,
$keystone_default_domain = undef,
$image_backend = {},
$overview_days_range = undef,
$root_url = $::horizon::params::root_url,
$session_timeout = 1800,
$timezone = 'UTC',
$secure_cookies = false,
$django_session_engine = undef,
$vhost_extra_params = undef,
$available_themes = false,
$default_theme = false,
$custom_theme_path = undef,
$fqdn = undef,
$tuskar_ui = undef,
$tuskar_ui_ironic_discoverd_url = undef,
$tuskar_ui_undercloud_admin_password = undef,
$tuskar_ui_deployment_mode = undef,
) inherits ::horizon::params {
$hypervisor_defaults = {
'can_set_mount_point' => true,
'can_set_password' => false,
if $fqdn {
warning('Parameter fqdn is deprecated. Please use parameter allowed_hosts for setting ALLOWED_HOSTS in settings_local.py and parameter server_aliases for setting ServerAlias directives in vhost.conf.')
$final_allowed_hosts = $fqdn
$final_server_aliases = $fqdn
} else {
$final_allowed_hosts = $allowed_hosts
$final_server_aliases = $server_aliases
if $custom_theme_path {
warning('custom_theme_path has been deprecated in mitaka and will be removed in a future release.')
if $tuskar_ui or $tuskar_ui_ironic_discoverd_url or $tuskar_ui_undercloud_admin_password or $tuskar_ui_deployment_mode {
warning('tuskar module is no longer maintained, all tuskar parameters will be removed after Newton cycle.')
# Default options for the OPENSTACK_CINDER_FEATURES section. These will
# be merged with user-provided options when the local_settings.py.erb
# template is interpolated.
$cinder_defaults = {
'enable_backup' => false,
# Default options for the OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK section. These will
# be merged with user-provided options when the local_settings.py.erb
# template is interpolated.
$neutron_defaults = {
'enable_lb' => false,
'enable_firewall' => false,
'enable_quotas' => true,
'enable_security_group' => true,
'enable_vpn' => false,
'enable_distributed_router' => false,
'enable_ha_router' => false,
'profile_support' => 'None',
Service <| title == 'memcached' |> -> Class['horizon']
$hypervisor_options_real = merge($hypervisor_defaults,$hypervisor_options)
$cinder_options_real = merge($cinder_defaults,$cinder_options)
$neutron_options_real = merge($neutron_defaults,$neutron_options)
if $cache_backend =~ /MemcachedCache/ {
{ name => $::horizon::params::memcache_package,
tag => ['openstack', 'horizon-package']})
package { 'horizon':
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $::horizon::params::package_name,
tag => ['openstack', 'horizon-package'],
concat { $::horizon::params::config_file:
mode => '0640',
owner => $::horizon::params::wsgi_user,
group => $::horizon::params::wsgi_group,
require => Package['horizon'],
concat::fragment { 'local_settings.py':
target => $::horizon::params::config_file,
content => template($local_settings_template),
order => '50',
exec { 'refresh_horizon_django_cache':
command => "${::horizon::params::manage_py} collectstatic --noinput --clear && ${::horizon::params::manage_py} compress --force",
refreshonly => true,
require => Package['horizon'],
if $::os_package_type == 'rpm' and $compress_offline {
Concat[$::horizon::params::config_file] ~> Exec['refresh_horizon_django_cache']
if $configure_apache {
class { '::horizon::wsgi::apache':
bind_address => $bind_address,
servername => $servername,
server_aliases => $final_server_aliases,
listen_ssl => $listen_ssl,
ssl_redirect => $ssl_redirect,
horizon_cert => $horizon_cert,
horizon_key => $horizon_key,
horizon_ca => $horizon_ca,
extra_params => $vhost_extra_params,
redirect_type => $redirect_type,
root_url => $root_url
if ! ($file_upload_temp_dir in ['/tmp','/var/tmp']) {
file { $file_upload_temp_dir :
ensure => directory,
owner => $::horizon::params::wsgi_user,
group => $::horizon::params::wsgi_group,
mode => '0755',