# # Module for managing keystone config. # # == Parameters # # [*package_ensure*] # (optional) Desired ensure state of packages. # accepts latest or specific versions. # Defaults to present. # # [*client_package_ensure*] # (optional) Desired ensure state of the client package. # accepts latest or specific versions. # Defaults to present. # # [*public_port*] # (optional) Port that keystone binds to. # Defaults to '5000' # # [*compute_port*] # (optional) DEPRECATED The port for compute servie. # Defaults to '8774' # # [*admin_port*] # (optional) Port that can be used for admin tasks. # Defaults to '35357' # # [*admin_token*] # Admin token that can be used to authenticate as a keystone # admin. Required. # # [*verbose*] # (optional) Rather keystone should log at verbose level. # Defaults to false. # # [*debug*] # (optional) Rather keystone should log at debug level. # Defaults to False. # # [*use_syslog*] # (optional) Use syslog for logging. # Defaults to false. # # [*log_facility*] # (optional) Syslog facility to receive log lines. # Defaults to 'LOG_USER'. # # [*catalog_type*] # (optional) Type of catalog that keystone uses to store endpoints,services. # Defaults to sql. (Also accepts template) # # [*catalog_driver*] # (optional) Catalog driver used by Keystone to store endpoints and services. # Setting this value will override and ignore catalog_type. # Defaults to false. # # [*catalog_template_file*] # (optional) Path to the catalog used if catalog_type equals 'template'. # Defaults to '/etc/keystone/default_catalog.templates' # # [*token_provider*] # (optional) Format keystone uses for tokens. # Defaults to 'keystone.token.providers.uuid.Provider' # Supports PKI and UUID. # # [*token_driver*] # (optional) Driver to use for managing tokens. # Defaults to 'keystone.token.persistence.backends.sql.Token' # # [*token_expiration*] # (optional) Amount of time a token should remain valid (seconds). # Defaults to 3600 (1 hour). # # [*revoke_driver*] # (optional) Driver for token revocation. # Defaults to 'keystone.contrib.revoke.backends.sql.Revoke' # # [*cache_dir*] # (optional) Directory created when token_provider is pki. # Defaults to /var/cache/keystone. # # [*memcache_servers*] # (optional) List of memcache servers in format of server:port. # Used with token_driver 'keystone.token.backends.memcache.Token'. # Defaults to false. Example: ['localhost:11211'] # # [*cache_backend*] # (optional) Dogpile.cache backend module. It is recommended that Memcache with pooling # (keystone.cache.memcache_pool) or Redis (dogpile.cache.redis) be used in production. # This has no effects unless 'memcache_servers' is set. # Defaults to 'keystone.common.cache.noop' # # [*cache_backend_argument*] # (optional) List of arguments in format of argname:value supplied to the backend module. # Specify this option once per argument to be passed to the dogpile.cache backend. # This has no effects unless 'memcache_servers' is set. # Default to undef. # # [*debug_cache_backend*] # (optional) Extra debugging from the cache backend (cache keys, get/set/delete calls). # This has no effects unless 'memcache_servers' is set. # Default to false. # # [*token_caching*] # (optional) Toggle for token system caching. This has no effects unless 'memcache_servers' is set. # Default to true. # # [*enabled*] # (optional) If the keystone services should be enabled. # Default to true. # # [*database_connection*] # (optional) Url used to connect to database. # Defaults to sqlite:////var/lib/keystone/keystone.db # # [*database_idle_timeout*] # (optional) Timeout when db connections should be reaped. # Defaults to 200. # # [*enable_pki_setup*] # (optional) Enable call to pki_setup to generate the cert for signing pki tokens and # revocation lists if it doesn't already exist. This generates a cert and key stored in file # locations based on the signing_certfile and signing_keyfile paramters below. If you are # providing your own signing cert, make this false. # Default to true. # # [*signing_certfile*] # (optional) Location of the cert file for signing pki tokens and revocation lists. # Note that if this file already exists (i.e. you are providing your own signing cert), # the file will not be overwritten, even if enable_pki_setup is set to true. # Default: /etc/keystone/ssl/certs/signing_cert.pem # # [*signing_keyfile*] # (optional) Location of the key file for signing pki tokens and revocation lists. # Note that if this file already exists (i.e. you are providing your own signing cert), the file # will not be overwritten, even if enable_pki_setup is set to true. # Default: /etc/keystone/ssl/private/signing_key.pem # # [*signing_ca_certs*] # (optional) Use this CA certs file along with signing_certfile/signing_keyfile for # signing pki tokens and revocation lists. # Default: /etc/keystone/ssl/certs/ca.pem # # [*signing_ca_key*] # (optional) Use this CA key file along with signing_certfile/signing_keyfile for signing # pki tokens and revocation lists. # Default: /etc/keystone/ssl/private/cakey.pem # # [*signing_cert_subject*] # (optional) Certificate subject (auto generated certificate) for token signing. # Defaults to '/C=US/ST=Unset/L=Unset/O=Unset/CN=www.example.com' # # [*signing_key_size*] # (optional) Key size (in bits) for token signing cert (auto generated certificate) # Defaults to 2048 # # [*rabbit_host*] # (optional) Location of rabbitmq installation. # Defaults to localhost. # # [*rabbit_port*] # (optional) Port for rabbitmq instance. # Defaults to 5672. # # [*rabbit_hosts*] # (optional) Location of rabbitmq installation. # Defaults to undef. # # [*rabbit_password*] # (optional) Password used to connect to rabbitmq. # Defaults to guest. # # [*rabbit_userid*] # (optional) User used to connect to rabbitmq. # Defaults to guest. # # [*rabbit_virtual_host*] # (optional) The RabbitMQ virtual host. # Defaults to /. # # [*rabbit_use_ssl*] # (optional) Connect over SSL for RabbitMQ # Defaults to false # # [*kombu_ssl_ca_certs*] # (optional) SSL certification authority file (valid only if SSL enabled). # Defaults to undef # # [*kombu_ssl_certfile*] # (optional) SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled). # Defaults to undef # # [*kombu_ssl_keyfile*] # (optional) SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled). # Defaults to undef # # [*kombu_ssl_version*] # (optional) SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled). # Valid values are TLSv1, SSLv23 and SSLv3. SSLv2 may be # available on some distributions. # Defaults to 'TLSv1' # # [*notification_driver*] # RPC driver. Not enabled by default # # [*notification_topics*] # (optional) AMQP topics to publish to when using the RPC notification driver. # Default to false. # # [*control_exchange*] # (optional) AMQP exchange to connect to if using RabbitMQ or Qpid # Default to false. # # [*public_bind_host*] # (optional) The IP address of the public network interface to listen on # Default to ''. # # [*admin_bind_host*] # (optional) The IP address of the public network interface to listen on # Default to ''. # # [*log_dir*] # (optional) Directory where logs should be stored # If set to boolean false, it will not log to any directory # Defaults to '/var/log/keystone' # # [*log_file*] # (optional) Where to log # Defaults to false # # [*public_endpoint*] # (optional) The base public endpoint URL for keystone that are # advertised to clients (NOTE: this does NOT affect how # keystone listens for connections) (string value) # If set to false, no public_endpoint will be defined in keystone.conf. # Sample value: 'http://localhost:5000/' # Defaults to false # # [*admin_endpoint*] # (optional) The base admin endpoint URL for keystone that are # advertised to clients (NOTE: this does NOT affect how keystone listens # for connections) (string value) # If set to false, no admin_endpoint will be defined in keystone.conf. # Sample value: 'http://localhost:35357/' # Defaults to false # # [*enable_ssl*] # (optional) Toggle for SSL support on the keystone eventlet servers. # (boolean value) # Defaults to false # # [*ssl_certfile*] # (optional) Path of the certfile for SSL. (string value) # Defaults to '/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/keystone.pem' # # [*ssl_keyfile*] # (optional) Path of the keyfile for SSL. (string value) # Defaults to '/etc/keystone/ssl/private/keystonekey.pem' # # [*ssl_ca_certs*] # (optional) Path of the ca cert file for SSL. (string value) # Defaults to '/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/ca.pem' # # [*ssl_ca_key*] # (optional) Path of the CA key file for SSL (string value) # Defaults to '/etc/keystone/ssl/private/cakey.pem' # # [*ssl_cert_subject*] # (optional) SSL Certificate Subject (auto generated certificate) # (string value) # Defaults to '/C=US/ST=Unset/L=Unset/O=Unset/CN=localhost' # # [*mysql_module*] # (optional) Deprecated. Does nothing. # # [*validate_service*] # (optional) Whether to validate keystone connections after # the service is started. # Defaults to false # # [*validate_insecure*] # (optional) Whether to validate keystone connections # using the --insecure option with keystone client. # Defaults to false # # [*validate_cacert*] # (optional) Whether to validate keystone connections # using the specified argument with the --os-cacert option # with keystone client. # Defaults to undef # # [*validate_auth_url*] # (optional) The url to validate keystone against # Defaults to undef # # [*service_provider*] # (optional) Provider, that can be used for keystone service. # Default value defined in keystone::params for given operation system. # If you use Pacemaker or another Cluster Resource Manager, you can make # custom service provider for changing start/stop/status behavior of service, # and set it here. # # [*service_name*] # (optional) Name of the service that will be providing the # server functionality of keystone. For example, the default # is just 'keystone', which means keystone will be run as a # standalone eventlet service, and will able to be managed # separately by the operating system's service manager. For # example, you will be able to use # service openstack-keystone restart # to restart the service. # If the value is 'httpd', this means keystone will be a web # service, and you must use another class to configure that # web service. For example, after calling class {'keystone'...} # use class { 'keystone::wsgi::apache'...} to make keystone be # a web app using apache mod_wsgi. # Defaults to 'keystone' # NOTE: validate_service only applies if the value is 'keystone' # # [*paste_config*] # (optional) Name of the paste configuration file that defines the # available pipelines. (string value) # Defaults to '/usr/share/keystone/keystone-dist-paste.ini' on RedHat and # undef on other platforms. # # [*max_token_size*] # (optional) maximum allowable Keystone token size # Defaults to undef # # [*admin_workers*] # (optional) The number of worker processes to serve the admin WSGI application. # Defaults to max($::processorcount, 2) # # [*public_workers*] # (optional) The number of worker processes to serve the public WSGI application. # Defaults to max($::processorcount, 2) # # == Dependencies # None # # == Examples # # class { 'keystone': # log_verbose => 'True', # admin_token => 'my_special_token', # } # # OR # # class { 'keystone': # ... # service_name => 'httpd', # ... # } # class { 'keystone::wsgi::apache': # ... # } # # == Authors # # Dan Bode dan@puppetlabs.com # # == Copyright # # Copyright 2012 Puppetlabs Inc, unless otherwise noted. # class keystone( $admin_token, $package_ensure = 'present', $client_package_ensure = 'present', $public_bind_host = '', $admin_bind_host = '', $public_port = '5000', $admin_port = '35357', $compute_port = '8774', $verbose = false, $debug = false, $log_dir = '/var/log/keystone', $log_file = false, $use_syslog = false, $log_facility = 'LOG_USER', $catalog_type = 'sql', $catalog_driver = false, $catalog_template_file = '/etc/keystone/default_catalog.templates', $token_provider = 'keystone.token.providers.uuid.Provider', $token_driver = 'keystone.token.persistence.backends.sql.Token', $token_expiration = 3600, $revoke_driver = 'keystone.contrib.revoke.backends.sql.Revoke', $public_endpoint = false, $admin_endpoint = false, $enable_ssl = false, $ssl_certfile = '/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/keystone.pem', $ssl_keyfile = '/etc/keystone/ssl/private/keystonekey.pem', $ssl_ca_certs = '/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/ca.pem', $ssl_ca_key = '/etc/keystone/ssl/private/cakey.pem', $ssl_cert_subject = '/C=US/ST=Unset/L=Unset/O=Unset/CN=localhost', $cache_dir = '/var/cache/keystone', $memcache_servers = false, $cache_backend = 'keystone.common.cache.noop', $cache_backend_argument = undef, $debug_cache_backend = false, $token_caching = true, $enabled = true, $database_connection = 'sqlite:////var/lib/keystone/keystone.db', $database_idle_timeout = '200', $enable_pki_setup = true, $signing_certfile = '/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/signing_cert.pem', $signing_keyfile = '/etc/keystone/ssl/private/signing_key.pem', $signing_ca_certs = '/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/ca.pem', $signing_ca_key = '/etc/keystone/ssl/private/cakey.pem', $signing_cert_subject = '/C=US/ST=Unset/L=Unset/O=Unset/CN=www.example.com', $signing_key_size = 2048, $rabbit_host = 'localhost', $rabbit_hosts = false, $rabbit_password = 'guest', $rabbit_port = '5672', $rabbit_userid = 'guest', $rabbit_virtual_host = '/', $rabbit_use_ssl = false, $kombu_ssl_ca_certs = undef, $kombu_ssl_certfile = undef, $kombu_ssl_keyfile = undef, $kombu_ssl_version = 'TLSv1', $notification_driver = false, $notification_topics = false, $control_exchange = false, $validate_service = false, $validate_insecure = false, $validate_auth_url = false, $validate_cacert = undef, $paste_config = $::keystone::params::paste_config, $service_provider = $::keystone::params::service_provider, $service_name = 'keystone', $max_token_size = undef, $admin_workers = max($::processorcount, 2), $public_workers = max($::processorcount, 2), # DEPRECATED PARAMETERS $mysql_module = undef, $compute_port = undef, ) inherits keystone::params { if ! $catalog_driver { validate_re($catalog_type, 'template|sql') } if $mysql_module { warning('The mysql_module parameter is deprecated. The latest 2.x mysql module will be used.') } if ($admin_endpoint and 'v2.0' in $admin_endpoint) { warning('Version string /v2.0/ should not be included in keystone::admin_endpoint') } if ($public_endpoint and 'v2.0' in $public_endpoint) { warning('Version string /v2.0/ should not be included in keystone::public_endpoint') } if $rabbit_use_ssl { if !$kombu_ssl_ca_certs { fail('The kombu_ssl_ca_certs parameter is required when rabbit_use_ssl is set to true') } if !$kombu_ssl_certfile { fail('The kombu_ssl_certfile parameter is required when rabbit_use_ssl is set to true') } if !$kombu_ssl_keyfile { fail('The kombu_ssl_keyfile parameter is required when rabbit_use_ssl is set to true') } } File['/etc/keystone/keystone.conf'] -> Keystone_config<||> ~> Service[$service_name] Keystone_config<||> ~> Exec<| title == 'keystone-manage db_sync'|> Keystone_config<||> ~> Exec<| title == 'keystone-manage pki_setup'|> include ::keystone::params package { 'keystone': ensure => $package_ensure, name => $::keystone::params::package_name, tag => 'openstack', } class { '::openstacklib::openstackclient': package_ensure => $client_package_ensure, } group { 'keystone': ensure => present, system => true, require => Package['keystone'], } user { 'keystone': ensure => 'present', gid => 'keystone', system => true, require => Package['keystone'], } file { ['/etc/keystone', '/var/log/keystone', '/var/lib/keystone']: ensure => directory, mode => '0750', owner => 'keystone', group => 'keystone', require => Package['keystone'], notify => Service[$service_name], } file { '/etc/keystone/keystone.conf': ensure => present, mode => '0600', owner => 'keystone', group => 'keystone', require => Package['keystone'], notify => Service[$service_name], } keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/admin_token': value => $admin_token, secret => true; 'DEFAULT/public_bind_host': value => $public_bind_host; 'DEFAULT/admin_bind_host': value => $admin_bind_host; 'DEFAULT/public_port': value => $public_port; 'DEFAULT/admin_port': value => $admin_port; 'DEFAULT/verbose': value => $verbose; 'DEFAULT/debug': value => $debug; } if $compute_port { warning('The compute_port parameter is deprecated and will be removed in L') keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/compute_port': value => $compute_port; } } else { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/compute_port': ensure => absent; } } # Endpoint configuration if $public_endpoint { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/public_endpoint': value => $public_endpoint; } } else { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/public_endpoint': ensure => absent; } } if $admin_endpoint { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/admin_endpoint': value => $admin_endpoint; } } else { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/admin_endpoint': ensure => absent; } } # requirements for memcache token driver if ($token_driver =~ /memcache/ ) { package { 'python-memcache': ensure => present, name => $::keystone::params::python_memcache_package_name, } } # token driver config keystone_config { 'token/driver': value => $token_driver; 'token/expiration': value => $token_expiration; } if $revoke_driver { keystone_config { 'revoke/driver': value => $revoke_driver; } } else { keystone_config { 'revoke/driver': ensure => absent; } } # ssl config if ($enable_ssl) { keystone_config { 'ssl/enable': value => true; 'ssl/certfile': value => $ssl_certfile; 'ssl/keyfile': value => $ssl_keyfile; 'ssl/ca_certs': value => $ssl_ca_certs; 'ssl/ca_key': value => $ssl_ca_key; 'ssl/cert_subject': value => $ssl_cert_subject; } } else { keystone_config { 'ssl/enable': value => false; } } if($database_connection =~ /mysql:\/\/\S+:\S+@\S+\/\S+/) { require 'mysql::bindings' require 'mysql::bindings::python' } elsif($database_connection =~ /postgresql:\/\/\S+:\S+@\S+\/\S+/) { } elsif($database_connection =~ /sqlite:\/\//) { } else { fail("Invalid db connection ${database_connection}") } # memcache connection config if $memcache_servers { validate_array($memcache_servers) Service<| title == 'memcached' |> -> Service['keystone'] keystone_config { 'cache/enabled': value => true; 'cache/backend': value => $cache_backend; 'cache/debug_cache_backend': value => $debug_cache_backend; 'token/caching': value => $token_caching; 'memcache/servers': value => join($memcache_servers, ','); } if $cache_backend_argument { validate_array($cache_backend_argument) keystone_config { 'cache/backend_argument': value => join($cache_backend_argument, ','); } } else { keystone_config { 'cache/backend_argument': ensure => absent; } } } else { keystone_config { 'cache/enabled': ensure => absent; 'cache/backend': ensure => absent; 'cache/backend_argument': ensure => absent; 'cache/debug_cache_backend': ensure => absent; 'token/caching': ensure => absent; 'memcache/servers': ensure => absent; } } # db connection config keystone_config { 'database/connection': value => $database_connection, secret => true; 'database/idle_timeout': value => $database_idle_timeout; } # configure based on the catalog backend if $catalog_driver { $catalog_driver_real = $catalog_driver } elsif ($catalog_type == 'template') { $catalog_driver_real = 'keystone.catalog.backends.templated.Catalog' } elsif ($catalog_type == 'sql') { $catalog_driver_real = 'keystone.catalog.backends.sql.Catalog' } keystone_config { 'catalog/driver': value => $catalog_driver_real; 'catalog/template_file': value => $catalog_template_file; } # Set the signing key/cert configuration values. keystone_config { 'signing/certfile': value => $signing_certfile; 'signing/keyfile': value => $signing_keyfile; 'signing/ca_certs': value => $signing_ca_certs; 'signing/ca_key': value => $signing_ca_key; 'signing/cert_subject': value => $signing_cert_subject; 'signing/key_size': value => $signing_key_size; } # Create cache directory used for signing. file { $cache_dir: ensure => directory, } # Only do pki_setup if we were asked to do so. This is needed # regardless of the token provider since token revocation lists # are always signed. if $enable_pki_setup { exec { 'keystone-manage pki_setup': path => '/usr/bin', user => 'keystone', refreshonly => true, creates => $signing_keyfile, notify => Service[$service_name], subscribe => Package['keystone'], require => User['keystone'], } } keystone_config { 'token/provider': value => $token_provider } if $max_token_size { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/max_token_size': value => $max_token_size } } else { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/max_token_size': ensure => absent } } if $notification_driver { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/notification_driver': value => $notification_driver } } else { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/notification_driver': ensure => absent } } if $notification_topics { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/notification_topics': value => $notification_topics } } else { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/notification_topics': ensure => absent } } if $control_exchange { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/control_exchange': value => $control_exchange } } else { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/control_exchange': ensure => absent } } keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_password': value => $rabbit_password, secret => true; 'DEFAULT/rabbit_userid': value => $rabbit_userid; 'DEFAULT/rabbit_virtual_host': value => $rabbit_virtual_host; } if $rabbit_hosts { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_hosts': value => join($rabbit_hosts, ',') } keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_ha_queues': value => true } } else { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_host': value => $rabbit_host } keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_port': value => $rabbit_port } keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_hosts': value => "${rabbit_host}:${rabbit_port}" } keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_ha_queues': value => false } } keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_use_ssl': value => $rabbit_use_ssl } if $rabbit_use_ssl { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_ca_certs': value => $kombu_ssl_ca_certs; 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_certfile': value => $kombu_ssl_certfile; 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_keyfile': value => $kombu_ssl_keyfile; 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_version': value => $kombu_ssl_version; } } else { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_ca_certs': ensure => absent; 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_certfile': ensure => absent; 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_keyfile': ensure => absent; 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_version': ensure => absent; } } keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/admin_workers': value => $admin_workers; 'DEFAULT/public_workers': value => $public_workers; } if $enabled { $service_ensure = 'running' } else { $service_ensure = 'stopped' } if $service_name == 'keystone' { if $validate_service { if $validate_auth_url { $v_auth_url = $validate_auth_url } else { $v_auth_url = $admin_endpoint } class { '::keystone::service': ensure => $service_ensure, service_name => $::keystone::params::service_name, enable => $enabled, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, provider => $service_provider, validate => true, admin_endpoint => $v_auth_url, admin_token => $admin_token, insecure => $validate_insecure, cacert => $validate_cacert, } } else { class { '::keystone::service': ensure => $service_ensure, service_name => $::keystone::params::service_name, enable => $enabled, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, provider => $service_provider, validate => false, } } } if $enabled { include ::keystone::db::sync Class['::keystone::db::sync'] ~> Service[$service_name] } # Syslog configuration if $use_syslog { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/use_syslog': value => true; 'DEFAULT/syslog_log_facility': value => $log_facility; } } else { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/use_syslog': value => false; } } if $log_file { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/log_file': value => $log_file; 'DEFAULT/log_dir': value => $log_dir; } } else { if $log_dir { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/log_dir': value => $log_dir; 'DEFAULT/log_file': ensure => absent; } } else { keystone_config { 'DEFAULT/log_dir': ensure => absent; 'DEFAULT/log_file': ensure => absent; } } } if $paste_config { keystone_config { 'paste_deploy/config_file': value => $paste_config; } } else { keystone_config { 'paste_deploy/config_file': ensure => absent; } } }