
101 lines
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# module for installing keystone
# does this always live on the nova API server?
class keystone(
$package_ensure = 'present',
$log_verbose = 'False',
$log_debug = 'False',
$default_store = 'sqlite',
$bind_host = '',
$bind_port = '5000',
$admin_bind_host = '',
$admin_bind_port = '5001'
) {
# may need to add a user for HA
# TODO does keystone need nova-common?
#Package['keystone'] ~> Service<| 'title' = 'nova-api' |>
# this package dependency needs to be removed when it
# is added as a package dependency
# I filed the following ticket against the packages: 909941
if(! defined(Package['python-migrate'])) {
package { 'python-migrate':
ensure => present,
package { 'keystone':
ensure => $package_ensure,
# I do not understand what this does??
#notify => Exec["fix_tools_tracer"],
file { '/etc/keystone':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'keystone',
group => 'keystone',
mode => 0755,
require => Package['keystone']
file { 'keystone.conf':
path => '/etc/keystone/keystone.conf',
ensure => present,
owner => 'keystone',
mode => 0600,
content => template('keystone/keystone.conf.erb'),
notify => Service['keystone'],
require => Package['keystone'], #Exec['fix_tools_tracer']]
# # I would prefer not to be loading initial data into keystone
# file { 'initial_data.sh':
# path => '/var/lib/keystone/initial_data.sh',
# ensure => present,
# owner => 'keystone',
# mode => 0700,
# content => template('keystone/initial_data.sh.erb'),
# require => Package['keystone']
# }
# exec { 'create_keystone_data':
# user => 'keystone',
# command => '/var/lib/keystone/initial_data.sh',
# path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin' ],
# unless => 'keystone-manage user list | grep -q admin',
# require => [
# Package['keystone'],
# File['keystone.conf'],
# File['initial_data.sh']
# ]
# }
service { 'keystone':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
hasstatus => true,
hasrestart => true,
# TODO - figure out if I can remove this patching code?
# this can't be serious
# this Puppet code is patching keystone? Why?
#exec { "fix_tools_tracer":
# command => 'sed -e "s,^import tools.tracer,#import tools.tracer," -i /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/keystone/middleware/auth_token.py /usr/bin/keystone',
# path => [ "/bin", "/usr/bin" ],
# notify => [Service["nova-api"]],
# refreshonly => true,
# require => [
# Package['keystone'],
# ]