Option "verbose" from group "DEFAULT" is deprecated for removal. The parameter has no effect. -Deprecated verbose for logging and init -Remove verbose in examples and README -Remove verbose from tests. If this option is not set explicitly, there is no such warning. Change-Id: I2f554c07f71458894aaa5d8079285ac92d0f04a3
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# Example using v3 domain configuration. This setup a directory where
# the domain configurations will be and adjust the keystone.
# For the rest of the configuration check v3_basic.pp.
Exec { logoutput => 'on_failure' }
class { '::mysql::server': }
class { '::keystone::db::mysql':
password => 'keystone',
class { '::keystone':
debug => true,
database_connection => 'mysql://keystone:keystone@',
admin_token => 'admin_token',
enabled => true,
# The domain configuration setup at keystone level
using_domain_config => true,
class { '::keystone::roles::admin':
email => 'test@example.tld',
password => 'a_big_secret',
class { '::keystone::endpoint':
public_url => '',
admin_url => '',
# Creates the /etc/keystone/domains/keystone.my_domain.conf file and
# notifies keystone service
keystone_domain_config {
'my_domain::ldap/url': value => 'ldap://ldapservice.my_org.com';
'my_domain::ldap/user': value => 'cn=Manager,dc=openstack,dc=org';
'my_domain::ldap/password': value => 'mysecret';
'my_domain::ldap/suffix': value => 'dc=openstack,dc=org';
'my_domain::ldap/group_tree_dn': value => 'ou=UserGroups,dc=openstack,dc=org';
'my_domain::ldap/user_tree_dn': value => 'ou=Users,dc=openstack,dc=org';
'my_domain::ldap/user_mail_attribute': value => 'mail';