shared_examples_for "a Puppet::Error" do |description| it "with message matching #{description.inspect}" do expect { have_class_count(1) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, description) end end shared_examples_for 'parse title correctly' do |result| let(:title) do |example| example.metadata[:example_group][:description] end let(:resource) { => title) } it 'should parse this title correctly' do expect(resource.to_hash).to include(result) end end shared_examples_for 'croak on the title' do let(:title) do |example| example.metadata[:example_group][:description] end let(:resource) { => title) } it 'croak on the title' do expect { resource }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /No set of title patterns matched the title/) end end shared_examples_for 'croak on the required parameter' do |attr| let(:title) do |example| example.metadata[:example_group][:description] end prefix = attr.is_a?(String) ? attr : '' let(:resource) { => title) } it 'croak on the missing required parameter' do expect { resource } .to raise_error(Puppet::ResourceError, "#{prefix} Required parameter.") end end shared_examples_for 'croak on read-only parameter' do |resource| prefix = resource.delete(:_prefix) it 'should raise an error' do expect { } .to raise_error(Puppet::ResourceError, "#{prefix} Read-only property.") end end shared_examples_for 'succeed with the required parameters' do |extra_params| let(:title) do |example| example.metadata[:example_group][:description] end extra_params_to_merge = extra_params || {} let(:resource) {{ :title => title }.merge(extra_params_to_merge)) } it 'has all required parameters' do expect { resource }.not_to raise_error end end # Let resources to [<tested_resource>, <required>, <required>, ..., <not_required>] shared_examples_for 'autorequire the correct resources' do let(:catalog) { } it 'should autorequire correctly' do resource = resources[0] resources_good = resources[1...resources.count-1] catalog.add_resource(*resources) dependency = resource.autorequire expect(dependency.size).to eq(resources_good.count) resources_good.each_with_index do |good, idx| expect(dependency[idx].target).to eq(resource) expect(dependency[idx].source).to eq(good) end end end # Let resources to [<existing>, <non_existing>] shared_examples_for 'prefetch the resources' do it 'should correctly prefetch the existing resource' do existing = resources[0] non_existing = resources[1] resource = double r = [] r << existing catalog = r.each { |res| catalog.add_resource(res) } m_value = double m_first = double expect(resource).to receive(:values).and_return(m_value) expect(m_value).to receive(:first).and_return(m_first) expect(m_first).to receive(:catalog).and_return(catalog) expect(m_first).to receive(:class).and_return(described_class.resource_type) described_class.prefetch(resource) # found and not found expect(existing.provider.ensure).to eq(:present) expect(non_existing.provider.ensure).to eq(:absent) end end # attribute [Array[Hash]] # - the first hash are the expected result # - second are the combination of attributes you want to test # The provider must be build from resource_attrs # see examples in keystone_{user/user_role/tenant/service} shared_examples_for 'create the correct resource' do |attributes| expected_results = attributes.shift['expected_results'] attributes.each do |attribute| context 'test' do let(:resource_attrs) { attribute.values[0] } it "should correctly create the resource when #{attribute.keys[0]}" do provider.create expect(provider.exists?).to be_truthy expected_results.each do |key, value| expect(provider.send(key)).to eq(value) end end end end end # Let resources to [<resource_1>, <duplicate>] shared_examples_for 'detect duplicate resource' do let(:catalog) { } it 'should detect the duplicate' do expect { catalog.add_resource(resources[0]) }.not_to raise_error expect { catalog.add_resource(resources[1]) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError,/Cannot alias/) end end