require 'puppet/provider/keystone/util' require 'puppet_x/keystone/composite_namevar' require 'puppet_x/keystone/type' Puppet::Type.newtype(:keystone_tenant) do desc 'This type can be used to manage keystone tenants.' ensurable newparam(:name, :namevar => true) do desc 'The name of the tenant.' newvalues(/\w+/) end newproperty(:enabled) do desc 'Whether the tenant should be enabled. Defaults to true.' newvalues(/(t|T)rue/, /(f|F)alse/, true, false ) defaultto(true) munge do |value| value.to_s.downcase.to_sym end end newproperty(:description) do desc 'A description of the tenant.' end newproperty(:id) do desc 'Read-only property of the tenant.' validate do |v| raise(Puppet::Error, 'This is a read only property') end end newparam(:domain) do desc 'Domain for tenant.' isnamevar include PuppetX::Keystone::Type::DefaultDomain end autorequire(:keystone_domain) do default_domain = catalog.resources.find do |r| r.class.to_s == 'Puppet::Type::Keystone_domain' && r[:is_default] == :true && r[:ensure] == :present end rv = [self[:domain]] # Only used to display the deprecation warning. rv << unless default_domain.nil? rv end # This ensures the service is started and therefore the keystone # config is configured IF we need them for authentication. # If there is no keystone config, authentication credentials # need to come from another source. autorequire(:anchor) do ['keystone::service::end', 'default_domain_created'] end def self.title_patterns PuppetX::Keystone::CompositeNamevar.basic_split_title_patterns(:name, :domain) end end