# == Class: keystone::federation::identity_provider # # == Parameters # # [*certfile*] # (Required) Path of the certfile for SAML signing. The path can not # contain a comma. (string value). # Defaults to $::keystone::ssl_ca_certs value. # # [*keyfile*] # (Required) Path of the keyfile for SAML signing. The path can not # contain a comma (string value). # Defaults to $::keystone::ssl_ca_key value. # # [*idp_entity_id*] # (Required) Entity ID value for unique Identity Provider identification # (string value). # # [*idp_sso_endpoint*] # (Required) Identity Provider Single-Sign-On service value (string value). # # [*idp_metadata_path*] # (Required) Path to the Identity Provider Metadata file (string value). # # [*idp_organization_name*] # (Optional) Organization name the installation belongs to (string value). # Defaults to 'undef'. # # [*idp_organization_display_name*] # (Optional) Organization name to be displayed (string value). # Defaults to 'undef'. # # [*idp_organization_url*] # (Optional) URL of the organization (string value). # Defaults to 'undef'. # # [*idp_contact_company*] # (Optional) Company of contact person (string value). # Defaults to 'undef'. # # [*idp_contact_name*] # (Optional) Given name of contact person (string value). # Defaults to 'undef'. # # [*idp_contact_surname*] # (Optional) Surname of contact person (string value). # Defaults to 'undef'. # # [*idp_contact_email*] # (Optional) Email address of contact person (string value). # Defaults to 'undef'. # # [*idp_contact_telephone*] # (Optional) Telephone number of contact person (string value). # Defaults to 'undef'. # # [*idp_contact_type*] # (Optional) Contact type. Allowed values are: technical, support, # administrative billing, and other (string value). # Defaults to 'undef'. # # [*user*] # (Optional) User with access to keystone files. (string value) # Defaults to 'keystone'. # # [*package_ensure*] # (optional) Desired ensure state of packages. # accepts latest or specific versions. # Defaults to present. # # == Dependencies # == Examples # == Authors # # Iury Gregory iurygregory@gmail.com # # == Copyright # # Copyright 2013 eNovance # class keystone::federation::identity_provider( $idp_entity_id, $idp_sso_endpoint, $idp_metadata_path, $certfile = $::keystone::ssl_ca_certs, $keyfile = $::keystone::ssl_ca_key, $user = 'keystone', $idp_organization_name = undef, $idp_organization_display_name = undef, $idp_organization_url = undef, $idp_contact_company = undef, $idp_contact_name = undef, $idp_contact_surname = undef, $idp_contact_email = undef, $idp_contact_telephone = undef, $idp_contact_type = undef, $package_ensure = present, ) { include keystone::deps include keystone::params if $::keystone::service_name != 'httpd' { fail ('Keystone need to be running under Apache for Federation work.') } package{ 'xmlsec1': ensure => $package_ensure, tag => 'keystone-support-package', } package{ 'python-pysaml2': ensure => $package_ensure, name => $keystone::params::python_pysaml2_package_name, tag => 'keystone-support-package', } keystone_config { 'saml/certfile': value => $certfile; 'saml/keyfile': value => $keyfile; 'saml/idp_entity_id': value => $idp_entity_id; 'saml/idp_sso_endpoint': value => $idp_sso_endpoint; 'saml/idp_metadata_path': value => $idp_metadata_path; 'saml/idp_organization_name': value => $idp_organization_name; 'saml/idp_organization_display_name': value => $idp_organization_display_name; 'saml/idp_organization_url': value => $idp_organization_url; 'saml/idp_contact_company': value => $idp_contact_company; 'saml/idp_contact_name': value => $idp_contact_name; 'saml/idp_contact_surname': value => $idp_contact_surname; 'saml/idp_contact_email': value => $idp_contact_email; 'saml/idp_contact_telephone': value => $idp_contact_telephone; } if $idp_contact_type and !($idp_contact_type in ['technical','support','administrative','billing','other']) { fail('Allowed values for idp_contact_type are: technical, support, administrative, billing and other') } else{ keystone_config { 'saml/idp_contact_type': value => $idp_contact_type; } } exec {'saml_idp_metadata': path => '/usr/bin', user => $user, command => "keystone-manage saml_idp_metadata > ${idp_metadata_path}", creates => $idp_metadata_path, subscribe => Anchor['keystone::config::end'], notify => Anchor['keystone::service::end'], tag => 'keystone-exec', } file { $idp_metadata_path: ensure => present, mode => '0600', owner => $user, } }