Added federation support for OpenID Connect with mod_auth_openidc

Change-Id: I710de4f38b899ab04cec8b3c5188e8a383bec18c
This commit is contained in:
Graeme Gillies 2016-06-24 15:23:40 +10:00
parent 5d542d6ac7
commit 9fd52ae7b4
5 changed files with 276 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
# == class: keystone::federation::openidc [70/1473]
# == Parameters
# [*methods*]
# A list of methods used for authentication separated by comma or an array.
# The allowed values are: 'external', 'password', 'token', 'oauth1', 'saml2'
# (Required) (string or array value).
# Note: The external value should be dropped to avoid problems.
# [*idp_name*]
# The name name associated with the IdP in Keystone.
# (Required) String value.
# [*openidc_provider_metadata_url*]
# The url that points to your OpenID Connect metadata provider
# (Required) String value.
# [*openidc_client_id*]
# The client ID to use when handshaking with your OpenID Connect provider
# (Required) String value.
# [*openidc_client_secret*]
# The client secret to use when handshaking with your OpenID Connect provider
# (Required) String value.
# [*openidc_crypto_passphrase*]
# Secret passphrase to use when encrypting data for OpenID Connect handshake
# (Optional) String value.
# Defaults to 'openstack'
# [*admin_port*]
# A boolean value to ensure that you want to configure openidc Federation
# using Keystone VirtualHost on port 35357.
# (Optional) Defaults to false.
# [*main_port*]
# A boolean value to ensure that you want to configure openidc Federation
# using Keystone VirtualHost on port 5000.
# (Optional) Defaults to true.
# [*module_plugin*]
# The plugin for authentication acording to the choice made with protocol and
# module.
# (Optional) Defaults to 'keystone.auth.plugins.mapped.Mapped' (string value)
# [*template_order*]
# This number indicates the order for the concat::fragment that will apply
# the shibboleth configuration to Keystone VirtualHost. The value should
# The value should be greater than 330 an less then 999, according to:
# The value 330 corresponds to the order for concat::fragment "${name}-filters"
# and "${name}-limits".
# The value 999 corresponds to the order for concat::fragment "${name}-file_footer".
# (Optional) Defaults to 331.
# [*package_ensure*]
# (optional) Desired ensure state of packages.
# accepts latest or specific versions.
# Defaults to present.
class keystone::federation::openidc (
$openidc_crypto_passphrase = 'openstack',
$admin_port = false,
$main_port = true,
$module_plugin = 'keystone.auth.plugins.mapped.Mapped',
$template_order = 331,
$package_ensure = present,
) {
include ::apache
include ::keystone::deps
include ::keystone::params
# Note: if puppet-apache modify these values, this needs to be updated
if $template_order <= 330 or $template_order >= 999 {
fail('The template order should be greater than 330 and less than 999.')
if ('external' in $methods ) {
fail('The external method should be dropped to avoid any interference with openidc')
if !('openidc' in $methods ) {
fail('Methods should contain openidc as one of the auth methods.')
} else {
if ($module_plugin != 'keystone.auth.plugins.mapped.Mapped') {
fail('Other plugins are not currently supported for openidc')
if( !$admin_port and !$main_port){
fail('No VirtualHost port to configure, please choose at least one.')
keystone_config {
'auth/methods': value => join(any2array($methods),',');
'auth/openidc': value => $module_plugin;
ensure_packages([$::keystone::params::openidc_package_name], {
ensure => $package_ensure,
tag => 'keystone-support-package',
if $admin_port {
keystone::federation::openidc_httpd_configuration{ 'admin':
port => $::keystone::admin_port,
keystone_endpoint => $::keystone::admin_endpoint,
if $main_port {
keystone::federation::openidc_httpd_configuration{ 'main':
port => $::keystone::public_port,
keystone_endpoint => $::keystone::admin_endpoint,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# == define: keystone::federation::openidc_httpd_configuration [70/1473]
# == Parameters
# [*port*]
# The port number to configure OpenIDC federated authentication on
# (Required) String value.
# [*keystone_endpoint*]
# The keystone endpoint to use when configuring the OpenIDC redirect back
# to keystone
# (Required) String value.
define keystone::federation::openidc_httpd_configuration (
$port = undef,
$keystone_endpoint = undef
) {
$openidc_redirect_uri = "${keystone_endpoint}/v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/websso/openidc/redirect"
concat::fragment { "configure_openidc_on_port_${port}":
target => "${keystone::wsgi::apache::priority}-keystone_wsgi_${title}.conf",
content => template('keystone/openidc.conf.erb'),
order => $keystone::federation::openidc::template_order,

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ class keystone::params {
$keystone_wsgi_script_path = '/usr/lib/cgi-bin/keystone'
$python_memcache_package_name = 'python-memcache'
$mellon_package_name = 'libapache2-mod-auth-mellon'
$openidc_package_name = 'libapache2-mod-auth-openidc'
'RedHat': {
$package_name = 'openstack-keystone'
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ class keystone::params {
$keystone_wsgi_script_path = '/var/www/cgi-bin/keystone'
$python_memcache_package_name = 'python-memcached'
$mellon_package_name = 'mod_auth_mellon'
$openidc_package_name = 'mod_auth_openidc'
default: {
fail("Unsupported osfamily ${::osfamily}")

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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'keystone::federation::openidc' do
describe 'with invalid params' do
before do
params.merge!(:methods => 'external, password, token, oauth1')
it_raises 'a Puppet::Error', /The external method should be dropped to avoid any interference with openidc/
before do
params.merge!(:methods => 'password, token, oauth1')
it_raises 'a Puppet::Error', /Methods should contain openidc as one of the auth methods./
before do
params.merge!(:methods => 'password, token, oauth1, openidc',
:module_plugin => 'keystone.auth.plugins')
it_raises 'a Puppet:Error', /The plugin for openidc should be keystone.auth.plugins.mapped.Mapped/
before do
params.merge!(:admin_port => false,
:main_port => false)
it_raises 'a Puppet:Error', /No VirtualHost port to configure, please choose at least one./
befode do
params.merge!(:template_port => 330)
it_raises 'a Puppet:Error', /The template order should be greater than 330 and less than 999./
befode do
params.merge!(:template_port => 999)
it_raises 'a Puppet:Error', /The template order should be greater than 330 and less than 999./
}).each do |os,facts|
let (:facts) do
let(:platform_parameters) do
case facts[:osfamily]
when 'Debian'
:openidc_package_name => 'libapache2-mod-auth-mellon',
when 'RedHat'
:openidc_package_name => 'mod_auth_openidc'
context 'with only required parameters' do
let :params do
{ :methods => 'password, token, openidc' }
it 'should have basic params for mellon in Keystone configuration' do contain_keystone_config('auth/methods').with_value('password, token, openidc') contain_keystone_config('auth/openidc').with_value('keystone.auth.plugins.mapped.Mapped')
it { contain_concat__fragment('configure_openidc_on_port_5000').with({
:target => "${keystone::wsgi::apache::priority}-keystone_wsgi_main.conf",
:order => params[:template_order],
context 'with override default parameters' do
let :params do
{ :methods => 'password, token, openidc',
:admin_port => true }
it 'should have basic params for mellon in Keystone configuration' do contain_keystone_config('auth/methods').with_value('password, token, openidc') contain_keystone_config('auth/openidc').with_value('keystone.auth.plugins.mapped.Mapped')
it { contain_concat__fragment('configure_openidc_on_port_5000').with({
:target => "${keystone::wsgi::apache::priority}-keystone_wsgi_main.conf",
:order => params[:template_order],
it { contain_concat__fragment('configure_openidc_on_port_35357').with({
:target => "${keystone::wsgi::apache::priority}-keystone_wsgi_admin.conf",
:order => params[:template_order],
it { contain_package(platform_parameters[:openidc_package_name]) }

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
LoadModule auth_openidc_module modules/
WSGIScriptAliasMatch ^(/v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/.*?/protocols/.*?/auth)$ <%= scope['keystone::params::keystone_wsgi_script_path'] -%>/$1
OIDCClaimPrefix "OIDC-"
OIDCResponseType "id_token"
OIDCScope "openid email profile"
OIDCProviderMetadataURL "<%= scope['keystone::federation::openidc::openidc_provider_metadata_url']-%>"
OIDCClientID "<%= scope['keystone::federation::openidc::openidc_client_id']-%>"
OIDCClientSecret "<%= scope['keystone::federation::openidc::openidc_client_secret']-%>"
OIDCCryptoPassphrase "<%= scope['keystone::federation::openidc::openidc_crypto_passphrase']-%>"
OIDCRedirectURI "<%= @openidc_redirect_uri-%>"
<Location /v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/<%= scope['keystone::federation::openidc::idp_name']-%>/protocols/openidc/auth>
AuthType "openid-connect"
Require valid-user