# Examples of the new interface to user, project (tenant), and # user_role. # # The new interface does not rely on a unique title scheme and offers # the possibility to pass required arguments as parameters. Old # interface with everything defined in the title is still supported, # but the parsing is more consistent and less error prone (on the # coding side). Puppet will find matching resource irrespective of # how you create it. # For user you have those choices keystone_user { 'user_one': ensure => present, domain => 'domain_one', } # is identical to keystone_user { 'user_one::domain_one': ensure => present } # Note, that parameter override title paring. So: keystone_user { 'user_one::domain_two': ensure => present, domain => 'domain_one' } # will create the user in the domain_one, not domain_two. # This led to the meaningless title feature. This can be helpful for # manifest/hiera created by another program for instance, where the # title could be some random id: keystone_user { 'meanlinglesstitle': ensure => present, user => 'user_one', domain => 'domain_one' } # This works for user, project and, with a twist, for user_role, where # the title must always have some form. See below. # For project: keystone_tenant { 'project_one': ensure => present, domain => 'domain_one' } # is identical to keystone_project { 'project_one::domain_one': ensure => present } # For user_role: # 1: for associating a role to an user in a project scope. keystone_user_role { 'user_one::project_one': ensure => present, user_domain => 'domain_one', project_domain => 'domain_two', roles => ['admin'] } # all the way to keystone_user_role { 'user_one::domain_one@project_one::domain_two': ensure => present, roles => ['admin'] } # and all combinations in between. # Note that parameter override the title parsing, so: keystone_user_role { 'user_one::domain_one@project_one::domain_one': ensure => present, project_domain => 'domain_two', roles => ['admin'] } # will match the project project_one::domain_two, not # project_one::domain_one. It is also true for keystone_user and # keystone_tenant. # You cannot define: keystone_user_role { 'user_one': ensure => present, user_domain => 'domain_one', project => 'project_one', project_domain => 'domain_two', roles => ['admin'] } # this will trigger an error. You need the '::' # 2: for associating a role to an user in a domain scope. keystone_user_role { 'user_one@::domain': ensure => present, user_domain => 'domain_one', roles => ['admin'] } # is identical to keystone_user_role { 'user_one::domain_one@::domain_one': ensure => present, roles => ['admin'] } # But, you cannot define: keystone_user_role { 'meaningless_title': ensure => present, user => 'user_one', user_domain => 'domain_one', domain => 'domain_one', roles => ['admin'] } # this will trigger an error, you need the '::@' # But, there is a way to have meaningless title for user_role. # 1: user role to project. keystone_user_role { 'meaningless::meaningless': ensure => present, user => 'user_one', user_domain => 'domain_one', project => 'project_one', project_domain => 'domain_one', roles => ['admin'] } # 2: user role to domain keystone_user_role { 'meaningless::@meaningless': ensure => present, user => 'user_one', user_domain => 'domain_one', domain => 'project_one', roles => ['admin'] } # Finally it should be noted that specifying an domain and a project # scope at the same time is an error. keystone_user_role { 'user_one@::domain_one': ensure => present, user_domain => 'domain_one', project => 'project_one', project_domain => 'domain_two', roles => ['admin'] } # is an error, and will trigger one. # NOTE: for the all examples above to work you have to define: keystone_domain { 'domain_one': ensure => present } keystone_domain { 'domain_two': ensure => present }