# # Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # Configure the ironic-inspector auxiliary service to Ironic # # === Parameters # # [*package_ensure*] # (optional) Control the ensure parameter for the package resource # Defaults to 'present' # # [*enabled*] # (optional) Define if the service must be enabled or not # Defaults to true # # [*listen_address*] # (optional) The listen IP for the Ironic-inspector API server. # Should be an valid IP address # Defaults to $::os_service_default. # # [*pxe_transfer_protocol*] # (optional) Protocol to be used for transferring the ramdisk # Defaults to 'tftp'. Valid values are 'tftp' or 'http'. # # [*enable_uefi*] # (optional) Allow introspection of machines with UEFI firmware. # Defaults to false. Ignored unless $pxe_transfer_protocol='http'. # # [*debug*] # (optional) Enable debug logging # Defaults to undef # # [*auth_strategy*] # (optional) API authentication strategy: keystone or noauth # Defaults to 'keystone' # # [*dnsmasq_interface*] # (optional) The interface for the ironic-inspector dnsmasq process # to listen on # Defaults to 'br-ctlplane' # # [*db_connection*] # (optional) Location of the ironic-inspector node cache database # Defaults to undef # # [*ramdisk_logs_dir*] # (optional) Location to store logs retrieved from the ramdisk # Defaults to '/var/log/ironic-inspector/ramdisk/' # # [*enable_setting_ipmi_credentials*] # (optional) Enable setting of IPMI credentials # Defaults to false # # [*keep_ports*] # (optional) Which ports to keep after introspection # Defaults to 'all' # # [*store_data*] # (optional) Method for storing introspection data # Defaults to 'none' # # [*ironic_auth_type*] # (optional) Authentication plugin for accessing Ironic # Defaults to 'password' # # [*ironic_username*] # (optional) User name for accessing Ironic API # Defaults to 'ironic' # # [*ironic_password*] # (optional) Password for accessing Ironic API # Defaults to undef. Set a value unless using noauth. # # [*ironic_tenant_name*] # (optional) Tenant name for accessing Ironic API # Defaults to 'services' # # [*ironic_auth_url*] # (optional) Keystone authentication URL for Ironic # Defautls to '' # # [*ironic_max_retries*] # (optional) Maximum number of retries in case of conflict error # Defaults to 30 # # [*ironic_retry_interval*] # (optional) Interval between retries in case of conflict error # Defaults to 2 # # [*swift_auth_type*] # (optional) Authentication plugin for accessing Swift # Defaults to 'password' # # [*swift_username*] # (optional) User name for accessing Swift API # Defaults to 'ironic' # # [*swift_password*] # (optional) Password for accessing Swift API # Defaults to undef. Set a value if using Swift. # # [*swift_tenant_name*] # (optional) Tenant name for accessing Swift API # Defaults to 'services' # # [*swift_auth_url*] # (optional) Keystone authentication URL for Swift # Defautls to '' # # [*dnsmasq_ip_range*] # (optional) IP range to use for nodes being introspected # Defaults to ',' # # [*dnsmasq_local_ip*] # (optional) IP interface for the dnsmasq process # Defaults to '' # # [*sync_db*] # Enable dbsync # Defaults to true # # [*ramdisk_collectors*] # Comma-separated list of IPA inspection collectors # Defaults to 'default' # # [*additional_processing_hooks*] # Comma-separated list of processing hooks to append to the default list. # Defaults to undef # # [*ramdisk_kernel_args*] # String with kernel arguments to send to the ramdisk on boot. # Defaults to undef # # [*ipxe_timeout*] # (optional) ipxe timeout in second. Should be an integer. # Defaults to $::os_service_default # # [*http_port*] # (optional) port used by the HTTP service serving introspection images. # Defaults to 8088. # # [*tftp_root*] # (optional) Folder location to deploy PXE boot files # Defaults to '/tftpboot' # # [*http_root*] # (optional) Folder location to deploy HTTP PXE boot # Defaults to '/httpboot' # # DEPRECATED PARAMETERS # # [*identity_uri*] # (optional) Complete admin Identity API endpoint. # Defaults to undef. # # [*admin_tenant_name*] # (optional) The name of the tenant to create in keystone for use by the ironic services # Defaults to undef. # # [*admin_user*] # (optional) The name of the user to create in keystone for use by the ironic services # Defaults to undef. # # [*admin_password*] # (optional) The password to set for the ironic admin user in keystone. # Defaults to undef. # # [*auth_uri*] # (optional) Complete public Identity API endpoint. # Defaults to undef. # class ironic::inspector ( $package_ensure = 'present', $enabled = true, $listen_address = $::os_service_default, $pxe_transfer_protocol = 'tftp', $enable_uefi = false, $debug = undef, $auth_strategy = 'keystone', $dnsmasq_interface = 'br-ctlplane', $db_connection = undef, $ramdisk_logs_dir = '/var/log/ironic-inspector/ramdisk/', $enable_setting_ipmi_credentials = false, $keep_ports = 'all', $store_data = 'none', $ironic_auth_type = 'password', $ironic_username = 'ironic', $ironic_password = undef, $ironic_tenant_name = 'services', $ironic_auth_url = '', $ironic_max_retries = 30, $ironic_retry_interval = 2, $swift_auth_type = 'password', $swift_username = 'ironic', $swift_password = undef, $swift_tenant_name = 'services', $swift_auth_url = '', $dnsmasq_ip_range = ',', $dnsmasq_local_ip = '', $sync_db = true, $ramdisk_collectors = 'default', $additional_processing_hooks = undef, $ramdisk_kernel_args = undef, $ipxe_timeout = $::os_service_default, $http_port = '8088', $tftp_root = '/tftpboot', $http_root = '/httpboot', # DEPRECATED PARAMETERS $identity_uri = undef, $admin_tenant_name = undef, $admin_user = undef, $admin_password = undef, $auth_uri = undef, ) { include ::ironic::deps include ::ironic::params include ::ironic::pxe::common include ::ironic::inspector::logging include ::ironic::inspector::db if $admin_tenant_name { warning("Parameter 'ironic::inspector::admin_tenant_name' is deprecated and will be removed in O release. \ Use 'ironic::inspector::authtoken::project_name' parameter instead.") } if $admin_user { warning("Parameter 'ironic::inspector::admin_user' is deprecated will be removed in O release. \ Use 'ironic::inspector::authtoken::username' parameter instead.") } if $admin_password { warning("Parameter 'ironic::inspector::admin_password' is deprecated and will be removed in O release. \ Use 'ironic::inspector::authtoken::password' parameter instead.") } if $identity_uri { warning("Parameter 'ironic::inspector::identity_uri' is deprecated and will be removed in O release. \ Use 'ironic::inspector::authtoken::auth_url' parameter instead.") } if $auth_uri { warning("Parameter 'ironic::inspector::auth_uri' is deprecated and will be removed in O release. \ Use 'ironic::inspector::authtoken::auth_uri' parameter instead.") } if $auth_strategy == 'keystone' { include ::ironic::inspector::authtoken } warning("After Newton cycle ::ironic::inspector won't provide \ tftpboot and httpboot setup, please include ::ironic::pxe") include ::ironic::pxe $tftp_root_real = pick($::ironic::pxe::common::tftp_root, $tftp_root) $http_root_real = pick($::ironic::pxe::common::http_root, $http_root) $http_port_real = pick($::ironic::pxe::common::http_port, $http_port) $ipxe_timeout_real = pick($::ironic::pxe::common::ipxe_timeout, $ipxe_timeout) file { '/etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf': ensure => 'present', require => Anchor['ironic-inspector::config::begin'], } if $pxe_transfer_protocol == 'tftp' { file { '/etc/ironic-inspector/dnsmasq.conf': ensure => 'present', content => template('ironic/inspector_dnsmasq_tftp.erb'), require => Anchor['ironic-inspector::config::begin'], } file { "${tftp_root_real}/pxelinux.cfg/default": ensure => 'present', seltype => 'tftpdir_t', owner => 'ironic-inspector', group => 'ironic-inspector', content => template('ironic/inspector_pxelinux_cfg.erb'), require => Anchor['ironic-inspector::config::begin'], } } if $pxe_transfer_protocol == 'http' { file { '/etc/ironic-inspector/dnsmasq.conf': ensure => 'present', content => template('ironic/inspector_dnsmasq_http.erb'), require => Anchor['ironic-inspector::config::begin'], } file { "${http_root_real}/inspector.ipxe": ensure => 'present', seltype => 'httpd_sys_content_t', owner => 'ironic-inspector', group => 'ironic-inspector', content => template('ironic/inspector_ipxe.erb'), require => Anchor['ironic-inspector::config::begin'], } } # Configure inspector.conf #Processing hooks string #Moved here in favor of removing the #140 chars exeeded error in puppet-lint $p_hooks = join(delete_undef_values(['$default_processing_hooks', $additional_processing_hooks]), ',') ironic_inspector_config { 'DEFAULT/listen_address': value => $listen_address; 'DEFAULT/auth_strategy': value => $auth_strategy; 'firewall/dnsmasq_interface': value => $dnsmasq_interface; 'processing/ramdisk_logs_dir': value => $ramdisk_logs_dir; 'processing/enable_setting_ipmi_credentials': value => $enable_setting_ipmi_credentials; 'processing/keep_ports': value => $keep_ports; 'processing/store_data': value => $store_data; 'ironic/auth_type': value => $ironic_auth_type; 'ironic/username': value => $ironic_username; 'ironic/password': value => $ironic_password, secret => true; 'ironic/project_name': value => $ironic_tenant_name; 'ironic/auth_url': value => $ironic_auth_url; 'ironic/max_retries': value => $ironic_max_retries; 'ironic/retry_interval': value => $ironic_retry_interval; 'swift/auth_type': value => $swift_auth_type; 'swift/username': value => $swift_username; 'swift/password': value => $swift_password, secret => true; 'swift/project_name': value => $swift_tenant_name; 'swift/auth_url': value => $swift_auth_url; # Here we use oslo.config interpolation with another option default_processing_hooks, # which we don't change as it might break introspection completely. 'processing/processing_hooks': value => $p_hooks; } # Install package if $::ironic::params::inspector_package { package { 'ironic-inspector': ensure => $package_ensure, name => $::ironic::params::inspector_package, tag => ['openstack', 'ironic-inspector-package'], } } if $sync_db { include ::ironic::inspector::db::sync } if $enabled { $ensure = 'running' } else { $ensure = 'stopped' } # Manage services service { 'ironic-inspector': ensure => $ensure, name => $::ironic::params::inspector_service, enable => $enabled, hasstatus => true, tag => 'ironic-inspector-service', } Keystone_endpoint<||> -> Service['ironic-inspector'] service { 'ironic-inspector-dnsmasq': ensure => $ensure, name => $::ironic::params::inspector_dnsmasq_service, enable => $enabled, hasstatus => true, tag => 'ironic-inspector-dnsmasq-service', } }