Option "verbose" from group "DEFAULT" is deprecated for removal. The parameter has no effect. -Deprecated verbose for logging and init -Remove verbose in examples and README -Remove verbose from tests. If this option is not set explicitly, there is no such warning. Change-Id: I2f554c07f71458894aaa5d8079285ac92d0f04a3
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class { '::keystone':
debug => true,
database_connection => 'mysql://keystone:keystone@',
admin_token => 'admin_token',
enabled => true,
# helper for using domains
using_domain_config => true
# Ensure this matches what is in LDAP or keystone will try to recreate
# the admin user
class { '::keystone::roles::admin':
email => 'test@example.com',
password => 'ChangeMe',
admin_user_domain => 'domain_1',
admin_project_domain => 'domain_1',
service_project_domain => 'domain_1',
# Waiting to have keystone::roles::admin being a define instead of a
# class to make the admin for domain_2.
keystone_domain { 'domain_2': ensure => present }
keystone::ldap_backend { 'domain_1':
url => 'ldap://ldap.example.com:389',
user => 'uid=bind,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com',
password => 'SecretPass',
suffix => 'dc=example,dc=com',
query_scope => 'sub',
user_tree_dn => 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com',
user_id_attribute => 'uid',
user_name_attribute => 'uid',
user_mail_attribute => 'mail',
user_allow_create => 'False',
user_allow_update => 'False',
user_allow_delete => 'False',
user_enabled_emulation => 'True',
user_enabled_emulation_dn => 'cn=openstack-enabled,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com',
group_tree_dn => 'ou=groups,ou=openstack,dc=example,dc=com',
group_objectclass => 'organizationalRole',
group_id_attribute => 'cn',
group_name_attribute => 'cn',
group_member_attribute => 'RoleOccupant',
group_desc_attribute => 'description',
group_allow_create => 'True',
group_allow_update => 'True',
group_allow_delete => 'True',
project_tree_dn => 'ou=projects,ou=openstack,dc=example,dc=com',
project_objectclass => 'organizationalUnit',
project_id_attribute => 'ou',
project_member_attribute => 'member',
project_name_attribute => 'ou',
project_desc_attribute => 'description',
project_allow_create => 'True',
project_allow_update => 'True',
project_allow_delete => 'True',
project_enabled_emulation => 'True',
project_enabled_emulation_dn => 'cn=enabled,ou=openstack,dc=example,dc=com',
role_tree_dn => 'ou=roles,ou=openstack,dc=example,dc=com',
role_objectclass => 'organizationalRole',
role_id_attribute => 'cn',
role_name_attribute => 'cn',
role_member_attribute => 'roleOccupant',
role_allow_create => 'True',
role_allow_update => 'True',
role_allow_delete => 'True',
identity_driver => 'ldap',
use_tls => 'True',
tls_cacertfile => '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt',
tls_req_cert => 'demand',
use_pool => 'True',
use_auth_pool => 'True',
pool_size => 5,
auth_pool_size => 5,
pool_retry_max => 3,
pool_connection_timeout => 120,
keystone::ldap_backend { 'domain_2':
url => 'ldap://ldap.example_2.com:389',
user => 'uid=bind,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example_2,dc=com',
password => 'SecretPass',
suffix => 'dc=example_2,dc=com',
query_scope => 'sub',
user_tree_dn => 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example_2,dc=com',
user_id_attribute => 'uid',
user_name_attribute => 'uid',
user_mail_attribute => 'mail',
user_allow_create => 'False',
user_allow_update => 'False',
user_allow_delete => 'False',
user_enabled_emulation => 'True',
user_enabled_emulation_dn => 'cn=openstack-enabled,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example_2,dc=com',
group_tree_dn => 'ou=groups,ou=openstack,dc=example_2,dc=com',
group_objectclass => 'organizationalRole',
group_id_attribute => 'cn',
group_name_attribute => 'cn',
group_member_attribute => 'RoleOccupant',
group_desc_attribute => 'description',
group_allow_create => 'True',
group_allow_update => 'True',
group_allow_delete => 'True',
project_tree_dn => 'ou=projects,ou=openstack,dc=example_2,dc=com',
project_objectclass => 'organizationalUnit',
project_id_attribute => 'ou',
project_member_attribute => 'member',
project_name_attribute => 'ou',
project_desc_attribute => 'description',
project_allow_create => 'True',
project_allow_update => 'True',
project_allow_delete => 'True',
project_enabled_emulation => 'True',
project_enabled_emulation_dn => 'cn=enabled,ou=openstack,dc=example_2,dc=com',
role_tree_dn => 'ou=roles,ou=openstack,dc=example_2,dc=com',
role_objectclass => 'organizationalRole',
role_id_attribute => 'cn',
role_name_attribute => 'cn',
role_member_attribute => 'roleOccupant',
role_allow_create => 'True',
role_allow_update => 'True',
role_allow_delete => 'True',
identity_driver => 'ldap',
use_tls => 'True',
tls_cacertfile => '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt',
tls_req_cert => 'demand',
use_pool => 'True',
use_auth_pool => 'True',
pool_size => 5,
auth_pool_size => 5,
pool_retry_max => 3,
pool_connection_timeout => 120,