
33 lines
750 B

# == Class: keystone::client
# Installs Keystone client.
# === Parameters
# [*client_package_name*]
# (optional) The name of python keystone client package
# Defaults to $keystone::params::client_package_name
# [*ensure*]
# (optional) Ensure state of the package.
# Defaults to 'present'.
class keystone::client (
$client_package_name = $keystone::params::client_package_name,
$ensure = 'present'
) inherits keystone::params {
include keystone::deps
warning("The keystone::client class has been deprecated and will be removed \
in a future release.")
package { 'python-keystoneclient':
ensure => $ensure,
name => $client_package_name,
tag => 'openstack',
include openstacklib::openstackclient