Tobias Urdin 7def56f92f Convert to rspec-puppet-facts and cleanup docs/testing
This converts some more testing to rspec-puppet-facts
so there is only these three missing now until done:

* keystone_init_spec.rb
* keystone_federation_identity_provider_spec.rb
* keystone_ldap_spec.rb

Also does cleanup of some formatting for documentation
and testing specs.

Change-Id: Ifd74aa8cedf630d98f9e12ab276300409a68eecd
2020-02-04 09:36:53 +01:00

154 lines
4.9 KiB

# == Class: keystone::federation::identity_provider
# == Parameters
# [*certfile*]
# (Required) Path of the certfile for SAML signing. The path can not
# contain a comma. (string value).
# Defaults to $::keystone::ssl_ca_certs value.
# [*keyfile*]
# (Required) Path of the keyfile for SAML signing. The path can not
# contain a comma (string value).
# Defaults to $::keystone::ssl_ca_key value.
# [*idp_entity_id*]
# (Required) Entity ID value for unique Identity Provider identification
# (string value).
# [*idp_sso_endpoint*]
# (Required) Identity Provider Single-Sign-On service value (string value).
# [*idp_metadata_path*]
# (Required) Path to the Identity Provider Metadata file (string value).
# [*idp_organization_name*]
# (Optional) Organization name the installation belongs to (string value).
# Defaults to 'undef'.
# [*idp_organization_display_name*]
# (Optional) Organization name to be displayed (string value).
# Defaults to 'undef'.
# [*idp_organization_url*]
# (Optional) URL of the organization (string value).
# Defaults to 'undef'.
# [*idp_contact_company*]
# (Optional) Company of contact person (string value).
# Defaults to 'undef'.
# [*idp_contact_name*]
# (Optional) Given name of contact person (string value).
# Defaults to 'undef'.
# [*idp_contact_surname*]
# (Optional) Surname of contact person (string value).
# Defaults to 'undef'.
# [*idp_contact_email*]
# (Optional) Email address of contact person (string value).
# Defaults to 'undef'.
# [*idp_contact_telephone*]
# (Optional) Telephone number of contact person (string value).
# Defaults to 'undef'.
# [*idp_contact_type*]
# (Optional) Contact type. Allowed values are: technical, support,
# administrative billing, and other (string value).
# Defaults to 'undef'.
# [*user*]
# (Optional) User with access to keystone files. (string value)
# Defaults to 'keystone'.
# [*package_ensure*]
# (optional) Desired ensure state of packages.
# accepts latest or specific versions.
# Defaults to present.
# == Dependencies
# == Examples
# == Authors
# Iury Gregory iurygregory@gmail.com
# == Copyright
# Copyright 2013 eNovance <licensing@enovance.com>
class keystone::federation::identity_provider(
$certfile = $::keystone::ssl_ca_certs,
$keyfile = $::keystone::ssl_ca_key,
$user = 'keystone',
$idp_organization_name = undef,
$idp_organization_display_name = undef,
$idp_organization_url = undef,
$idp_contact_company = undef,
$idp_contact_name = undef,
$idp_contact_surname = undef,
$idp_contact_email = undef,
$idp_contact_telephone = undef,
$idp_contact_type = undef,
$package_ensure = present,
) {
include keystone::deps
include keystone::params
if $::keystone::service_name != 'httpd' {
fail ('Keystone need to be running under Apache for Federation work.')
ensure_packages(['xmlsec1','python-pysaml2'], {
ensure => $package_ensure,
allow_virtual => true,
tag => 'keystone-support-package',
keystone_config {
'saml/certfile': value => $certfile;
'saml/keyfile': value => $keyfile;
'saml/idp_entity_id': value => $idp_entity_id;
'saml/idp_sso_endpoint': value => $idp_sso_endpoint;
'saml/idp_metadata_path': value => $idp_metadata_path;
'saml/idp_organization_name': value => $idp_organization_name;
'saml/idp_organization_display_name': value => $idp_organization_display_name;
'saml/idp_organization_url': value => $idp_organization_url;
'saml/idp_contact_company': value => $idp_contact_company;
'saml/idp_contact_name': value => $idp_contact_name;
'saml/idp_contact_surname': value => $idp_contact_surname;
'saml/idp_contact_email': value => $idp_contact_email;
'saml/idp_contact_telephone': value => $idp_contact_telephone;
if $idp_contact_type and !($idp_contact_type in ['technical','support','administrative','billing','other']) {
fail('Allowed values for idp_contact_type are: technical, support, administrative, billing and other')
} else{
keystone_config {
'saml/idp_contact_type': value => $idp_contact_type;
exec {'saml_idp_metadata':
path => '/usr/bin',
user => $user,
command => "keystone-manage saml_idp_metadata > ${idp_metadata_path}",
creates => $idp_metadata_path,
subscribe => Anchor['keystone::config::end'],
notify => Anchor['keystone::service::end'],
tag => 'keystone-exec',
file { $idp_metadata_path:
ensure => present,
mode => '0600',
owner => $user,