# implements mysql backend for keystone
# This class can be used to create tables, users and grant
# privelege for a mysql keystone database.
# == parameters
# [password] Password that will be used for the keystone db user.
#   Optional. Defaults to: 'keystone_default_password'
# [dbname] Name of keystone database. Optional. Defaults to keystone.
# [user] Name of keystone user. Optional. Defaults to keystone_admin.
# [host] Host where user should be allowed all priveleges for database.
# Optional. Defaults to
# [allowed_hosts] Hosts allowed to use the database
# == Dependencies
#   Class['mysql::server']
# == Examples
# == Authors
#   Dan Bode dan@puppetlabs.com
# == Copyright
# Copyright 2012 Puppetlabs Inc, unless otherwise noted.
class keystone::db::mysql(
  $dbname        = 'keystone',
  $user          = 'keystone_admin',
  $host          = '',
  $charset       = 'latin1',
  $allowed_hosts = undef
) {

  Class['keystone::db::mysql'] -> Exec<| title == 'keystone-manage db_sync' |>
  Class['keystone::db::mysql'] -> Service<| title == 'keystone' |>
  Mysql::Db[$dbname] ~> Exec<| title == 'keystone-manage db_sync' |>

  require mysql::python

  mysql::db { $dbname:
    user     => $user,
    password => $password,
    host     => $host,
    # TODO does it make sense to support other charsets?
    charset  => $charset,
    require  => Class['mysql::config'],

  # Check allowed_hosts to avoid duplicate resource declarations
  if is_array($allowed_hosts) and delete($allowed_hosts,$host) != [] {
    $real_allowed_hosts = delete($allowed_hosts,$host)
  } elsif is_string($allowed_hosts) and ($allowed_hosts != $host) {
    $real_allowed_hosts = $allowed_hosts

  if $real_allowed_hosts {
    keystone::db::mysql::host_access { $real_allowed_hosts:
      user     => $user,
      password => $password,
      database => $dbname,

    Keystone::Db::Mysql::Host_access[$allowed_hosts] -> Exec<| title == 'keystone-manage db_sync' |>

