Sai Sindhur Malleni 8f5301d20d Fix performance regression due to reduced number of keystone workers
The puppet-keystone project consolidated keystone applications:

  ace7aeb3b7 (diff-e5968f40345cf5d3be0539fbba87f787)

This effectively reduces the number of available workers to process
keystone requests since only half the processes are deployed now that
the applications are consolidated [0]. As a result, we see a performance
regression [1] when interacting with keystone.

For example, in earlier versions, an 8 core machine would spawn four
processes to serve the keystone-main application. Another four processes
would be spawned to serve the keystone-admin application. Now, we only
have 4 processes total to serve the entire keystone application. Due to
the difference in the number of workers deployed by default, users will
experience reduced performance out-of-the-box.

This patch not only brings performance back to the previous levels, it
is also safe to implement as we are not changing the number of workers
when compared to previous releases and only bringing parity.


Co-Authored-By: Takashi Kajinami <>
Change-Id: Icf9acaa106af705fa249a2ef2abca9f9a91fba59
2020-02-01 22:50:20 +09:00

247 lines
8.4 KiB

# Copyright 2013 eNovance <>
# Author: Francois Charlier <>
# == Class: keystone::wsgi::apache
# Serve keystone with apache mod_wsgi in place of keystone service
# When using this class you should disable your keystone service.
# == Parameters
# [*servername*]
# (Optional) The servername for the virtualhost.
# Defaults to $::fqdn
# [*bind_host*]
# (Optional) The host/ip address Apache will listen on.
# Defaults to undef (listen on all ip addresses)
# [*api_port*]
# (Optional) The keystone API port.
# Defaults to 5000
# [*path*]
# (Optional) The prefix for the API endpoint.
# Defaults to '/'
# [*ssl*]
# (Optional) Use SSL.
# Defaults to true
# [*workers*]
# (Optional) Number of WSGI workers to spawn.
# Defaults to $::os_workers_keystone
# [*ssl_cert*]
# (Optional) Path to SSL certificate
# Default to apache::vhost 'ssl_*' defaults
# [*ssl_key*]
# (Optional) Path to SSL key
# Default to apache::vhost 'ssl_*' defaults
# [*ssl_chain*]
# (Optional) SSL chain.
# Default to apache::vhost 'ssl_*' defaults
# [*ssl_ca*]
# (Optional) Path to SSL certificate authority.
# Default to apache::vhost 'ssl_*' defaults
# [*ssl_crl_path*]
# (Optional) Path to SSL certificate revocation list.
# Default to apache::vhost 'ssl_*' defaults
# [*ssl_crl*]
# (Optional) SSL certificate revocation list name.
# Default to apache::vhost 'ssl_*' defaults
# [*ssl_certs_dir*]
# (Optional) apache::vhost ssl parameters.
# Default to apache::vhost 'ssl_*' defaults
# [*priority*]
# (Optional) The priority for the vhost.
# Defaults to '10'
# [*threads*]
# (Optional) The number of threads for the vhost.
# Defaults to 1
# [*wsgi_application_group*]
# (Optional) The application group of the WSGI script.
# Defaults to '%{GLOBAL}'
# [*wsgi_pass_authorization*]
# (Optional) Whether HTTP authorisation headers are passed through to a WSGI
# script when the equivalent HTTP request headers are present.
# Defaults to 'On'
# [*wsgi_script_source*]
# (Optional) The wsgi script source for the API.
# This source is copied to the apache cgi-bin path as keystone-public.
# Defaults to '/usr/bin/keystone-wsgi-public'
# [*custom_wsgi_process_options*]
# (Optional) gives you the oportunity to add custom process options or to
# overwrite the default options for the WSGI process.
# For example to use a virtual python environment for the WSGI process
# you could set it to:
# { python-path => '/my/python/virtualenv' }
# Defaults to {}
# [*access_log_file*]
# (Optional) The log file name for the virtualhost.
# Defaults to false
# [*access_log_pipe*]
# (Optional) Specifies a pipe where Apache sends access logs for the virtualhost.
# Defaults to false
# [*access_log_syslog*]
# (Optional) Sends the virtualhost access log messages to syslog.
# Defaults to false
# [*access_log_format*]
# (Optional) The log format for the virtualhost.
# Defaults to false
# [*error_log_file*]
# (Optional) The error log file name for the virtualhost.
# Defaults to undef
# [*error_log_pipe*]
# (Optional) Specifies a pipe where Apache sends error logs for the virtualhost.
# Defaults to undef
# [*error_log_syslog*]
# (Optional) Sends the virtualhost error log messages to syslog.
# Defaults to undef
# [*headers*]
# (Optional) Headers for the vhost.
# Defaults to undef
# [*vhost_custom_fragment*]
# (Optional) Passes a string of custom configuration
# directives to be placed at the end of the vhost configuration.
# Defaults to undef
# [*wsgi_chunked_request*]
# (Optional) apache::vhost wsgi_chunked_request parameter.
# Defaults to undef
class keystone::wsgi::apache (
$servername = $::fqdn,
$bind_host = undef,
$api_port = 5000,
$path = '/',
$ssl = true,
$workers = $::os_workers_keystone,
$ssl_cert = undef,
$ssl_key = undef,
$ssl_chain = undef,
$ssl_ca = undef,
$ssl_crl_path = undef,
$ssl_crl = undef,
$ssl_certs_dir = undef,
$threads = 1,
$priority = '10',
$wsgi_application_group = '%{GLOBAL}',
$wsgi_pass_authorization = 'On',
$wsgi_chunked_request = undef,
$wsgi_script_source = '/usr/bin/keystone-wsgi-public',
$access_log_file = false,
$access_log_pipe = false,
$access_log_syslog = false,
$access_log_format = false,
$error_log_file = undef,
$error_log_pipe = undef,
$error_log_syslog = undef,
$headers = undef,
$vhost_custom_fragment = undef,
$custom_wsgi_process_options = {},
) inherits ::keystone::params {
include keystone::deps
# TODO(tobias-urdin): This dependency chaining can be moved to keystone::deps
# when we have cleaned up some old eventlet code and users are forced to use
# apache even though it's pretty much enforced today.
# The httpd package is untagged, but needs to have ordering enforced,
# so handle it here rather than in the deps class.
-> Package['httpd']
-> Anchor['keystone::install::end']
# Configure apache during the config phase
-> Apache::Vhost<||>
~> Anchor['keystone::config::end']
# Start the service during the service phase
-> Service['httpd']
-> Anchor['keystone::service::end']
# Notify the service when config changes
~> Service['httpd']
::openstacklib::wsgi::apache { 'keystone_wsgi':
servername => $servername,
bind_host => $bind_host,
bind_port => $api_port,
group => $::keystone::params::keystone_group,
path => $path,
workers => $workers,
threads => $threads,
user => $::keystone::params::keystone_user,
priority => $priority,
ssl => $ssl,
ssl_cert => $ssl_cert,
ssl_key => $ssl_key,
ssl_chain => $ssl_chain,
ssl_ca => $ssl_ca,
ssl_crl_path => $ssl_crl_path,
ssl_crl => $ssl_crl,
ssl_certs_dir => $ssl_certs_dir,
wsgi_daemon_process => 'keystone',
wsgi_process_display_name => 'keystone',
wsgi_process_group => 'keystone',
wsgi_script_dir => $::keystone::params::keystone_wsgi_script_path,
wsgi_script_file => 'keystone',
wsgi_script_source => $wsgi_script_source,
wsgi_application_group => $wsgi_application_group,
wsgi_pass_authorization => $wsgi_pass_authorization,
wsgi_chunked_request => $wsgi_chunked_request,
headers => $headers,
custom_wsgi_process_options => $custom_wsgi_process_options,
vhost_custom_fragment => $vhost_custom_fragment,
access_log_file => $access_log_file,
access_log_pipe => $access_log_pipe,
access_log_syslog => $access_log_syslog,
access_log_format => $access_log_format,
error_log_file => $error_log_file,
error_log_pipe => $error_log_pipe,
error_log_syslog => $error_log_syslog,
# Workaround to empty Keystone vhost that is provided & activated by default with running
# Canonical packaging (called 'keystone'). This will make sure upgrading the package is
# possible, see
if ($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') {
ensure_resource('file', '/etc/apache2/sites-available/keystone.conf', {
'ensure' => 'file',
'content' => '',
Package<| tag == 'keystone-package' |>
-> File<| title == '/etc/apache2/sites-available/keystone.conf' |>
~> Anchor['keystone::install::end']