require 'puppet' require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/provider/keystone' require 'tempfile' setup_provider_tests klass = Puppet::Provider::Keystone class Puppet::Provider::Keystone @credentials = end describe Puppet::Provider::Keystone do let(:set_env) do ENV['OS_USERNAME'] = 'test' ENV['OS_PASSWORD'] = 'abc123' ENV['OS_PROJECT_NAME'] = 'test' ENV['OS_AUTH_URL'] = '' end let(:another_class) do class AnotherKlass < Puppet::Provider::Keystone @credentials = end AnotherKlass end before(:each) { set_env } after :each do klass.reset another_class.reset end describe '#domain_id_from_name' do it 'should list all domains when requesting a domain name from an ID' do klass.expects(:openstack) .with('domain', 'list', '--quiet', '--format', 'csv', []) .returns('"ID","Name","Enabled","Description" "someid","SomeName",True,"default domain" ') expect(klass.domain_id_from_name('SomeName')).to eq('someid') end it 'should lookup a domain when not found in the hash' do klass.expects(:openstack) .with('domain', 'show', '--format', 'shell', 'NewName') .returns(' name="NewName" id="newid" ') expect(klass.domain_id_from_name('NewName')).to eq('newid') end it 'should print an error when there is no such domain' do klass.expects(:openstack) .with('domain', 'show', '--format', 'shell', 'doesnotexist') .returns(' ') klass.expects(:err) .with('Could not find domain with name [doesnotexist]') expect(klass.domain_id_from_name('doesnotexist')).to eq(nil) end end describe '#ssl?' do it 'should be false if there is no keystone file' do File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(false) expect(klass.ssl?).to be_falsey end it 'should be false if ssl is not configured in keystone file' do mock = {} File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(true) Puppet::Util::IniConfig::File.expects(:new).returns(mock) mock.expects(:read).with('/etc/keystone/keystone.conf') expect(klass.ssl?).to be_falsey end it 'should be false if ssl is configured and disable in keystone file' do mock = {'ssl' => {'enable' => 'False'}} File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(true) Puppet::Util::IniConfig::File.expects(:new).returns(mock) mock.expects(:read).with('/etc/keystone/keystone.conf') expect(klass.ssl?).to be_falsey end it 'should be true if ssl is configured and enabled in keystone file' do mock = {'ssl' => {'enable' => 'True'}} File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(true) Puppet::Util::IniConfig::File.expects(:new).returns(mock) mock.expects(:read).with('/etc/keystone/keystone.conf') expect(klass.ssl?).to be_truthy end end describe '#fetch_project' do let(:set_env) do ENV['OS_USERNAME'] = 'test' ENV['OS_PASSWORD'] = 'abc123' ENV['OS_PROJECT_NAME'] = 'test' ENV['OS_AUTH_URL'] = '' end before(:each) do set_env end it 'should be false if the project does not exist' do klass.expects(:request_timeout).returns(0) klass.expects(:openstack) .with('project', 'show', '--format', 'shell', ['no_project', '--domain', 'Default']) .times(2) .raises(Puppet::ExecutionFailure, "Execution of '/usr/bin/openstack project show --format shell no_project' returned 1: No project with a name or ID of 'no_project' exists.") expect(klass.fetch_project('no_project', 'Default')).to be_falsey end it 'should return the project' do klass.expects(:openstack) .with('project', 'show', '--format', 'shell', ['The Project', '--domain', 'Default']) .returns(' name="The Project" id="the_project_id" ') expect(klass.fetch_project('The Project', 'Default')).to eq({:name=>"The Project", :id=>"the_project_id"}) end end describe '#fetch_user' do let(:set_env) do ENV['OS_USERNAME'] = 'test' ENV['OS_PASSWORD'] = 'abc123' ENV['OS_PROJECT_NAME'] = 'test' ENV['OS_AUTH_URL'] = '' end before(:each) do set_env end it 'should be false if the user does not exist' do klass.expects(:request_timeout).returns(0) klass.expects(:openstack) .with('user', 'show', '--format', 'shell', ['no_user', '--domain', 'Default']) .times(2) .raises(Puppet::ExecutionFailure, "Execution of '/usr/bin/openstack user show --format shell no_user' returned 1: No user with a name or ID of 'no_user' exists.") expect(klass.fetch_user('no_user', 'Default')).to be_falsey end it 'should return the user' do klass.expects(:openstack) .with('user', 'show', '--format', 'shell', ['The User', '--domain', 'Default']) .returns(' name="The User" id="the_user_id" ') expect(klass.fetch_user('The User', 'Default')).to eq({:name=>"The User", :id=>"the_user_id"}) end end describe '#get_admin_endpoint' do it 'should return nothing if there is no keystone config file' do expect(klass.get_admin_endpoint).to be_nil end it 'should use the admin_endpoint from keystone config file with no trailing slash' do mock = {'DEFAULT' => {'admin_endpoint' => ''}} File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(true) Puppet::Util::IniConfig::File.expects(:new).returns(mock) mock.expects(:read).with('/etc/keystone/keystone.conf') expect(klass.get_admin_endpoint).to eq('') end it 'should use the specified bind_host in the admin endpoint' do mock = {'DEFAULT' => {'admin_bind_host' => '', 'admin_port' => '5001' }} File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(true) Puppet::Util::IniConfig::File.expects(:new).returns(mock) mock.expects(:read).with('/etc/keystone/keystone.conf') expect(klass.get_admin_endpoint).to eq('') end it 'should use localhost in the admin endpoint if bind_host is' do mock = {'DEFAULT' => { 'admin_bind_host' => '', 'admin_port' => '5001' }} File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(true) Puppet::Util::IniConfig::File.expects(:new).returns(mock) mock.expects(:read).with('/etc/keystone/keystone.conf') expect(klass.get_admin_endpoint).to eq('') end it 'should use [::1] in the admin endpoint if bind_host is ::0' do mock = {'DEFAULT' => { 'admin_bind_host' => '::0', 'admin_port' => '5001' }} File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(true) Puppet::Util::IniConfig::File.expects(:new).returns(mock) mock.expects(:read).with('/etc/keystone/keystone.conf') expect(klass.get_admin_endpoint).to eq('http://[::1]:5001') end it 'should use [2620:52:0:23a9::25] in the admin endpoint if bind_host is 2620:52:0:23a9::25' do mock = {'DEFAULT' => { 'admin_bind_host' => '2620:52:0:23a9::25', 'admin_port' => '5001' }} File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(true) Puppet::Util::IniConfig::File.expects(:new).returns(mock) mock.expects(:read).with('/etc/keystone/keystone.conf') expect(klass.get_admin_endpoint).to eq('http://[2620:52:0:23a9::25]:5001') end it 'should use localhost in the admin endpoint if bind_host is unspecified' do mock = {'DEFAULT' => { 'admin_port' => '5001' }} File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(true) Puppet::Util::IniConfig::File.expects(:new).returns(mock) mock.expects(:read).with('/etc/keystone/keystone.conf') expect(klass.get_admin_endpoint).to eq('') end it 'should use https if ssl is enabled' do mock = {'DEFAULT' => {'admin_bind_host' => '', 'admin_port' => '5001' }, 'ssl' => {'enable' => 'True'}} File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(true) Puppet::Util::IniConfig::File.expects(:new).returns(mock) mock.expects(:read).with('/etc/keystone/keystone.conf') expect(klass.get_admin_endpoint).to eq('') end it 'should use http if ssl is disabled' do mock = {'DEFAULT' => {'admin_bind_host' => '', 'admin_port' => '5001' }, 'ssl' => {'enable' => 'False'}} File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(true) Puppet::Util::IniConfig::File.expects(:new).returns(mock) mock.expects(:read).with('/etc/keystone/keystone.conf') expect(klass.get_admin_endpoint).to eq('') end end describe '#get_auth_url' do it 'should return nothing when OS_AUTH_URL is no defined in either the environment or the openrc file and there is no keystone configuration file' do home = ENV['HOME'] ENV.clear File.expects(:exists?).with("#{home}/openrc").returns(false) File.expects(:exists?).with('/root/openrc').returns(false) File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(false) expect(klass.get_auth_url).to be_nil end it 'should return the OS_AUTH_URL from the environment' do ENV.clear ENV['OS_AUTH_URL'] = '' expect(klass.get_auth_url).to eq('') end it 'should return the OS_AUTH_URL from the openrc file when there is no OS_AUTH_URL in the environment' do home = ENV['HOME'] ENV.clear mock = {'OS_AUTH_URL' => ''} klass.expects(:get_os_vars_from_rcfile).with("#{home}/openrc").returns(mock) expect(klass.get_auth_url).to eq('') end it 'should use admin_endpoint when nothing else is available' do ENV.clear mock = '' klass.expects(:admin_endpoint).returns(mock) expect(klass.get_auth_url).to eq('') end end describe '#get_service_url when retrieving the security token' do it 'should return nothing when OS_URL is not defined in environment' do ENV.clear expect(klass.get_service_url).to be_nil end it 'should return the OS_URL from the environment' do ENV['OS_URL'] = '' expect(klass.get_service_url).to eq('') end it 'should use admin_endpoint with the API version number' do ENV.clear mock = '' klass.expects(:admin_endpoint).twice.returns(mock) expect(klass.get_service_url).to eq('') end end describe '#set_domain_for_name' do it 'should raise an error if the domain is not provided' do expect do klass.set_domain_for_name('name', nil) raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Missing domain name for resource/) end it 'should return the name only when the provided domain is the default domain id' do klass.expects(:default_domain_id) .returns('default') klass.expects(:openstack) .with('domain', 'show', '--format', 'shell', 'Default') .returns(' name="Default" id="default" ') expect(klass.set_domain_for_name('name', 'Default')).to eq('name') end it 'should return the name and domain when the provided domain is not the default domain id' do klass.expects(:default_domain_id) .returns('default') klass.expects(:openstack) .with('domain', 'show', '--format', 'shell', 'Other Domain') .returns(' name="Other Domain" id="other_domain_id" ') expect(klass.set_domain_for_name('name', 'Other Domain')).to eq('name::Other Domain') end it 'should return the name only if the domain cannot be fetched' do klass.expects(:default_domain_id) .returns('default') klass.expects(:openstack) .with('domain', 'show', '--format', 'shell', 'Unknown Domain') .returns('') expect(klass.set_domain_for_name('name', 'Unknown Domain')).to eq('name') end end describe 'when retrieving the security token' do it 'should return nothing if there is no keystone config file' do File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(false) expect(klass.get_admin_token).to be_nil end it 'should return nothing if the keystone config file does not have a DEFAULT section' do mock = {} File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(true) Puppet::Util::IniConfig::File.expects(:new).returns(mock) mock.expects(:read).with('/etc/keystone/keystone.conf') expect(klass.get_admin_token).to be_nil end it 'should fail if the keystone config file does not contain an admin token' do mock = {'DEFAULT' => {'not_a_token' => 'foo'}} File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(true) Puppet::Util::IniConfig::File.expects(:new).returns(mock) mock.expects(:read).with('/etc/keystone/keystone.conf') expect(klass.get_admin_token).to be_nil end it 'should parse the admin token if it is in the config file' do mock = {'DEFAULT' => {'admin_token' => 'foo'}} File.expects(:exists?).with("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf").returns(true) Puppet::Util::IniConfig::File.expects(:new).returns(mock) mock.expects(:read).with('/etc/keystone/keystone.conf') expect(klass.get_admin_token).to eq('foo') end end describe 'when using domains' do before(:each) do set_env end it 'should list all domains when requesting a domain name from an ID' do klass.expects(:openstack) .with('domain', 'list', '--quiet', '--format', 'csv', []) .returns('"ID","Name","Enabled","Description" "somename","SomeName",True,"default domain" ') expect(klass.domain_name_from_id('somename')).to eq('SomeName') end it 'should lookup a domain when not found in the hash' do klass.expects(:openstack) .with('domain', 'list', '--quiet', '--format', 'csv', []) .returns('"ID","Name","Enabled","Description" "somename","SomeName",True,"default domain" ') klass.expects(:openstack) .with('domain', 'show', '--format', 'shell', 'another') .returns(' name="AnOther" id="another" ') expect(klass.domain_name_from_id('somename')).to eq('SomeName') expect(klass.domain_name_from_id('another')).to eq('AnOther') end it 'should print an error when there is no such domain' do klass.expects(:openstack) .with('domain', 'list', '--quiet', '--format', 'csv', []) .returns('"ID","Name","Enabled","Description" "somename","SomeName",True,"default domain" ') klass.expects(:openstack) .with('domain', 'show', '--format', 'shell', 'doesnotexist') .returns(' ') klass.expects(:err) .with('Could not find domain with id [doesnotexist]') expect(klass.domain_name_from_id('doesnotexist')).to eq(nil) end end end